Chapter 3: An Interesting Recovery

I sigh as I know Serici won't be released from the hospital cave for another week and a half. A whole 11 days until I have a roommate again. They decided to move me to Alvums room until serici is dispatched from the cave, so I guess it's been okay.

"It was probably really traumatizing for you, honey, and permafrost to see her like that. Are you sure you're not despondent about it? I know you two were close."

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm doing okay. I just, I don't know. I can't really figure anything else out anymore. Um, just a random question, but uh, have you ever loved someone or had a crush on someone?"

"Hmm? That's a strange question, but yeah i have felt that feeling before. At first i was very confused but then i realized what it was after a few days. So yeah i guess so."

"Oh, really? Who was or is it?"

"Well, when I first came to hybrid high, there were only 3 others here because it was still new at the time. It's only been here for, I think, 3 years? It opened when I was 5 I believe. So I came here and before I knew that aloe was mute I surprisingly had a tiny crush on him. Don't take this the wrong way though. Please. This was 3 years ago. I'm over this and have realized the cruelty of the universe and have promised myself not to let my emotions get the best of me. But anyway, i would try to see him in the halls and maybe even start up a conversation but he would always look at me with a scared expression and walk away. So I always thought it was useless and that he thought I was wierd or even crazy. So I just stopped trying. Eventually I learned that aloe was mute so I felt like my world died. Anyway, that's when i realized the universe is not all i thought it was and gave up, then fast forward to me telling you this story."

"Well, that was definitely the shortest crush story I've ever heard." I replied. I didn't know this until I had to move to this dorm, but Alvum is such an introvert. She hides it but she is also as big of a nerd as i am.

"Alvum Meris i need you to come to my dorm so we can get you ready to go, and i do not care if you don't love him you are going anyway!" I heard a voice at the entrance say.

"C'mon, please. You know i don't like this kind of stuff!"

"Alvum i do not care what your opinion is i am going to get you ready for this date and that is final. Nox Mare is waiting for you to show up so you better get your butt off that floor and come with me!"

'Fine. I'll talk with you again later, Tropical. I just can't avoid her this one day."

"Oh it's okay Alvum. I can understand. Can you give me an estimate on when you'll be back?"

"Probably not until around midnight. Nox really likes the dark and being showy with his mysterious powers and what not."

"Oh, well okay then. I guess i'll see you tomorrow then."

"Again I'm so sorry about this. I'll try to be back earlier. Bye Tropical!"

"Oh, uh, bye Alvum" i say and sigh so loud that i think even K'rov from next cave over could hear it once they left. "Okay, i can finally go to the hospital cave alone."

I was walking down to the cave and someone ran into me on accident. Of course. Out of everyone in this school it has to be K'rov. He's sly, and, unfortunately, also a silkwing hybrid. He has blue scales most of the time but depending on his mood most of his scales will change to a color corresponding to what he's feeling.

"Oh, hey tropical. I was coming back from Sericums cave. She needed me for something so I had to help her out." yeah. Like I was gonna believe that. This dude is gay, and im not buying his excuse.

"Uh sure. I'm going to pretend I believe that. I've been to sericums dorm once or twice and know that she's on the opposite side of the dorm hall. Where you're coming from is where Horizon and Lux Mare's dorm cave. Or were you visiting Aloe and Nox Mare?"

"Tropical, you are very confusing. Why are girls always so confusing?" he says and walks off. Oh thank god he left. I need to go to serici. I think as my heart has that same pain-that's-not-pain feeling i've been having every time i think of her. I run straight to the hospital cave and go to the bed where serici usually is, but she's not there today.

Wh-what? This can't- where is she!? My overactive brain starts spiraling about everything that's going on.

'Uh, Tropical? What are you doing by my bed?" I hear a voice from behind me. It's Serici.

"Wha- Oh, uhm, i thought i would visit you and when i came here you weren't there and then you showed up here!" i say with a nervous laugh.

"Um, okay i guess. Well, I'm gonna need rest after rehabilitation in a little bit." Her voice which was usually scratchy and a little scary, was filled with sincerity. I noticed that where her second pair of wings was, was bandaged up.

"Why do you need rehab? I wouldnt think you needed it.'' I am very puzzled by the fact that she needs rehabilitation because it wasn't her brain that was damaged, it was her wings.

"It's really fuzzy to me. I can't remember, but i think i remember them saying something along the lines of 'we can't let her think that she's fine and doesn't need to be here anymore. We need to run further tests' or something like that. Then I just blacked out and I can remember anything else."

I start freaking out. What do they need to run tests for? Why do they need her and not volunteers? Is it not really safe here like I thought?

"Serici, I don't think this school is all we thought it was. Theirs a blind dragon, a mute dragon, two gay draogns, and none of them have left here since its started. None of the dragons here have left except for principal Sericum-Lux-Harenae-Luto and i don't think we're safe here anymore."

"Oky now you're the crazy one. Why don't you go back to the cave and sleep. I can tell you haven't slept in a week or so." She was right. I hadn't been able to sleep since I had to move dorms. I then left and again in aquatic i said the hardest thing ever. I said *i love you* in aquatic and it just, it just didn't feel right with her here.

I went back to my dorm and tried to sleep but it didn't work. My brain was so full of random conspiracies about this so-called "Safe place" and I couldn't calm down. Alvum came back earlier than midnight covered in glitter and sparkle claw polish on.

"Did Luto Ploviam throw up on you?" I ask jokingly. Luto Ploviam is a rainwing mudwing hybrid and she was supposedly the prettiest dragon at the school. She can change all of her scales to be any color she wants, but they always have a hint of mud brown scale undertones.

"Nope. she actually only did the claw polish. Nox Mare decided I wasn't 'glam' enough and dumped a bucket of glitter on me, so I punched him in the snout and quite possibly broke it. I also scratched his arms pretty badly. If you didn't know, I HATE glitter so I need to go to the watering cave and wash it all off."

"Oh that's alright. I could have punched him in the snout for you if you come back!"

"Yeah i know, but his friend Caelo was on guard to make sure i didn't do anything. So as soon as I scratched and punched him I ran away because they didn't know my dorm."

"Well aren't we grateful for that." I replied. I'm just trying to keep my cool and not implode again.

"Well, i'm going to the watering cave. Be back soon."

"Alright. Bye then" i say and i just felt like i wanted to scream, so i went back to my bed and stayed there all night.
