V smirked, the sick smile taking over his features and contorting them into an ugly mask of insanity. Jungkook's desperate sobs and pleas only caused satisfaction to bloom in his chest, as a psychotic laugh erupted from his throat. The once crystal water now tainted with Jackson's blood, whirled and sloshed in reply to V's movements as he vacated the porcelain tub. Everything was going perfectly to plan. The mirrored cabinet above the sink welcomed him as he opened it, his blood-stained hands leaving slight red imprints on the clean glass. The doors to the cabinet swung open, revealing shelves of pills bandages and unknown medications. Pulling out two packets of bandages, V began to strip himself of his victim's blood before wrapping himself in the white strips of cotton. His eyes fell to Jungkook, his tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes almost making him feel guilty. Almost. He'd suffered as much as he had, so why couldn't he understand? What was so about wanting to be happy? Sadistic thoughts ran through his mind, a slight smile playing across his lips at the thought of the pain he would make them go through, before they could be truly happy. His happy. Because they couldn't be happy before they had felt pain. His pain. What he had to go through. He couldn't let them get away with it. They claimed to have saved him from that hell-hole they called Omleas. Maybe they had. Now it was his turn to save them.

A tray of painkillers in hand, V began to stroll towards the living room, filling a glass of water from the kitchen as he went and sitting down on the sofa, waiting for Jungkook like a predator would his prey. The clock ticked by painfully slowly, the broken sobs of the younger man in the bathroom dying down as he was released from his terrifying dream world.
A distraught Jungkook staggered through the doorway to the living room, a look of shock encompassing his features. "Hyung! I-I-I- are you ok?" Everything was working like a well oiled machine. V struggled to hide the gleeful smirk that threatened to dance across his lips, instead turning the satisfied smile into a seamless frown before replying.
"Everything is perfectly fine Jungkook. I saved you and now you saved me." Confusion flashed across Jungkook's features before he slowly nodded and sat down next to his 'injured' hyung.  Now it 's simply a matter of time, V thought. Let the mind games begin.
The vacant living room watched as it's soul occupant cowered against the cold walls, hushed sobs pouring from their bitten lips, the remnants of dried tears tainting flawless skin. Soft hand ran over the terrifying scars that wove around his body, unable to shake the weight in his chest that threatened to engulf him. The clock chimed. 3:30 am. Memories rushed back to greet him with vicious smiles. The glints of metal stained with his crimson blood, overwhelming pain that would force blood-curdling screams from his throat. And the most scary memory of all. The kind smile he received from Jimin as he reached out a gentle hand to a fragile, broken boy who flicked away from the first painless tough he had been offered in years...
Jungkook had shook and cried as he thought about the past for hours. But now he'd had enough. Enough of endless the struggle. Enough of the endless pain. He needed comfort. He needed those warm welcoming arms that would calm his panic and wash away his anxiety. He needed Jimin. But here he was, alone in the cold living room with no-one but Taehyung to hear his cries. Maybe Taehyung would help him? Yeah... he'd go to Taehyung. Maybe his lanky, strong arms could mimic Jimin's small comforting ones if he tried to imagine it was the blonde-haired man he owed everything to.
With that thought his shaky legs carried him to the doorway of Taehyung's silent room.
"H-hyung?" A small groan came from the figure on the bed as he shifted to face figure at the door.
"Jungkook?" V asked, his voice deep and gruff from sleep. Jungkook nodded his head and hesitantly stepped into the room making his way over to the bed. "What's wrong?" V inquired, managing to perfectly mimic the worried tone Taehyung would always use when any of the other members were hurt or upset.
"C-can I sleep with you tonight?" Jungkook whispered, his gaze trained on the floor in embarrassment, tears pricking his eyes. V's boxy smile erupted across his face as he silently slid over to create room for Jungkook. The younger gratefully slid into his embrace and soon V's even breaths began fanning the back of his neck as the elder slept peacefully. But Jungkook was wide awake. His body tense and far too hot as he shared the bed with V. This wasn't right. He was wrong. This wasn't Jimin. He missed the softness and the care with which Jimin held him. He missed the small " it's ok" he would whisper as Jungkook fell asleep. He missed everything about him. Taehyung just wasn't Jimin. Suddenly feeling awkward and claustrophobic Jungkook attempted to remove himself from the elders arms with no success as V began to stir beside him. A small sigh of defeat left his lips. It was going to be a long night.

Ok so I felt bad for such a short chapter so I decided to write more! I hope it's ok... Anyways.

As always...


Edited by @itz_juzt_aidan (On Instagram)
