Chapter 56

Chapter 56- Ella's POV

It was Sunday when they finally let me leave the hospital. I was issued an order not to leave the house for a week, as it would impact my health if I were to strain too much, and I was given antibiotics for my back and leg pain. The rule about Edward not speaking to me still stood, but it wasn't like we were going to abide by it. It would be just another one of the times we broke the law.

Edward was going to start his new job on Monday, the next day, so before he left, he came over to my house, where he was spending most of his time these days anyway. My mother and brother were fine with it, so nobody cared what the police really thought about it. There was still a lot to talk about, especially since I needed to let Edward know what John had informed me.

John was still in hospital. He'd surprisingly been hurt more than I had been in the accident. Before I had left the hospital, I passed by his room and peeped in. He was sleeping. Good, I thought. It saved me from having to talk to him. But I knew I would have to do it sometime. Edward too. Especially Edward.

"You'll do fine," I told him as we got to the front door. Mum had already left for work, and Malcolm was about to leave. "Your new students will love you."

Edward chuckled. "Hopefully not as much as you do," he said. I playfully hit his arm at his comment, then leaned up to kiss him. I could never get enough of him.

"Good luck," I mumbled. "You're going to be great."

"Thank you," he said, pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear gently. "I finish off at 2pm, and I'll come over here immediately, okay? I hate the thought of you being here alone."

I shrugged it off. "I'll be fine. It's not like I can go out. I'm injured," I said with a laugh.

"You're exaggerating now," Edward answered, and pulled me into a soft embrace. He planted a kiss on my lips, and, noticing my brother, stepped back. "Right, I'm off. See you after two." He eyed Malcolm warily, and then mouthed to me, "I love you."

I laughed and opened the door, glimpsing at my brother who wasn't looking too amused. "Good day, both of you," I said.

Malcolm eyed me suspiciously before he stepped out the front door after Edward. "You too. Call me from the house phone if you need anything." His gaze turned to Edward. "See ya later." He walked off quickly. Edward gave me one last glance, blew me a kiss and started walking over to the other side where his car was. I smiled and closed the door. I skipped over to the sofa and sat down, turning the tv on.

After around an hour, the doorbell rang and I groaned. I wanted to just ignore whoever was standing outside the door and keep on watching tv, but I couldn't. I wasn't like other daughters, who, when their parents weren't home, did not answer the telephone or the door. Nope, I was the opposite, just in case someone wanted to deliver an important message. I stood up uncomfortably, turned the television off and walked slowly towards the front door.

I looked through the peep-hole, but there was no one outside. Frowning, I opened the door. There was no one waiting in the middle, just as I'd seen from the peep-hole, but at the side was someone with his back to me. He turned when he heard the door open, and I wanted to groan again, but it would have been rude to. PC Michigan was there, wearing the smirk that never seemed to leave his face. He was dressed in his dark blue uniform, and was holding a police officer hat in his hand.

Ugh, I should have been like other daughters who did not open the door when their parents were not home.

"'Morning, Miss Campbell," he said in his deep voice. "I told you I'd be back." He raised an eyebrow, and reached for his pocket, from which a blue notebook and a pen emerged.

I blinked. Oh-kay. This meant that I was expected to invite him inside. I did not want to, but then again, it would be better than being taken to the police station for questioning. I put on my best fake smile- if you can even consider it to be a smile- and opened the door wider. "Come in," I said.

"Cheers," he answered, and stepped inside. I closed the door and look down at what I was wearing. Oh. Purple pyjamas with a print of a unicorn on them. Not good.

"Take a seat on the sofa, I'm just going to change quickly," I said. I turned swiftly, but felt a hand on my back. I stiffened and turned.

"There's no need to. It must be a bit difficult for you to manoeuvre on your own right now," he said. I shook my head.

"It's okay, I was going to change anyway," I lied, and freed myself from his touch and ran up the stairs, even though my hip throbbed as I did. The sudden movement made it feel worse. I closed the door to my bedroom behind me and heaved a sigh of relief. Why did he have to come when I was home on my own?

I changed into a pair of jeans and a black hoodie, and put on my sneakers. I quickly looked into the mirror, and decided that for a person who had spent the last couple of days at hospital, I didn't look too bad. I opened the bedroom door and trotted down the stairs, wondering what PC Michigan was up to. To my surprise, I found him sitting down on the couch just as I'd instructed him to, glancing at his notebook and biting the edge of the ballpoint pen he had in his hand. He looked up when he saw me, and scanned me up and down very quickly, making me feel uncomfortable immediately.

"Not bad," I heard him mutter. I don't think he was intending for me to hear it. I cringed and looked down at the floor.

"Would you like something to drink?" I asked politely, even though sipping tea with him was the last thing that I wanted to do. I wanted him out of the house as soon as possible.

PC Michigan frowned. "Um, black coffee, please."

I nodded, and scuttled off to the kitchen, thinking how convenient it was that he'd sat in the one-seater, so that I could sit on the three-seater and wouldn't be close to him at all. I poured hot water over coffee in a dark blue mug, and decided against drinking anything myself, so that we wouldn't be drinking together. I smirked to myself at my genial plan, and carried his mug to the sitting room, in which he was. He looked up at me once again, his eyes lingering on me for a moment. Then he smiled and took the mug from my hands.

"Thanks," he said, setting it on the table in front of him. He looked at me questioningly. "Aren't you drinking anything?" he asked. I noticed that he had lost most of his confidence. It was quite a relief.

"No, I just ate my breakfast," I answered, sitting down on the three-seater. He nodded, his eyes burning into mine.

"How have you been?" he asked.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Did he even care? "Um, not bad," I mumbled.

PC Michigan leaned forward. "Well, you must be feeling a bit better, I guess, since you're not in hospital anymore." He smirked as he reached for his coffee.

I nodded. "I'm fine," I said, looking down at my blue fingernails. I'd painted them the day before.

"I'm glad," he answered with a glint in his eyes. He sipped his coffee slowly. "So..." he trailed off, looking at his notebook. "I came back to ask more questions, in case you haven't realized that already."

"I have," I muttered in a low voice, playing with my fingers.

"Pardon? I can't hear you properly," PC Michigan said, frowning, but at the same time looking somewhat amused. He eyed me and the sofa, then looked at his coffee. He stood up. "Tell you what," he continued, putting his mug to my side of the table. I looked at him in confusion as I tried to understand what he was doing. He stepped towards me and stopped next to me. "This way I will be able to hear you properly," he said, and sat down next to me, with a smug look on his face. Oh. Oh. The jerk had managed to sit down next to me anyway.

"Okay, so the last time we spoke, I told you that Mr Abbott had said the same thing regarding him driving you to school. But actually, he didn't say the same thing, exactly. He only said that you needed a ride somewhere and had asked him for a lift. That means, one of you is lying. But I'm not really sure who," he explained. He said the last sentence with a chuckle as he looked at me, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he was trying to see if it was me who was lying. Tough luck, boy, both of us were lying.

"Or maybe," he continued. "Both of you are lying and you didn't manage to agree on a lie before you were interrogated." I felt my cheeks flame red, and I could tell he realized it, because he laughed. "I knew it."

"Why is this so important to you?" I blurted out. It was actually annoying how I was so blunt in front of him.

"I'm doing an investigation, babe, it has to be important to me," he answered, taking the mug into his hand once again. I flinched at his choice of words. I mean, 'babe', really? Were police officers even supposed to use that word when they were doing an investigation? Of course not. I regretted being without my phone at the moment, I would have recorded this conversation.

"But what really intrigues me is the fact that it was Mr James's car you almost collided with. Who also had a student in his car." He was referring to Nathan here. I was wondering when he would be mentioned in all of this. PC Michigan locked eyes with me. "What's going on?"

I shrugged, not wanting to say anything in case it came out wrong. He narrowed his eyes and put the mug back on the table, and moved closer to me, reducing the space between us greatly. "Miss Campbell..." he trailed off. "Actually, screw that. Ella. If I were you I would speak up the truth now, because I'm going to get you to say it anyway, no matter what it takes me." And he winked. I blinked in disbelief.

"There's nothing for me to say," I said. "PC Michigan, I-"

He cut me off. "I told you to call me Sean the other day, so why don't you." He leaned towards me, now dangerously close to me. My heartbeat increased immediately. "Speak up, Ella, or I'll make you speak up myself," he said. I felt his breath hit my face, and whereas usually coffee breath would make me gag, his didn't. It made him seem even more attractive, and he knew this. He must have seen me inspecting him, because he smirked yet again. "So?" he asked. "Do you want to talk or do you want me to ease you up?"

Disgusted by his choice of words, I moved back from him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? How about you just leave me alone," I muttered in anger.

"Please, I know you're attracted to me. Besides, I'm like five years younger than your boyfriend," PC Michigan said. The guy sure had a lot of self-confidence.

"I've told you before, he's not my boyfriend," I said through gritted teeth.

"Ella, love, I've told you before. You can tell me the truth." PC Michigan raised his eyebrow. "I'm not going to bail you out. That is, if you do what I ask of you." His eyes glimmered and I found myself moving back slowly, until I reached the edge of the sofa. He chuckled.

"What do you want?" I asked, but as the words left my mouth, I knew that it was a stupid question. PC Michigan laughed loudly.

"You might be surprised by my requests," he said. "First of all, I want you to call me Sean. Got it?" He looked me in the eye and I nodded. "Secondly, I want you to tell me about your little love story. I love gossip."

"And what do I get in return?" I asked bitterly.

"Whatever you want. First off, I won't report your thirty year old boyfriend." He inclined towards me, and whispered. "I keep your secret, you keep mine."

"And what's your secret?"

He smiled and scratched his beard. "My secret is that... I don't like the rules. I like being free, and I hate this uniform. Though I know you love it." His smile turned into a sneer, as if he knew he'd gotten it right. He knew how damn attractive he was. Not that he could ever compare to Edward.

"And why do I have to be involved in this?" I questioned, ignoring his last comment.

"Because," he edged so closely to me that his stubble grazed my cheek. "You're quite pretty. And the fact that you've broken boundaries by dating your teacher who's ten years older than you are is very intriguing. It makes you look terribly hot."

I blinked, stunned by his reply. Terribly hot was not the description that I would want someone to say about me. And he was on duty, which made his saying it very much forbidden. He was already sitting too close, all it would take was a few centimetres more until his lips would touch mine.

And it happened sooner than I thought. His lips suddenly enclosed onto mine in a full kiss, and I was so astonished that I parted mine in surprise, which was a bad move, since it gave him the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. I almost gagged. His hand circled my lower back expertly, pulling me to him and giving me no chance to push him away. Sharp pain shot through my lower back where he was grasping me from. I was on antibiotics, and a grasp like that was obviously going to hurt me much more.

He knew what to do very well, and had full control of the situation, until his duty phone rang. He pushed me away immediately, his hand still on my back as he answered. "Yes Davis?" he asked into the phone. His eyes pierced into mine as he drew circles on my back with his index finger, making me shudder.

That kiss had had to be the most disgusting thing I'd ever experienced. I didn't even know the guy. Not at all. And I was dating Edward- it wasn't something temporary, I was fully committed to him... which was why this felt so wrong. But it wasn't like I'd had a say in any of this. Michigan was no fool.

"Yes, I'm working on a case right now," he answered into the phone. "No, I could postpone if you need me to be there." He paused, listening to the reply. "Yeah, you know that Range Rover that hit that tree on Friday? The case which involved two teachers and a student from the same college? That's what I'm working on right now. Yes, I'll leave in a couple of minutes then. Yes sir. I'll speak to you shortly." His voice was much more professional while he was talking to his bosses.

He lifted an eyebrow as he looked at me. "Duty calls," he said. "I've got to leave. But I will see you later." He rubbed my arm, and his eyes searched for any kind of expression on my face, but he managed to get nothing from me. He frowned in confusion and stood up. I stayed on the sofa where I had been sitting.

"I'm going to tell Edward," I declared. He turned back to me abruptly. I expected there to be panic on his face, but he was looking as smug as ever.

"Will you," he said. "I hope he doesn't mind sharing you with me, then."

I glared at him. "What the hell do you think you are?" This guy was even worse than John.

He laughed loudly. "Easy, babe. I've just gotten you to admit that you're in a relationship with your teacher, just by one kiss. Imagine what more you could tell me if we do more of that," he said, looking very proud of himself.

My mouth gaped open and I stood up, shell shocked. Was that why he had done it? "You can't prove anything," I said.

"I can, it won't be too difficult." PC Michigan smirked.

"But you promised not to tell," I said.

"I did, but you didn't do what I instructed you to." He put his arm around my shoulder. "You shouldn't look so disgusted when someone kisses you," he said very slowly, as if he were speaking to a child. "This is my method of doing things, get used to it." His tone was bitter now.

I stepped as back as I could from him. "You do this frequently?" I asked in disbelief.

He put both hands on my shoulders so that I was facing him directly. "All the time. You're no one special." He chuckled. "But you will keep on doing as I say anyway, because you don't want your boyfriend to end up in jail, and you don't have any proof of what I'm doing," he whispered against my lips.

I swallowed hard, unable to move. "You should be fired," I murmured.

"I know," he answered, running a finger across my collarbone. He released me and picked up his notebook and wrote something in it. He tore off a sheet and thrust it in my hand. It had his number and 'Sean' written down on it, in very intricate calligraphy. "Call me," he said. "You owe me." He ran his hand down my arm and stepped back to pick up his police hat. He put it on and gave me one last smirk before he walked off, his military boots leaving a sound on the floorboards with each footstep he took. I gulped as I looked at his silhouette opening the door.

I took a deep breath, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. He might be attractive, but it didn't mean that I wasn't disgusted by the way he'd kissed me all of a sudden. I sighed and glanced at the television.

A red beeping light caught my eye and I moved closer to inspect it. It was a very small camera.

I stepped back. A camera.

John had left a camera in my living room.

My heart beat wildly in my chest. John's stalker days might just save me from this dilemma I had just found myself in.

But first I had to get him to agree to give me the footage.

Hello everyone, another update :) I've spent all weekend writing and am actually impressed with the amount of work I've managed to get done. However, I'm disappointed because I haven't received many comments and votes :( please help me out guys, all it takes is one single click and a minute to comment, but it makes me feel so much better, and I promise to write more if you comment more, since it motivates me :)

Please tell me what you think about what's happening! Personally I really like Sean Michigan, he's so, as he himself would say, 'intriguing' ;)

Meanwhile, I've created a facebook page for the story, so please go and like it :) Here's the link:

I will keep it updated! Thank you so much!

P.S. to those who commented on the previous chapters, I promise I will reply very soon!

Dedicated to Ashley_Tilford, thank you for your support :) xxx
