^^ Please watch the video. I chose it basically because of the title. Soooooo.... ^^

The pain and the panic slowly passed but now everything  ached. Hoseok's chest heaving as he finally managed to breathe properly. His throat was dry and sore from the screaming, his lips cracked and chewed. His eyes were red and swollen, the whites of his eyes dotted with irritated veins. It felt like days since he'd felt normal. He'd lost weight, he could feel his ribs now and his toned muscles were slowly fading away. His stomach was past growling, now it was screaming for food but he couldn't seem to find the energy to see if anyone was there to provide it. So he sat. Drained from days of anxiety and attacks. He sat. In the deafening silence alone, the only sound his faint breathing.

He'd had enough now. This was about as much as he could take. The voices had been torturing him with their malicious tones and snide remarks. Footsteps and heavy breathing pulled him out of his deadly thoughts. A small tray of food slid towards him which he simply stared at blankly. The person in-front of him spoke with a gravelly voice.
"You lasted less time than I thought you would" there was an obvious hint of amusement in his tone. Hoseok simply stared at them, eyes empty. "Come on, Hoseok. I have something to show you." He absently nodded as if he wasn't really listening but lost in his own thoughts. He followed regardless.

On his way out, a shiny wrapper had managed to catch his eye. A snickers bar. He stared at it intently and, as if in a trance, began to walk towards it his hand reaching out towards it. His thin hand wrapped round the small chocolate picking it up with a sort of carefulness as if  he thought it was going to melt away in his hands if he held it too tightly. Memories flashed through his head - being sat on the side of the merry-go-round, sticking out like a sore thumb. The fake smile the woman he once called Emma gave him when she left him alone - forever. The pitiful looks of onlookers, who refused to do anything but make him feel small and out of place with their stares. He didn't realize he was crying until he felt the cool of the shed tears run down his cheeks. Quickly turning around to face the other person in the room he smiled a painfully fake smile, tears still flowing down his cheeks.

The figure watched the entire show with a smug smile splayed across their face - even if the small gesture was just for them to be aware of as it was hidden by the mask. Who knew his Hyung could play this out so perfectly? He certainly didn't.  This whole thing was almost too perfect, but he wasn't complaining. Everything was going as planned.However, as he watched Hoseok stare blankly at the small bar of chocolate and nuts clamped in his hand he began to think. Why did he break so quickly?
"Shut up." He muttered almost scolding himself. "You can't start feeling bad now. Go away." but it wouldn't. Damn it. Why did they have to hear each other now? Never mind hopefully he'd shut up soon.


Kind of a short chapter sorry. Just to make up for my writers block on my other story for now. I had this draft lying around and thought it was cool so here you go. Hope it's ok. Aaannnyyways...

As always...


Edited @itz_juzt_aidan (On Instagram)
