CHAPTER 2-The Promise We Made

well hello just a quick note i change the way kiana call my oc now she call her hacchi




the girl is met with the fearful sight,Hikari he himself has push Kiana away tanking the attack

the tendrils could be seen stabbing through his chest.The creature saw that this small human infront of it still breathing,it pull up four of his tendrils glowing along the way ready to vaporize this worthless insect infront of it

Mei and Kiana both of them couldn't believe what just happen infront of them,Hikari was left lying on the ground not even a small movement was made.No they couldn't believe it haha this is just a dream right?..... right?

their eyes widening seeing those tendrils starting to glow and aiming toward the male yelling their lounge out.


a sudden burst of energy fill their body glowing them in neon pink,in a matter of second both of them already facing the creature

the fight was fearless anything that could describe it is that was like a predator playing with his food,a total one sided massacre

all was left is the part of the creature that in the end turn into particle of dust Mei and Kiana just couldn't control themselves the negativity blinded their mind

RAGE DESPAIR FEAR on top all of that is the DESIRE tu murder all living creature, that's all keep repeating in their head.Kiana and Mei hold their head in pain

"K-kiana Mei"

quickly they already infront of Hikari as the pain in their head has eased without even them know it

the sight that left them embarked sadness and despair,Hikari body felt limp his face pale little by little nevertheless the obvious change is the hole on his chest

the pair couldn't help but let out a cried,this wasn't what they plan earlier they supposed to having fun enjoying the date but instead it was replaced with something disastrous.This was to much they couldn't handle it, they are far from ready for his absence

"hey..... don't cry..... you're wasting your beauty"The now male said with his weakened voice

there just silence.They didn't answer nor they couldn't swallow the state he is now that broken their heart to the core. They just can't control it at the end they both are human nothing could be done human is drive by their feelings emotion and this is one of the moment went their emotion went frenzy

"......Enough with the tears"Plead Hikari toward them.He just hate it went he see someone he love someone he care looking like that he just couldn't hold it

"I hate when see you guys like this....."he force his hand to wipe both of their tears keeping those beautiful skin from being impaled by tears

his hand fell on fatigue his vision slowly fading away he knew this is the end nothing could be done even if the med arrive he would probably be dead by then, just like how he imagine it.Without a thought he force every remains of his energy to this point

"It was fun time spending the spend of my life with you guys......."he chuckles as a bit blood spilling out along with the cough

" don't said that the help will arrive I already contacted them so please hold on for me"Mei plead holding his hand rubbing it on her chin.It now felt different the hand that use to pat her head the kind and warm hand that always there pull her from the pitch darkness now felt cold and pale

"NO! I WON'T ACCEPT THIS Y-YOU STILL HAVE TO FULFILL YOUR PROMISE YOU SAID YOU WILL BE ALWAYS THERE BY MY SIDE YOU LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!...... liar.You still didn't see me become the strongest Valkyrie"Kiana she's the one who always have a positive minded now clouded with despair, she would not believe this.He promised them after all he can't die now right? but even so it is the reality

"Ha......ha it was a fun year with you guys....GEHAAK"Blood spill from the side of his mouth just lessened his consciousness more

He have no time at all and he knew it very well.For once he spread his bloodied arm with all his might

"How about a hug.......... A goodbye hug...... though I might ruin your dress heh?"Hikari request was quick granted with the warm that felt really nice and comfortable to him never could he thought that hugging someone could be this great.His eye gaze toward the blue sky such a nice weather today a waste it is he couldn't enjoy it anymore

"you guys are the most important thing to me so forgave me for what........ I just did"that was the last word he said before completely left lifeless on the ground now souless body is now there

both Mei and Kiana couldn't hear the beating of his heart no more nevertheless their grip never loose like their life was matter to it

thus that is the end of the trio journey now it only left to the duo partner to continued what was left


Tears in Mei's eyes flowing endlessly.The rain dripping on her porcelain that tainted with tears just added more to her sorrow just because he like rain so much

Pain... Sorrow... Despair... all of them in one could bring nothing but worse result but that is what left in Mei right now

remembering the past is the last thing she would like to do the wound is still there with just a simple flick it will bleed again

"hush hush there cry as many as you want let it all out Mei.... let it all out"Her tear dampen Himeko wears but she never mind that what matters now is her student state

It took her awhile before finally get a grip of herself wiping the tear that still intact on her face

"thanks himeko sensei I really need that"Mei still have a little hicc in her voice that make her hard to express her word

"it is quite fine after all you are one of my top priority right now"a little headpat won't hurt so that is what Himeko done

time sure pass by really fast never could they knew they were up there on the deck for so long,rise the sun signifying that it is morning.With the new found confident without a thought Mei make her way toward the cockpit


the door slid open with Mei stepped out from the cab

"good morning principal"greet Mei toward Theresa who is across her

"ahh good morning Mei can I help you with anything?"ask theresa

her gaze suddenly change her expression become more serious than ever.Theresa knew this is going somewhere but for some reason she could guest where could it led to

"I wish to remove the bomb that was planted beside my heart"Mei spoke her request her tone could be tell is much of you could say serious

her eyes never left the principal gaze she curl her finger formed into a grip she knew her request was by much far a heavy request, someone like her who a host of a herrscher is very crucial


"huh?"Mei eyes blink twices she was a bit stunned by Theresa quick of reply how could this matter taken lightly by her?

"b-but why?"Mei muttered


"why would you granted my request that easily inside me resided a gem where the soul of a herrscher were placed how could you take this lightly I-"her word were interrupted by a sudden grasp of her hand.Theresa let her eyes gaze toward her knuckles smiling.Her thumb caressing her fingers

"listen here Mei firstly we did say that plantation of the bomb is under your own will so if you wish to get rid of it I will still say yes and secondly your purpose is very much easy to read.....even so I don't have heart to decline your demand your intention isn't any near to evil you just want to save the one who close to you I knew we are too,if not we're not here on this ship right?she is my niece and I can't afford to lose her.I knew how it feels to lose someone same with you we just don't want to felt that pain again aren't we so your request is always welcome.The surgery will be done right away but promise me after that you will take a good rest hmmm?"her eyes now face upward across Mei eyes,her word doesn't felt like any part of it was done because it was a part of her duty not even close instead her intention is far from that her tone sound soft and caring there doesn't any part of her word show any chance of using her no.....not even once

"I promise principal Theresa"Theresa giggles a bit she doesn't know what was funny about it but she felt like it.Seeing her genuinely smiling put her mind at ease


behind the glass two maiden standing watching over Mei that now in a surgery.The serious gaze never left their faces time pass little by litte

Himeko sigh in relief the Mei she knew who was much lack on self confidence and keep on blaming herself now facing against her own fear but the sigh slowly turning into a grunt

"something the matter major himeko?"himeko wasn't even intend to hide her grunt.The sudden mood change was in theresa scope having to live for 44 of years give her enough reason to notice something so simple as that."Wasn't much I'm glad she is starting to face herself but I couldn't help but think that if he is here thing would gone far different."

"Well you're not wrong but the past is in the past we should no longer regret those that we have failed but instead learned from our own mistake and you knew it well Himeko"A sigh could be heard again from the red haired lady but this time a bit longer. "I knew it very well nevertheless eating together does not felt right as a piece of us when missing.Whenever it is about dinner or all of that he is always the one that make everything lively even if he is not a chatty person and all"she chuckles on the memories that slip through her mind

'alas it was such a great time huh.'

"Couldn't agree more since his death we lose the spark that brighten our day well it still sad that I couldn't have the morning tea as usual in the past he sure make a great tea"both of them laughing not even a single time was left with gloom but deep in their heart they knows that they are hurt and still they have responsibility to take care of this young ladies it is their promise after all


"sir we detected a high energy frequencies from XXXXXX."

"hmmm I see I will be there in a second"the man that was known for his treacherous and mischievous personality Otto Apocalypse standing infront of glass tube that registered in name k-423 or better known as kiana that the inside is herself.His palm touching the cold glass while grinning on satisfaction"let see how long will it take for you to awaken from your eternal slumber"he left the scene nothing more was there except her.

The lab is shade with shadow and within those shadow only the light from the glass capsule brighten the void

Crawling through the dark light particle reforming infront of the capsule shining this darkest place.It physique is in a form of a man but no it was not a human there is no flesh in him the light that shone him fading out showing a man in silver with a pair of wing but what stand out the most was the golden shackles that was across his hand to his shoulder and the cross chain on his chest with some golden plates that stick on his form

"Kiana I'm sorry I wasn't there for you but at least let me help you with this"His hand glooming in gold gracious light grasp the surface, particle of light transferred into her before he finally bid his farewell disappeared with glow that slowly fading away


Hey it's ya boy Chrono

okay first thing first i want to thank emiyadaffa
cause of his great work that give me an inspirations to make this at first I was afraid that if I release this story people might not like it at all but seeing everyone like emiyadaffa work just burst my confidence all of a sudden so please enjoy

if you have a thought or anything you want to ask just comment and I will try my best to improve myself on it

ooooo before that I want to ask you guys have you already watch ugf destined crossroad ep 5?!?!?!Man my fav ultra is back boi Ultraman Noa it got me really2 hype bruh

uhh I think I talk to much

