Chapter 1: Welcome to Hybrid High

"Hey, Serici, do you have the homework from yesterday? I lost mine in the halls somewhere and i can't manage to find it anywhere." I asked my roommate Sericipars Harena.

Her wings are a blood red color with yellow splotches and her ripped wing sections have darker color. She has an eyepatch that has dried blood streaming from it. It's sometimes hard to look at her from the left side but you get used to it. She is mostly red with yellow splotches all over.

On one of her horns she had a metal band around it with an 'h' written in ancient on it. I've asked her what it means but she snarls at me and dismisses the subject. Her other eye is a dark green color.

It's very unusual because most sandwing-silkwing hybrids have black eyes or regular eye colors. Green isn't ever a dragon eye color unless there's something special or important about them. I haven't figured it out yet but i'm sure i will.

Serici also has a missing claw and wears a necklace with a claw charm. It's kind of hard to live with her when you know she could snap and hurt you or herself at any point in time.

"No, I already turned in my homework. You know that. I don't wait. I cant have any extra weight on my shoulders. I already got kicked out of my village and I don't need to be exiled from another. I'm only here because I don't want to get murdered by silkwings.Now leave me to my thoughts," Serici replied.

"Oh, okay then. I guess." I was really disappointed because i had to get my work done before the end of the day so i can turn it in tomorrow. "I guess I can ask Alvum Meris if she can help me out."

I say with a sigh. Serici is difficult sometimes but she is an okay roommate. She's also nice. And there's something mesmerizing about her face... it's not like other dragons so it's different. But, doesn't that mean I like her more than a friend? Right?

I can feel my heart skip a beat when I think about it and then an indescribable feeling overwhelms me.Its like a pain, but it doesn't hurt. Is this what love feels like? Does serici feel the same way? What if she actually hates me! Oh, brain, please stop! I catch myself thinking while heading to Alvum's room. This feeling in my chest... it's not pain, yet it hurts me. I stop and turn down a different hall.

It's the hall to the watering hole. I walked in and chose the pool farthest to the door. I let the water consume me and I can feel that feeling in my chest grow the more I think about sericic.

I light up my scales and use my aquatic to ask myself- does this mean I'm not normal? Does this mean im bi? Or am I... lesbian? My brain is spiraling with a whirlpool of thoughts and only one makes me feel okay. If you tell serici in aquatic she wont know what you're saying and even if she does, she can feel the same way.

I leave the watering hole and run back to my room, but I run into serici in the hall.

"O-oh, Serici! I didn't expect you to be- ah, i mean- I didn't know you were going to be down here!" I said very awkwardly. I was internally face-taloned because I was so awkward.

"Yeah. You were taking a while and I got a little nervous because Alvum came by asking for help with tutoring Aloe. So we went to look for you and here you are." Serici replies in her scratchy yet sorrowed voce.

"Oh! I went to the watering hole cave to think about something and then I left to run back because I was there for a while and then ran into you!" i said with a nervous laugh.

"Um, okay. Just go to Alvum's cave to help with the tutoring okay? Album was talking about how hard it is and i was so close to getting my claw and SLITTING her THROAT!"

"Okay then. See you after tutoring sessions." Then I light up my scales and speak aquatic saying the hardest thing in the world to say. In aquatic i said *i like you* and i self imploded and ran away before serici could reply.

Seaweed fsh bran! Why did you do that!? That was so stupid of you! She can speak aquatic for all you know! She takes lessons from ms. Lutum et Terram of course she knows how to speak aquatic! AAAAAAAAAH! Y dd i do that you stupid squid-brain hive-faced BUG. i thoughts as i was running away to free myself from these thoughts.
