Hunger Games - I Volunteer!

i helped him through the forest as we tried to find somewhere. i spotted a cave.

"look there we are" i pointed and made our way too it. inside  was big enough for the both of us so i helped him down and made him comfortable.

" no one will find us here" i told him

"i was already found" meaning his leg

"I'll get you some medicine" i offered

"not to be mean but I'm not exactly honoured the parachutes" i sighed and stroked his hear out of his face then kissed him.

"sleep you need rest"  he nodded meekly and closed his eyes. i kept watch over him when i heard a clunk followed by a chime. i looked back at Peeta then stood up grabbing my bow and arrows readying myself i went out i looked around and saw a parachute smiling i went over and opened it.

'nice kiss could do better - H ' i chuckled and took the tin back. before going in i shouted

"Haymitch you're a cheeky bugger" i laughed going inside my shout must have awoken Peeta.

"medicine?" he asked as i open it

"no soup" he went to take it  but i pulled away.

"not I'll do it besides its only fair seen as you looked after me" i smiled feeding him some soup.

"i still remember that day. i thought i might cry when i saw you. i knew i had to help." i smiled feeling his head and my smile dropped

"you feel hot" i mumbled before putting the soup down.

"I'll be right back i grabbed my flask and went to get some water. when i came back i cut my top then wetted it making it into a cold press

"i remember the first day i saw you we were in the playground and this guy was annoying Gale. i didn't matter that he was supposed to be older and defend himself. you march right up to them boys and gave them a right good telling off" i chuckled

"i watched you every day hoping you would notice me"

"i did it's just i didn't say anything it was kind of creepy knowing you were always there. But when you saved me and my family you became my hero." he smiled

"come here" i leaned down and laid my head on his chest as he brought his arm around me. and we fell asleep.

"attention tributes attention" i woke up and another announcents. "there will be a feast tomorrow and the cornucopia. this will be no ordinary occasion each of you needs something and we being...generous hosts"

"your medicine" i sat up and got ready to leave.

"Lilly, you are not going to risk your life for me" he told me

"Peeta you would do the same if the roles were reversed" i retorted

"but there not please Lilly i can't bear to lose you. please" he begged. i sighed

"fine. but if you get worse I'm going i will not let Cato's sward be the death of you" he nodded and i kissed him upon pulling away i whispered to him.

"it's a good job i'm falling hard for you" giving him a quick peck i sat back up. he soon fell back asleep and turned on his side it must have been coming on early morning when i saw he was getting worse so it had to be done. leaning over i kissed his cheek.

"i love you" i grabbed my stuff and left i headed toward the cornucopia and waited till it was light. there were four bags one of them had what i needed. After waiting i went to run but stopped when i saw foxface run and grab her bag running off. now it was my turn i grabbed my bag and went to go but i saw Clove. she threw a knife at me and it hit my head so when i went to get up she tackled me and we fought until she had me pinned down.

"where's lover boy?" she taunted but i said nothing "oh i see you were gonna help him right? oh that's sweet it's too bad you can't help your little friend. that little girl what was her name? Rue? that's right we killed her? now you're gonna join her" i struggled against her how dare she speak Rue's name. she was going to kill be when she was pulled of me i sat up and saw thresh hold Clove.

"you kill her" she shook her head then began to shout Cato 11 was mad and killed her. i was now officially scared.

"just this once 12 for Rue" he ran off and i did the same grabbing my bag.
