Chapter 3 : A discovery I've never seen

Author's note : ~96% copy pastet chapter incoming .


Alex Fury and his best friend , Daniel Frost were locked in . It's been almost 20 hours and nothing else was shown on TV except that a mysterious dragon was shot from the sky and landed in a place near him called Eaton Canyon . Alex had the urge to sneak out from his home to the unknown situation from the outside and besides he heard on TV about that dragon . So he decided to go and to check it out .

Saturday January 12 , 2015 6:45 AM in the morning

Alexander's POV

It's been almost 20 hour since the lockdown started . I haven't been able to call my dad or Jack , my elder brother . From what I know from his status , which I last time checked yesterday , he is in Moscow on his first Europe tour . Lucky him . Daniel was asleep in my room . Well . My and Jack's room , but he isn't usually at home so it's just like it would only be my room . I decided to sneak in the living room . I felt the urge to check out what's going on outside and also if the dragon is still in its crash area .

I may be stupid to think about it before doing so but I almost forgot about it . I packed up my dagger . It's a gift dad gave me after my mother died . Even though all the windows and entrances were locked I made my way down the basement and through the basement door . That led to my backyard .

I closed it silently and turned around . It was completly quiet . I walk to the front side of my house spotting my street . It was empty except for some abandoned vihicles and some objects left on the ground . It looked like a scene from an apocalyptic movie . Honestly , in my life I have never been outside during a lockdown so it's pretty creepy seeing it for the first time . 'Man it's empty . I have never seen the streets like this before .' I said to myself , still having the chills . I immedeatly gon myself focused and started heading towards Eaton Canyon . The walk was only a few minutes and I was already midway to the hiking trails . Once I got to a white painted bridge I received a message from my father .

Hey Alex . Sorry for not answering the phone . I'm working on finding a dragon we shot down last night . We are going to start a search party in 2 hours . Once we find it the lockdown will conclude . Stay safe . I'll be home by 12 pm .


Now I'm having a second reason for not to go . But I'm already here . I didn't come all the way here for nothing so I continue my way to the location . After 3 miles out of civilization I find a path that looks like a plane crash path . On the side were just trees upon trees taken down from the impact . "Well . This is interesting ." I said . I pause my voice to the sound of heavy breathing . 'It's probably the beast .' I thought . I climbed on slowly on a dirt hill , following the sound . That's when I saw it . I couldn't believe my eyes . A dragon I thought I will never see with my own eyes .

The night fury .

A jet black dragon with dark blue stripes all over it's scales . The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself . I couldn't believe it . This is the dragon they took down last night . No wonder the shooter couldn't say what kind of dragon it was . He couldn't see it because its skin and scales can blend with ease into the dark and this way it's camouflaged during the night . I quietly walked down the rocky hill , trying to aproach it without being spotted . I looked closely to the dragon untill I stood still when I stared at its electric blue eyes . "Oh my God ...." I whispered to myself .

"Killley..." it growled low just like in a moan and this made me jump in fright . Did it try to tell me something ? Maybe 'Kill ye' which would mean 'Kill you ... I will kill you' ? I stared in fear at the downed dragon . I looked at it as it was looking straight at me with its slithered eyes . I got my dagger out in case it tries to spit fire on me . But it didn't . It gave me a look as if trying to say 'Kill me if that's what you are here for .' Wait . Did it try to say 'Kill me .' ? I hesited . I thought a dragon would fight like a wild mad beast which came from the hell . This one doesn't seem to be like this at all . I can't . I can't kill it . I then stepped back thinking that I should better leave but I quickly stopped . If I leave it here it will be killed for sure . Ugh ... there's only one way to get it out from this .

I came close to it to cut the ropes which were holding it . I suddenly heard a 'thud' . The night fury let its head fall to the ground . It thought I was going to kill it . But then I saw its eyes snap open while I was cutting through the nets . I almost stopped when there was requested a security code . "LOS ANGELES POLICE NET ACTIVATION" . That's what I was afraid of . It wasn't made out of ropes . Each string had more metal strings inside it just like the chains which are used to tie the bicycles to make sure nobody steals them while you're away . I saw some sparks when my knife came in contact with the metal strings . I guess they are electrocuted . And it would take hours to only cut one rope . But knowing I have to cut more than eight ropes to free the night fury my father would come here for sure before I'm done ... 'I'M SO STUPID !' I yelled in my head . My dad had some nets like this one in the basement of the house . He told me the code to unlock it when I got myself stuck in a net like this one . "4 5 3 8 6" I spoked the code to the microphone of the Activation System and it said "PLEASE SAY THE PASSWORD TO UNLOCK THE NET ." "L A P D 3 4 8 9" I said . It worked . I slowly backed away from the dragon as the strings of the net detached from one of the pieces where all the strings were leading and the dragon got out of the losened grip of the net . It stretched itself and shaked the strings off of it . It didn't seem injured in any way . Its eyes turned sharp slits when it looked at me . DAMN! I was still holding the dagger . It came charging at me . I threw the dagger far in my right side . "WAIT I'M NOT A THREAAAAaa-" I tried to say as fast as I could but it was too late . It lunged at me and I was thrown to a bolder . "-aah ..." I said and then everything went black .

Did I die ? I don't know .
