

THE silence between them was deafening, all that could be heard was the faint sound of the wall clock ticking. They'd arrived at their matrimonial home awhile ago, and neither of them knew what to say..or how to say it without increasing the height of awkwardness that transpired between them.

Huraiarah was still in her expensive black abaya, looking exactly how he pictured she would on their wedding night. Although, the atmosphere wasn't what he dreamt about, he didn't expect them to be so awkward around each other.

"I'm going to change in the other room" he broke the silence first, before clearing his throat and giving her some privacy.

Hurairah heaved out a sigh of relief as he gently shut the door and she lay her back on the soft bed behind her. ' how did things end up like this?' She wondered quietly. From what she observed, Fahad wasn't the type of man to cheat on a girl, all he did to her was to act gentlemanly, and he never for once invaded her personal bubble. Maybe her mom was right. Maybe Maryam was mistaken.

She got off the bed after a while and opened the wardrobe, where her clothes were tidily arranged. In the pyjamas compartment was a letter from her sister. She picked it up and noticed that it had been lying on top of a flimsy silk nightdress  that was probably a size smaller than her

"Have fun" the letter read, and she rolled her eyes at her sisters childishness. She picked the nightgown up, and hid it deep In the middle of the other clothes. She also carried a modest looking nightgown, and headed to the enormous bathroom that was on the north wing of the room.

Fahad on the other hand was fidgeting, he was so nervous to get back into the room. All he wanted was to talk to Hurairah about what happened earlier on.

Perhaps he could just forget about it and go to bed. Approaching Hurairah at that hour of the night could stir trouble, and the last thing he wanted that night was a slice of her trouble.

He barged into their bedroom, only to find Hurairah in her night gown. Her hair was still damp from the shower she'd  taken, and Fahad thought this she was the most beautiful woman on earth at that moment.

"I..uh.." He stumbled upon his words, his eyes looked everywhere but her. He ran his hands frustratedly through his hair and licked his lips. "You can sleep in the other room..you know..if you want"

She looked at him "why me?, why don't you sleep there?" She questioned with a frown. As long as she was concerned, this was her house too, and she wasn't going to be the one moving to another room. Besides, she already took a liking to the one she was in.

"I thought that.. Uh..you wouldn't want to sleep with me" he said, and with the look she gave him, he had to rephrase his words " I mean..sleep on the same bed, without doing anything, of course"

A faint blush appeared on her cheeks, but it disappeared as soon as it came. "I'm fine here thank you" she said and went ahead to sit on her side of the bed.

"You're fine here?" He asked and she nodded. She then proceeded to lay on her side, using a pillow to separate between hers and Fahad's side. "Now you won't have to worry about me 'attacking' you" she said to him with a smirk.

He liked that the tension between him and Hurairah was slowly disappearing. He flicked the lights off and may on his side "goodnight Habibti" he whispered to himself.

"Shut up!" She replied, and that seemed to startle him, because he instantly shut his eyes. Deep dee down her heart, she fancied the way he endeared her.


Hurairah woke up to the strong smell of coffee and something that smelt like chocolate. She rubbed her eyes open and found the space next to her empty.

Fahad was in the kitchen, making breakfast for his lovely wife. He wanted to make his way into her heart by making her breakfast in bed. At least the Akhi  in the masjid told him that the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach.

Hurairah got off the bed and followed the scent of the coffee, deep inside her, she just wanted to find Fahad. She stopped dead in her tracks when she found him cracking some eggs. But that wasn't what made her stop. The kitchen was so Beautiful.

"Holy wakanda!" She gasped out loud as she fully entered the kitchen. Her eyes surveyed each and every corner until it finally landed on the prince himself.

"I know that I'm very handsome Habibti, you don't have to be gasping whenever you see my amazing handsomeness" Fahad smirked at her with a spatula in his hands

Hurairah rolled her eyes at the egotistic man in front of her. "I wasn't looking at you" she started " I was admiring the kitchen" she wandered off to the island where Fahad was stirring something in a pot.

"Which makes me wonder what a prince like yourself is doing in the kitchen" she raised an eyebrow at him.

He smiled at her attempt to irk him up. For all he knew, nothing about Hurairah or what she does could annoy him.

"Well..princess" he started " you won't be seeing any of the maids anytime soon, they're all back in my kingdom"

"So..we aren't in Kankia now?" She gave him a confused look.

"How far do you think Kankia is, from Dayan to Kankia by car would take at least two days, and since you love your family so much, I decided that wed stay here for a week or two before heading back there"

Hurairah didn't know how to express her gratitude, so she just gave him a big smile. "That's very nice of you "

"I believe the word is thank you " he said as he chopped up tomatoes.

She rolled  her eyes and picked up a knife to help her husband. He was surprised by her action, and even wanted to protest about it..he'd planed to make breakfast for her, she need not help him whilst making it.

"I'm dicing the bell peppers" she said, picking up a yellow one. He stared at her for a moment before getting back to work. It was the perfect morning for both of them.


It was already afternoon and the couple were setting things up for the impromptu picnic they decided on, a while ago. Hurairah was done making the sandwiches, while Fahad set up the backyard. They decided to have their families and friends over, as a way of saying thanks for all what they did to make the wedding a success.

"Habibti! Don't forget the lemonade in the fridge!" Fahad called out, and Hurairah whipped around to get the item from the fridge.

Now that they were married, it didn't seem like they were a couple, to them, they felt like friends who were living together - a little more like siblings.

She carried the two big jugs on her hands carefully and took them to the picnic table outside. "Everything is ready" she murmured and stood back with Fahad admiring their work

"We did a great job" Fahad beamed at her, and she couldn't control the smile that appeared on her face.

"Now all we have to do is to change" she said and headed back to their room. She changed into. Very confirmable and lovely dress, while Fahad wore A black polo shirt with some denim trousers.

Just after the pair were ready, the doorbell rang. Hurairah hurried to get the door open, and when she did, the sight in front of her left her speechless.

"Who is-" Fahad stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the guest.


