. Trials will come, but surely they will fade away....

People had come and gone,feeling satisfied with the little brunch the couple had made. Hurairah had a smile on her face all day long, she even almost forgot about her issues with Maryam.

"Today was fun!" Fahad commented as Hurairah exited the bathroom. Her eyes lit up as she saw the silly grin on his face.

"Really?" She inquired as she brushed a comb through her hair. Fahad came behind her and they looked at each others eyes through the mirror.

"You know that you're beautiful right?" He said whilst playing with a strand of her hair. She rolled her eyes and swatted his fingers away.

"Yeah, whatever" she said as she continued to detangle her hair with the comb.

Hurairah had a lot of things on her mind, and one of them were to ask Fahad about his relation with Maryam.

You see, the whole ordeal wasn't clear to Hurairah. She had many other questions in her mind. Like how they met?, or how Maryam refrained from talking about him all along? Or why she's even calm about the whole thing?

"Fahad" she said softly, and once again he made eye contact with her through the mirror.


"I'm going to ask you a question, and I need you to answer it truthfully" he dropped his face from hers, and that was her cue to face him. " Tell me about your history with Maryam "

Now, the couple were seated on the floor, in front of the fireplace. They both had a cup of hot cocoa - with floating marshmallows, at hand. Fahad was nervous, he didn't know how Hurairah would take what he was about to tell her. Hurairah on the other side was curious. In her perspective she wanted to know everything.

"Maryam and I met through Mahmoud, about two years ago" he started, then stopped to take a sip out of his mug " we were having a party back at my home, and Mahmoud came with both of his sisters"

"Maryam was so interested in me, and I thought I made it clear to her that I'd never feel the same way..but I was wrong" he ran his hands through his hair " she became obsessed with me, so obsessed that I'd bump into her everywhere I went,  and then, she'd make it look like it was a coincidence"

Once again, Hurairah was surprised at the side of her ex best friend that she'd never seen before.

"And then one day, all of a sudden, I stopped seeing her..I thought that she was giving herself a break, but after months , she still didn't show up, that is, until this morning'

" she said something about a proposal, was it true?" She asked out of pure curiosity. Of course, she knew it was a total lie, but she just wanted to assure herself. She wanted to hear him say it himself.

"Goddammit Hurairah. Don't you trust me?" He asked and she nodded.

"I do" she said softly " I just wanted to be sure"

"There's nothing to be sure about" he said to her " just keep it at the back of your mind that you're the only woman that I'll ever love"

She smiled at him and took a sip out of her untouched cup. The hot cocoa was a little bit cold, but it was the best hot cocoa she had ever tasted.
