Chapter 2


Sam's POV

'Well that was embarassing' I thought to myself. If only he had stayed a little longer, we could have started talking even though I'm so shy, he has to have noticed me right? Maybe he ran because he thought I was an ugly witch who was stalking him.

The lump in my throat grew, as I sat on the edge of the bed crying to myself about my features. Why couldn't I be pretty and sexy as all the other girls I saw around me? Why did I have to feel so insecure about my body and face?

As I sat in the dark room with only the hallway light lighting up the room about four metres ahead, I began sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn't help it.

I made a grown guy, run out of his room in horror because of my presence. I must be really horrible to view right? There must be no other reasonable explanation.

Suddenly, heard footsteps approaching the door and a hand on my shoulder made my heart stop beating as it ran shivers all throughout my body, starting at the base of my neck ended just above my butt.

I felt my breath synchronising with the breath of the individual. This was before I felt them bend down near me.

"Hey are you okay beautiful?" He said his husky voice ringing like a sweet sweet lullaby in my ears. I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked into his almost yellow eyes.

He had a tight black shirt clinging to his abs, which I couldn't peel my eyes away from. His chest looked unreal, almost stone.

His black hair was shining in the hallway light and his eyes sparkled the same. His small red lips were curved into a gorgeous shape almost asking to be kissed.

Before I could think about what I was about to do, I brought his head forwards with hands and began kissing him.

I don't even know what came over me. It just happened, and he quickly pushed my head back and removed my hands from around his neck. I fel limp, completely embarrased about what just happened.

I made the first ,move on a guy who clearly had a 'thing' for me and he just pushed me away.

I really must be ugly.

This resulted in more tears on my part, whilst the guy just sat there, shock evident on his muscular face.


After many awkward moments he finally stood and after taking one glance at me he shuffled out of the room.

His facial expressions showed no sign of anything and I was so confused.

This was the second guy who had walked out. He hadn't . But still.

I started to cry again.

Then a sudden thought struck my mind. I need to change. I need a makeover. I need to make myself to look more attractive so guys dont run away when they see me, and since I was new at this school, what better time to start than ..Now .

I was so deep in my thought that I had not heard the door open and I did not see the figure standing there.

But when he cleared his throat my head shot up.

He was wearing a pink tight muscle shirt with a low v neck which showed his shiny tanned hairless chest.

He had grey skinny jeans that hugged his perfect shaped bum. His hair was flowed over his forehead and looked messy in a perfectly combed way. In his hand he held a white poodle dressed in a pink tutu.

"Hello Darling, what makes you so sad " He spoke, His voice was deep yet smooth.

"Nothing, i'm just upset because I am so ugly"

"Oh Sweetie, you're not ugly, Your face is just...not tamed...But i can fix that. How about you let me give you a makeover? How does that sound hun?"

Wait,was he serious? A makeover. Could this guy read minds, That's was just what i was thinking a minute ago.

"Yes,Yes Yes yes and more yes, Would you really??'My voice rushed out.

"Oh Yes, I cannot wait. I've always wanted to do this,Thank you Thank you." He squealed clapping his hands and jumping up and down.

And so the makeover began.
