Hunger Games - I Volunteer!


 i was in a dark room dimly lit by candles  when someone stood ever me.

"look at you" i was lifted up i now saw Peeta's face "open" my mouth opened and i felt some dry bread go in and began to eat he did id several times before giving me some water.

"there you go. i told Rory about you and gave him some food for all of you so just rest." i moaned


 i woke up and looked around i was still alive? i sat up and saw i had leaves on my arms and neck i took them off and saw my weapons i grabbed then and held them before hearing a crunch i saw movement in the tree of a small person and spring curls.

"Rue?" i asked she came out and i grinned at her "don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" she came out fully. i went to get us some food and we ate.

"how long was i asleep" i asked

"a couple of days i change your leaves twice" she reminded me of Rosie.  

"thank you" she nodded and took every piece of meat off the bone she must have been hungry.

"here do you want mine"

"no its okay" i chuckled

"here have it" she took it from me and thanked me

"so what happened when i was out"

"the girl from one and the boy from 10" she told me i sighed a little in relief

"what about Peeta the boy from my district." she had a knowing smile

"he's okay i think he's down by the is it true" i looked at her confused. "you and him" she grinned and i blushed getting what she meant.

"your too young to know about the big stuff squirt" i nudged her "what about Cato and the others"

"down by the lake they have all the food and supplies piled up in one bug pyramid." she told me

"ooh that sounds tempting. i say we cause a little trouble" i smirked.

that night i laid awake protecting Rue i saw no fallen hollow gram and i smiled going to sleep.

The next day i was instructing Rue about the fires while setting them up  i was going to blow up everything somehow and she was going to distract them.

"we need a signal in case one of us gets held up"

"okay like what?" i asked

"watch this" she hummed and it repeated around me.

"mocking jays"

"i got the idea from your pin we use it back home. you try" i whistled a melody and it repeated.

"okay so if we hear that it mean were okay and we'll be back soon" i nodded, Rue hugged me and i returned it before whishing her good luck. i staked out the pyramid and waited till the notice the smoke when they did there was only one Peeta must of left them. i looked closer and was about to go when i saw the girl who dubbed foxface  jump on certain area's and take something before leaving. the boy must have cough a glimpse and went to check it out. i saw apples and a way to go ka boom i shot ones and it the top then came closer and breathed closing my eyes i let it go.

opening them the apples tumbled out and hit the ground sending a explosion my way i was pushed back and i heard a ringing in my ear. i sat up after the worst of it was over and saw the boy that was supposed to be standing guard then Cato and the others returned. Cato was furious and snapped the boys neck i gasped and went back into the woods.

i whistled and the birds sang i repeated it when there was no reply so i went to where the last fire was to be lit. it wasn't okay now i was worried.

"Lilly! Lilly help" i ran toward the voice of Rue as she continued. i found her under a net.

"it's alright I'm here" i cut the ropes and helped her up. i hugged her then heard a twig snap. i saw a boy with a spear he threw it i ducked grabbing a arrow and shooting it at him. he felt to the ground and i heard  a little gasp i looked back in shock Rue removed the spear and dropped to the ground i caught her and held her.

"it's okay you're okay. you're okay. you're okay" i messed with her hair. a tear appeared.

"did you blow up the food?" she asked

"yeah big explosion and everything."

"good" i sniffed "can you sing" i hummed and began to sing the lullaby that i had last sung to Rosie before i left. the life drained from her eyes and i closed them then laid her down. she was going to have a proper burial. i went and pic lots of flowers placing them around her and in her hands as if she was sleeping. i cried out I'm sorry before throwing away the spear. this was not fair why her she'd done nothing wrong.

i calmed down after a while and kissed her forehead before standing up. i walked away but stop if they had cameras i wanted to pay tribute to her i kissed three fingers and held the up before walking off . after a while i sat down and just cried again cry for Rue, my family, Katniss, Primrose, Peeta. Peeta where are you? i missed him.

sitting there feeling hollow i heard a voice

"attention tributes attention the regulations requiring a single victor have been suspended. two victors may be crowned if they are from the same district. this will be the only announcement"

"Peeta" i grinned and i grabbed my stuff to go searing for him. i went toward the lake and up. something told me he would be hiding and that could mean camouflage. i came across some wet patch that wasn't water. touching it i saw it was blood. oh no he must be injured i continued looking.

"Peeta" i called "Peeta its Lilly" i looked all around and jumped when i felt a hand on my ankle

"Petta" i cried seeing him

"hey" i removed the moss and rocks then helped him up "thank god your safe i thought i lost you" i held him. helping him up i saw he was bleeding so i took him into covered ground.

"how did it happen" i asked looking at it

"Cato's sward." i looked up at him "he tried to kill me for helping you and running away"

"oh that reminds me" i slapped his head


"next time you say right behind you i expect you to be" he chuckled as i tried to clean the wound.

"i would kiss it better but... I'd rather kiss your lips" i leant in as did he and we kissed. i missed that surge of energy we broke apart.

"i missed you" i whispered

"i missed you too"
