Chapter 1


Sam's POV

The August air was warm on my back. Even though it was covered with 2 layers of thick-knit chunky jumpers, because I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.

To cut a long intro into a brief opening, I may aswell admit; I am a nerd.

I have thick red framed glasses which pretty much cover up three-quarters of my face, not that you'd miss much special.

I'm not incredibly pretty, like most of the Californian girls -something that has begun to worry me recently. I started fussing about my image for a while, but no one seemed to notice any changes. So I decided to stick to being nerdy old me.

The reason that brought the change about, was due to the bullies at my last high school (for being a Senior and still a virgin.) People could be so harsh.

So when I moved to South California, nearer to Pebblestone Beach front, to live with my mom and 'new dad', I planned on making a fresh start at College. Even though I technically wouldn't be living with them, I had to make the most of the time I had.

When we reached, before I had even unpacked at the new beach house, the neighbours came waltzing over. They introduced themselves as 'The Burtons'. The mother was really young looking and so was the father. And they looked extremely familiar. But the boy, he looked about the same age as me and I recognised him the most.

WHERE HAD I SEEN HIM BEFORE? The question was nagging at my neutron over-filled brain.

Before I could get a chance to talk to him or even find out his name, my mom sent me to the bathroom to have a shower and get changed for some event later in the evening.

"Please darlin' wear that blue dress on when we go out," she said. I don't know why she bothered, when I only wore baggy tops and trousers and Doc Martens.

Why was she planning events anyway? It was the first night here and I hadn't even sorted out my new suitcases for college!

As I huffed upstairs, I grabbed my small backpack containing all the essentials I needed before I had unpacked. I went into the bathroom still thoughts raving my head.

So much so, I forgot to lock the door to the bathroom.

Looking at my surroundings I gathered three faults straightaway. 1) It was way too spacious for my liking. 2) The shower didn't have a drape, curtain or sliding doors. 3) It smelt funny.

I began peeling off my clothing, piece by piece, still oblivious to the unlocked door. My stripy socks made the pile of dark and baggy clothes slightly colourful bringing a creepy smile on my face, as I stood there in solitude, naked.

I clambered into the shower(no curtain remember), and let the warm water run down my body.

I heard a sound like a door clicking but thought nothing of it, but after a few seconds, I peeped open an eye in the direction of the door and to my utter horror, I SAW THE BOY STANDING AND STARING AT ME.


Jake's POV

When I first saw her, I thought she was an old granny, but now... oh boy I was wrong!

She was beautiful, standing under the stream, looking like a shocked angel.

Her brown hair was plastered to her gorgeous face that had changed over the years and water dripped down her bare curves, which were all in the right places.

I didn't I was ogling at her open mouthed till she opened those perfect red, cupid bow, luscious lips and screamed.

Was it wrong for me to be thinking of her screaming my name in that deliciously husky voice I was yet to hear?

It had been so long since we had spoken. Did she not recognise me?


Sam's P.O.V

I screamed.

What else was I supposed to do, it's not every day a hot guy walks in on you in the bathroom-in the shower-naked.
Before I could utter a word he turned and ran out. Oh great, now I have scarred him for life.

I finished my bath, got changed into my lounge wear and strode downstairs. The Burton's had long gone and my parents had left for a urgent business meeting. 

Lucky me, my first day at my new BOARDING college tomorrow and my parents won't even get to say goodbye. Not feeling in the mood to eat I went back to my room and fell asleep.

The next day i woke up to get ready for school. My parents were out and i knew they would not be home in time to see me off to my new school. DID I MENTION, i was starting a new boarding school.

That meant i would have to stay there.

I went to my room and began going through the boxes. There was no point unpacking what little I had with me as i would be starting school and most of my things had already been sent to my dorm. It didn't take me long to get ready and not much effort was put in. I wore baggy brown trousers and a white top that came above my knees. I brushed through my long hair twice and placed it into a messy bun on top of my head.

I ran downstairs and grabbed a bagel from the kitchen, I began eating it whilst writing a note to my parents telling them i had left for my new school and would be seeing them the next weekend. Not wanting to be late I rushed out of the house and began walking to the taxi my father had ordered to take me to my new school.

The drive was an hour long and the route was scenic. Butterflies were in my stomach and I couldnt make out whether I was excited or nervous. A bit of both I guess.

Finally I reached the school. Taking in the grand building in front of me and the perfectly mowed lawn . Taking a deep breath i began walking up to the path to  the main entrance.

"This is it Sam, Your new school" I muttered to myself. I eached the front office and knocked on the door. 
A small lady with a white shirt and black trousers opened the door. Her eyebrows arched and her eyes squinted through her dark rimmed glasses.

"Can i help you Dear",  she spoke in a thick voice.

"Urm, I just started here today. I'm new" I spoke, trying not to show how nervous I was. I could feel her eyes looking me up and down and I felt self conscious.

"Oh yes, Sam is it, Well here's your timetable. Because its the beginning of the new school year the students are all settling in, so off you go" She said as she handed me a timetable in my hand.

I turned to walk off when she inturrupted me.
"Oh and by the way, there was no space in the girls dorms so we had to place you in a dorm with boys. I hope this won't be of any inconvenience" 

WHAT. My eyes shot wide open to the horror of what she just said! But before i could say anything in reply, she slammed the door shut and was gone.


I stomped down the hallway looking down at the  timetable in my hand. Behind it was a map of the school and I used to to find my way to the dorm.

Not looking where I was going I walked straight into somebody.

"Ouch watch it you" The voice belonged to an boy around my age. His hair was spiked over his head in a messy styled a dark scowl showed on his face. He wore Dark jeans with a black hoodie that fitted him perfectly and you could tell that he had huge muscles just by looking.

"I'm..I'm..I' sorry. I wasn't looking. Im so sorry I swear" I stuttered waving my time table in the air.

"No worries. You're new right. Let me show you to your dorm. I'm Dez" He spoke the scowl disappearing and being replaced with a grin. Wow.

"I'm Sam, and yeah I am new. Thanks " I said. I could feel myself blushing. Why was i blushing ? He is just a guy.

He took the paper from my hand and I could see a smirk on his face as he read.

"So, Boys dorms huh. That's gonna be a blast for you" He chuckled.

"Yeah, They ran out of space in the girls. Stupid or what " I replied, still annoyed at the idea of sharing a room with god knows many boys. For all I know they could be murderers. Okay, not murderers but they could be dangerous.

 We walked down the hall chatting about random things. Then we got to a long hallway and stopped by a door.

”Well, here you are Sam. This is your dorm, I should be going but see you around.” He nodded and turned and walked off.

”Thanks Dez”I called after him as I watched him go and then I turned back to the door. I raised my fist and knocked on the door lightly and then folded my arms. My eyes caught the sign on the door. BEWARE OF THE DOG. What was that supposed to mean. Did my roommates have a dog, were pets even allowed in this school? I was sure that it was against the rules..

I was so deep in my thoughts I didn’t even realise that nobody had come to open the door.

Deciding to take matters into my own hands I slowly turned the door handle and stepped into the room. Before I even got a chance to look around the room my eyes caught onto a figure in the middle of the room. He had his back to me but I could tell that his face was handsome. Hotness was radiating off him in all directions of the room.

His blonde floppy hair was wet and the streaks of water glistened even in the darkness of the room. His shoulders were broad and his back glowed with trails of water making silver lines on his skin. Around his torso he wore a black towel. On his ears were headphones and I could hear the soft classical tunes escaping through. His body swayed to the music and he rummaged through a chest of drawers.

Why could he not turn around? I wanted to see his face already. All of a sudden he spun around and jumped his headphones falling off his head onto the floor. The sudden movement caused his towel to loosen so he quickly grabbed it with his arms. I stood there not knowing what to do and bit onto my lip. Oh no. I had bitten too hard and now I could taste the blood on my tongue. The amazing looking guy glared at me before turning and sprinting off down the hallway in only his towel.

I could hear him muttering swears under his breath and the smell of his aftershave lingered behind. Damn he smelt so good. But my thoughts went to his face. In the spilt few seconds that he turned to stare before running away I managed to see his green eyes sparkling as he had glared with anger. And his lips, they looked so inviting as he frowned, his jaw perfectly shaped and his hair fell over his forehead shadowing his eyes. 
