B2: Chapter 14 - Finding The Will

The dorm was bathed in utter silence. Tensions were in the air and feelings were at risk. The awkward quietness made Nia cringe at how her words came out, as she sat on her heels with her hand over her mouth. Her eyes still widened with furrowed brows.

Zack laid speechless for a total of three minutes, adding further to Nia's turmoil. What was love? He asked himself internally. He could not hide the fact that the weeks he had spent with Nia made her appear somewhat different in his eyes. Deep down he still had feelings for Lea, but at the same time he felt something entirely different with Nia ever since that time at the lake. Something he had been keeping a secret the entire time while he pursued Lea.

He smiled, and Nia uncovered her mouth listening for a response. The pieces all clicked for him as he laid there. No wonder she had been acting so strange around him. But he would have never figured.

The way she cared for him over the past weeks made him see her in a different light. And he felt a spark each time their skin accidentally made contact. Was that what love felt like? He asked himself. If so, who was he in love with? He felt different variants of the same feelings with both of his friends, but if he had to choose one. He knew who it had to be.

Zack smiled as he stared at the ceiling, "I remember my father would always tell me about mother. How she made him feel, how his stomach was always full of butterflies around her. How kind and caring she was. At first I thought he was gross. But, I feel just like how father said he felt about mother . . . Nia, I feel that same way when I'm around you. I don't know if that's what this is. But, I think . . . I love you too."

Nia's heart began to beat faster, "What about Lea?" she held her head down.

Zack went silent again for a few seconds. "Lea and I have been through a lot together, and even though I'm upset with her right now, she's still my closest friend. Despite all that, you're the one I love."

A heartfelt smile spread onto Nia's face. She proceeded to lay on the floor beside Zack, resting her head on his chest, blushing to no end. She sighed in relief as she listened to his heartbeat moving in unison with hers. Her vision came true.

Behind the dorm walls in the hallway Jirell had heard everything, bearing a look of indifference with his eyes closed. Having heard enough, he leaned off the wall and walked down the hallway going about his business. Back in the room, Nia basked in Zack's embrace.

"This feels so weird."

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I like this. I like how it feels to have you next to me. But I'm so used to treating you like a friend it feels strange to embrace you like this."

She held his hand as she laid with her head under his neck, "It is not so for me. I have always dreamed of this moment."

Nia reached her hand for Zack's necklace which laid on his chest, a few centimeters from her nose and began to observe it in her hand.

"I still don't want you to give up on your dream," said Zack.

Nia playfully nudged his chin with her head, "I told you already, I am not going to leave you behind," she smiled.

Zack's smile faded, "Could you really love me like this? My body is useless. I may not be able to provide for you in this state."

"You need not be my provider for me to love you. And no matter how you are I will always feel the same. It is your heart that matters."

Zack's smile returned, and he wrapped his left arm around Nia as she laid in his embrace.

In the meanwhile. Elsewhere in the kingdom of Altea. Sir Caldwell just walked into the knights guild lobby and stood before a short-haired Sally at the front desk.

"Good morrow Sally. Has Commander Richard returned?"

Sally grinned, "You are in luck. He just arrived a few minutes ago. You can find him in his office."

"Thanks as usual Sals."

Sally nodded at him with a grin. Sir Caldwell passed several knights on his way down the hall to the commander's office. He knocked twice on the door.

"It is I, General Caldwell."

"Come in general."

Sir Caldwell opened the door and saw the commander sitting around a large wooden desk wearing round glasses, reading the scrolls of the group five students he wrote down earlier. To the side of the room were several stacks of books stacked high up to the ceiling. It would seem the commander was an avid reader, or maybe those were top-secret written documentation. To the other side of the room was a weapon shelf with swords, axes, and spears neatly arranged.

The office was very clean and organized, except for the desk that was full of papers and books. Sir Caldwell walked up to his desk.

"What did you do about the lad I told you of Sir?"

The commander spoke while reading. "You know damn well we cannot accept him amongst our ranks. This should not even be a discussion. It would not be wise to keep a knight who cannot participate in combat nor carry out orders normally due to life-altering injuries."

Sir Caldwell frowned, "But Sir, he is the son of Sir Zachary. The boy has remarkable talent. We could give him a different position in the army where he will not have to risk combat but can serve at the same time."

Commander Richard stopped reading to look at him. "My word is final General Caldwell. . . I keep hearing about how Sir Alexander's students are this and that, but their individual reports are very concerning. Their combat and penmanship scores are very impressive, but their conduct and mentality need much improvement."

"Command Richard, what do you mean? Those are some exceptional lads under Sir Alexander's care."

"This report was written by Sir Alexander himself, detailing the positives and negatives of each of his students. Jirell Sky, young prodigy, but uncooperative and refuses to participate in teamwork. This can be a major letdown on the battlefield. Nia Frostburg, high intellect and good communication skills, but ironically she suffers from anxiety. She wants to be a spy, but instead of collecting information she could get sacred and reveal all our plans to the enemy if apprehend. Kelly Rivera, brave and valiant, but lazy and unmotivated. We know how these types go already," the commander skimmed through the scroll adding his own views to the report.

Sir Caldwell sighed, "Sir, I was lazy as well. But look how I turned out."

"Your lad Zackeus Hunter, strong-willed and gallant, but rash and rushes ahead without preparation. Makes for an easy target on the battlefield. The only student from Sir Alexander's class who had the best individual report is Lea Writer. Determined tactical genius, excels in tactical planning and military logistics, not the best combatant but is formidable. I need not read anymore, the rest is even worse than the names I have listed."

"Sir, I think you are being a little too hard on these lads. I have seen their potential and I strongly believe they will make great comrades. You should have seen our class, our individual reports were much worse."

"Exactly my point. All of your classmates are dead except you and Sir Gale. If we want our soldiers to live longer we must rid them of these negatives that can affect their duties, especially on the battlefield."

Sir Caldwell frowned upon hearing his words. "That is a rather harsh way to put it, but you have a point Sir. Could I ask your permission to visit the city of Gurhal?"

Commander Richard gave him a serious stare, "Why? You know those areas are out of bounds. Even for you."

"I know. But I was hoping you would allow me to speak with one of the elementals to see if any of them can heal Zack."

"The elementals are to be kept in the shadows, and any knowledge of their existence must never step into the light. It is already known that the boy is cripple. A sudden miracle would just arouse suspicion."

"Please Sir. Sir Zachary molded me into the man I am today, he was a father figure to me. Every feat I achieved is because of him. I must do what I can to help his son. Plus warriors like Zack are what we need in our ranks now that we are in war times. The boy is a relentless fighter and he follows the chivalry code."

Commander Richard fanned his hand, "Yada Yada, I am tired of hearing you praise this boy. I will send word of your arrival to Gurhal. You have my permission."

Sir Caldwell bowed his head, "Thank you Sir."

Sir Caldwell then left the knights guild and headed to the royal stables next door to pick up horse Mulener. Then he rode off down the streets on his way to the ancient city of Gurhal.

As he approached the outskirts of the old city with tall buildings made of ancient vine-covered stone. A knight wearing dark red armor standing by the large stone gates held out his palm toward him.

"Halt! Identification. What reason do you have here?" the knight interrogated.

Sir Caldwell unmounted his horse with a bored look on his face, "Gosh Sir Samuel. I was just at your newborn son's blessing ceremony the other day, lighten up."

The knight lowered his hand, "Sir, I mean General Caldwell. You know this area is restricted for even the elite. It was only because of the tournament why things were relaxed. Not even my wife would I allow to enter without permission."

"I understand, but I do have permission from the commander. I must discuss something with the elementals. The information is classified."

"I was informed of no such thing. I cannot allow you to pass."

Sir Caldwell's eyes narrowed at an arrow-slit hole in the stone gate where he saw an arrow sticking out. He frowned at the knight before him.

"Really? You have archers on me."

"I am sorry, but an order is an order. We must keep all unauthorized beings out at all costs."

A feather fell between them. Both men looked up to see a pigeon flying over their heads and landing on the rails of the guard tower above the gate. Another knight in the guard tower picked up the bird and took something from its beak.

After a few seconds the knight looked over the tower yelling down at them, "Let him in! Commander Richard has given him clearance!"

Sir Caldwell gave a cheeky smile as the two of the knights guarding the corners of the gate, went and pushed the stone gates open with all of their might. The gate was very heavy, so they screeched it open just enough for him to squeeze through.

The knight, Sir Samuel, escorted Sir Caldwell down the majestic paved streets of the abandoned city. Sir Caldwell gazed off into the distance ahead passed the old buildings, looking at the partly destroyed arena that was still in the process of rebuilding. Bringing back memories of Ylise's invasion of the tournament two years ago.

While following the lead of the knight, Sir Caldwell eyed the strange marking and designs that ran along the pavement. It seemed to have been written in an ancient language. One he was not familiar with. The stillness of the city made their boots echo throughout the air, alerting the birds that took to the roofs to fly off as they approached.

The knight took a right turn around an old building that seemed to have been a home without a door and windows without glass or anything to seal it, just open for whatever to enter. They took the corner, stumbling upon a small waterfall leading into a lush mystical forest around it, full of colorful petals and the repetitive bashing of water crashing into itself.

"Come this way."

Sir Caldwell followed the knight across the now receding pavement mixed with grass, along a path that led behind the waterfall by the edges of the spring. Sir Caldwell grinned when he realized there was a cave behind the waterfall.

The lighting dropped as he entered the cave, bearing a dark bluish tone in reflection of the waterfall at the entrance. Sir Caldwell looked back to the entrance of the cave where the waterfall seemed like a portal covering the entrance. Like a blurred crystal diamond in liquid form, barely translucent enough to see the blue skies beyond it.

Sir Samuel stopped walking and looked behind him, "General, this way please."

"Right, of course."

The knight led him to another passage in the cave which was guarded by four knights in dark red armor blocking the entrance.

"Sir Samuel, General Caldwell. I suppose there is a reason for your visit?"

Sir Caldwell grinned, "You reckon?"

Sir Samuel spoke, "The commander sent him here to speak with the elementals."

"I see. Give him way," said one knight to the other three.

Sir Samuel and Sir Caldwell entered into an extremely large room of the cave where he saw several bamboo and straw huts with a few people sitting outside while four children ran about playfully.

Sir Caldwell's eyes widened. The room was almost as big as the training field at the academy. He looked up toward the cave ceiling only to see it was a good ways far from the ground, but what shocked him was what seemed to be a hole in the ceiling that was covered by some form of crystal or ice. Causing the sunlight to glimmer through it giving a substantial amount of light to the cave.

A woman wearing a long coat with long pale blond hair stretching into her back came up to him and Sir Samuel. Her pupil was completely turquoise, matching the color of the ice crystal covering the hole in the ceiling above. Sir Caldwell observed her eyes curiously. It wasn't the first time he met an elemental, but it was the first time he had ever entered into their habitat.

She gave them a bitter scowl, "Have you brought another poor soul to lock away from humanity? Wait, armor? You are one of them," she narrowed her eyes at Sir Caldwell in a mean glare.

Sir Caldwell smiled at her, "Nice to meet you as well. Caldwell Junior, Your name?" he outstretched his hand.

She kept her hands to her side, "If I shake that hand it will no longer be of service to you. My name is Selena. Leader of the Elemental tribe you have tried to hide so. As if we are hideous monsters."

Sir Samuel turned to her, "Madam Selena, we have gone over this time and time again. You and your kind are much safer here."

Her lips pouted, and frost came from her mouth blowing into Sir Samuel's face, turning his nose to ice. He fell to his knees clutching his throat.

"I-I can't breath!" his voice strained to speak.

Sir Caldwell gave her a stern stare, "I understand that having your freedom taken from you is undesirable, but suffocating a knight will not help your cause."

She grinned, then blew a puff of frosty smoke in his face. Sir Caldwell blinked and cast his eyes down at his nose to see if it was frozen. Luckily it seemed normal.

"I am not a murderer. I could easily slaughter these men and make my escape if I wanted to, but your king keeps telling us how much harm we will do to his precious people if we go amongst them. I myself am fearful of these powers I wield, and how much I have yet to learn about controlling them. I do not want anyone to be hurt by my hands."

She stooped down and pinched the man's nose and it returned to normal. He stood up and took several deep breaths.

She stood up and turned to Sir Caldwell. "What do you want with us? Surely you came not to just visit."

"Yes. I came here to request help. A student of mine suffered a terrible injury that has rendered him unable to walk. And I was hoping you or any of your people have some form of healing ability that can restore him."

Selena was about to reply, but turned her head toward the huts where several children were playing tag. One of them reached out to tag the other but a small ball of fire flew from his hands and knocked the other child into a wall, knocking him unconscious.

She gritted her teeth. "Caleb!" she yelled and ran over to the unconscious boy.

She knelt down and laid the boy on her lap, then looked at the other boy with a scowl.

"Liamson! What did I tell you about using your powers!" she scolded.

The boy began to cry and looked at his palms, "I-I'm sorry Madam Selena, I swear it wasn't on purpose."

She pulled off the boy's sheepskin shirt and saw several burns across his shoulder. Her brows furrowed as she stood up with the boy in her arms.

Sir Samuel ran over to her while Sir Caldwell stood awestruck by all that he had just seen. He was used to seeing Sir Gale's powers but these were much different.

"Madam Selina, let me take the boy to our post. We have medics that can treat him," said Sir Samuel.

She sighed and gave him a wary look, but handed the boy over into his arms.

Sir Caldwell walked over to her, "I apologize for what happened."

"You did nothing to cause this accident. Maybe this is why the king has taken us from our families. To protect them from us. . . As for your question, I am sorry. None of us here have any healing abilities. If we did, Caleb would be the first one we would heal."

Sir Caldwell folded his lips and frowned in disappointment, "Oh well. Thank you for your time. I wish that lad a speedy recovery. You should know how I feel right about now."

"I wish yours well too. I know you said he is crippled, but my grandmother used to tell me belief kills, and belief cures."

Sir Caldwell looked at her puzzled.

"What I am saying is that if his will is strong enough, maybe he can overpower his body into believing it is no longer crippled."

Sir Caldwell rubbed his chin, "Hmmm. My old mentor said something along those lines as well. Maybe you are right. I will try this method. Thank you."

She nodded her head. Sir Caldwell turned around and began to walk away.

"I suppose this is our last encounter?"

"I think not, but given how locked down this place is, you may not see me for a very long time."

Sir Caldwell was then escorted by two knights all the way out of the city back to the stone gates. He jumped onto his horse and galloped off down the forest path on his way back to the town of Northwell. He arrived at the academy and went straight to Zack's dorm.

As he entered his eyes widened then he grinned. He saw Zack and Nia laying on the floor together asleep.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat.

Nia was the first to open her eyes, and when she saw him her cheeks went red and she became flustered.

"S-Sir Caldwell, I would have never expected to see you here."

"Hope I didn't interrupt you lot," Sir Caldwell chuckled.

Nia and Zack looked up at him, "Hey Sir Caly, We just fell asleep. Nice of you to visit. . . Guess all that training was in vain huh," Zack said depressed.

Sir Caldwell walked in and stooped down to him and Nia, "Visit? I came here to drag you off your ass."

Zack looked at him surprised, "What?"

"Your father had a will that could move mountains and melt the icebergs. I see that same will in you Zack," said Sir Caldwell as he stood up and went back to the doorway.

"But I'm not like father, I failed," said Zack in a broken voice.

Sir Caldwell gave him a stern glare and folded his arms.

"Nia! Get his lazy ass up and bring him with me now!" Commanded Sir Caldwell in a rough tone.

Nia nervously did as he said, and put Zack's arm around her shoulder, then followed him down the hallway.

"What are you on about Sir Caly?" said Zack confused.

"We are going to fix you before the graduation. Plus your training is long overdue," smirked Sir Caldwell as he walked down the halls with them following him.

"How the hell am I supposed to train like this?" he said frustrated.

Sir Caldwell walked in silence ignoring his words. Nia turned her head to Zack as she carried him.

"Don't worry Zack. Everything will be okay," she tried to comfort him.

As they traveled on their to the meadows, Zack and Nia pleaded with Sir Caldwell that he couldn't walk on his much less to train anymore. But Sir Caldwell ignored them all the way until he led them to an open field of short grass near the forest.
