Chapter 9: Don't bullshit me. I know what you're doing.

Olive and I step outside of Enoch's room and she slams the door behind us. She tries to tower over me even though we are the same height, a glint of something in her eyes.

"Piss off Y/N. He's mine." She growls.


"Don't bullshit me. I know what you're doing."

"Yeah. What am I doing?"

"Don't play dumb. Enoch is mine. Touch him and you burn."

"Do you think I like Enoch? You are very mistaken then."

"Oh sure you don't like him!"

"Why?" I say, a smile spreading over my lips. "Jealous? You like him a lot, don't you?"

"Yes, I do you bitch, if that's what you wanna hear. And don't bother telling him that I have a crush on him, coz once he finds out, he'll be all over me!"

"Then why haven't you told him already, because clearly you definitely want him 'all over you', right?"

Olive looks a bit lost for words. "Well... I, um, I'm waiting for the right time to tell him."

"The right time? Don't bullshit yourself Olive. You have lived in the same day for the past however many years. The same bloody day. So if yesterday's not the right time to tell Enoch, then today won't be the right time either, coz they are the same day! That goes to every other day in your future, coz they are all the same! You aren't ever gonna tell him, so maybe I should just do it for you."

"No!" Olive says a bit too loudly. Clearly she's insecure about it, afraid of being rejected. Because if Enoch says no, she will have to live with him for the rest of eternity, embarrassed by her feelings.

"So you can't tell him, but you are still threatening me to back off? Even though I actually don't like him. Really?"

"Whatever you say, bitch. Either way he is mine and mine alone, so you can't have him, regardless whether or not you like him or not."

"Mm Hmm. But what if I am you? You said yourself that only you can have him. So..." I pause as I shape shift into Olive for the second time that night. "Can I have him now? Coz apparently I like him!" I ask her while wearing her own face.

"Just, AAARRRGGGHHH, will you stop using that against me?!" Olive expresses, clearly frustrated with my incompetence at this point.

I smile, still wearing her face. "Good talk." I tell her as I step around her and start to walk to my room. It's pretty funny that she thinks I like him. I barely know him. I just met him. I probably wouldn't even call us proper friends yet. Only once I get there do I shape shift back into my own form. God, wasn't Olive's face priceless! I smile, but then remember where I now am. In this tiny, cramped room.

I close my eyes slowly. I am not suffocating. I think to myself. This is a big, spacious room. No, I am totally not lying to myself. This is a big, spacious room. Absolutely. No memories, no memories, please no memories, no memories, please, please no, no, no memories, no more, no...

My eyes burst open before the memory starts to play in my mind. But even with my eyes open, I can still see it. I rush over to the window as the grey walls start to enclose again, like last night. I intend to open it and throw up, but instead catch sight of the stars.

They give me hope. The sight of them somehow represses the memory, makes me no longer feel like I am gonna throw up. They make everything feel alright. I know how weird it sounds, but the stars help. So once again, instead of sleeping and being plagued my nightmares, I stare at the stars.


Oooh, some rivalry. False accusations alert!! Polite persons do not make false accusations at the dinner table. Just like polite persons do not take their supper in the nude. Although, with saying that, we are getting false accusations from Milliard that Enoch is a 'pervert' a few chapters back and now Olive accusing Y/N that she likes Enoch and needs to 'back off'. Although is it a false accusation? We'll see soon I guess. Hehehe, see ya all soon, peeps!

