I have a voice im gonna use it

I watched as Stansson took his stick back and whacked coaches bad leg with it. We all rushed over quickly to help him. "You need to leave now" Stansson stood over Bombay smirking Dean and Fulton went forward to try and jump at him. But everyone stopped him. Dwayne grabbed my hand and squeezed it, I finally decided being quiet right now wasn't going to do anything so I decided to do something I only do I'm emergencies I yelled. "ALRIGHT STANSSON LETS SEE" I stepped forward and everyone looked at me shocked I dropped Dwayne's hand "LETS SEE IF YOU CAN STILL PLAY WITH A TORN ACL LETS SEE IF YOU CAN TAKE A CHEAP SHOT TO THAT KNEE AND GET BACK UO RIGHT AFTER BECAUSE ID SURE LIKE TO SEE THE TOUGH WOLF THE DENTIST STANSSON ON THE GROUND LIKE A BABY PLEASE YOU KNEW YOU WOULDVE  LOST SO YOU CHEATED BECAUSE YOU KNOW BOMBAYS THE BETTER COACH AND YOUR TEAM FEELS THREATENED BY USA SO WOLF PLEASE TELL ME AM I SOMEWHERE IN THE BALL PARK THERE BECAUSE ALL YOUR KNOWN FOR IS GETTING KICKED OFF FOR PUNCHING YOUR COACH, WHILE OUR COACH COACH BOMBAY IS KNOWN AS THE MINNESOTA MIRACLE MAN" I took a deep breath and stepped back grabbed Dwayne's wrist tightly I honestly can not believe I just did that. I got cheers from my team until coach shushes them and Winks at me "well Stansson was she in the ball park there? Or the net was she in the net?" Coach stepped forward Stansson scoffed and him and his iceland team skated away "HOLY HELL HAILEY!" Connie cheered and hugged me. Dean and Fulton came and patted my back "nice work" Luis smiled at me "I didn't know you had it in you you're always so quiet" I smiled "well I have a voice and I'm going to use it" Dwayne smiles at me and whispers "well I don't use this word often so, I think your voice is very hot when you stand up for yourself and others" I feel my face blush and shove it into his neck he kissed my cheek "Well let's have some more fun!" Coach went over to the bench and turned on some music. Coach motioned for me to come over to him I did "yes coach?" I was worried he'd be mad "Hailey thank you" coach pulls me into a hug "you had great confidence there channel that on the ice" I smile "like I said I have a voice I'm going to use it"
