Chapther 2 : The Lockdown

Author's note : Full copy paste chapter incoming except for the title .

1 year later
(the present)
January 11 , 2015


Alex was four months away from graduating from Pasadena High School located near the hills of Pasadena City , California .

Alexander Fury's POV

The day was perfect . Knowing my life in high school is near to the end of 2015 . I walked to the school entrance meeting my best frend Danie Frost . We are also classmates . The weather was nice ; cold winds and warm waves from the sky impacting the ground .

"Hey Daniel ! How's the project ?" I asked only to receive a 'what do you think ?' face gesture . "Not good . I spent the whole night trying to focus on the notes I took the day before yesterday and it turns out that my information was wrong . Now I think no information on is correct ." he answered . I gave him a pad on the back , just to show him I really cared .

"What's the topic of your project ?" I asked him . "The dragon war that happened three years ago . I pretty much needed to describe how it all started ." he answered . "Again , sorry for your mother ." he apologised as we continued through the exit . "It's cool . Things changed in my life . People don't stay forever . We are limited ." I replied . Then there was a moment of silence .

Before either of us had the chance to break the silence , we both got distracted by the sound which seemed to come from 3 P.C.P.D. helicopters , 5 police cars and ten seconds later an emergency alarm .

"Daniel ! Are you geting this ?!" I yelled out . The sound of a city state of emergency was loud to mute anyone saying something to someone near them . "Yeah ! I think we should head for your house , since my folks are out of the state !" He answered . To be honest , these kind of situations are regularly throughout . About an year ago the military spotted a large group of dragons imigrating to our land , our civilization . When it happened my school was alerted to stay on a 5 hours California Lockdown while the military worked on sending the dragons back to where they came from .

We started to walk fast to my home . This time it was a lot more serious . The scene aroud me looked like the world was coming to its end . Of course some people were calm and knew what to do in these kinds of situation and others were over reacting .

I ran to my house , closed the door and activated the security system on my house . "SECURITY LOCKDOWN SYSTEM ACTIVATED ! NOW CLOSING ALL THE MAIN ENTRANCES AND WINDOWS !" I heard as all the doors and windows closed within 10 seconds . My house was in complete darkness . I couldn't see what was in front of me untill the emergency lights turned on after 30 seconds .

"Daniel ? Where are you ?" I whispered . Nothing . "Daniel ?! Don't try to jump scare me like last time !" "Hey Alex ! Check out the news !" Daniel yelled loudly from my living room . I completely jumped from the ground almost losing balance . I quickly ran to the living room finding Daniel standing up and looking upwards to the TV on top of the chimney . "Looks like it's serious . They're putting on a Lockdown state ." he said with a little more concern in his tone . "What ?" I asked and I start to hear the news .

"Now we go live to Tracy Randers from San Francisco . Yes , Don . We are coming to you live from San Francisco as we are getting reports of a huge dragon spotted under the San Francisco bridge . Autorities reported that the dragon was bigger than Los Angeles and was seen swimming under the bridge along with a few dozens of flying dragons flying over it . It's been 20 minutes and there aren't any dragons spotted or seen where they were travelling to ." She said . Then they showed a shot of what seems like a ship trail with a few dragons on top in the ocean near Santa Monica pier . Now the lady continued speaking . "As seen here the picture was taken by a man 10 minutes ago from the beach area in Santa Monica . Los Angeles police was called on an urgent message since the giant beast created a 10 feet tall tsunamy crashing the beach along flooding beachside buildings and demolishing pier . Tbe Los Angeles County was contacted by California emergency services to stay on a full Lockdown untill further notice . This is Tracy Randers on scene ." it finished . After the news was sent out the emergency sirens sounded outside my house again for a while untill it stopped leaving me and Daniel concerned and worried .

I just wish this type of situation would end . I just wish life wasn't all about danger . in peace....
....and without danger .
