Chapter 2.



Y/n was never a violent person. They never would even hurt a fly or spider and much rather just open a window or take a piece of paper to put the insect outside, because otherwise they would feel too bad about perhaps taking away some spider babies spider father. Their mind worked in strange, but reasonable ways.

And right now they wanted to cry as they sat on the broom in their trousers and wondered why this stupid school was not giving them uniforms to fly with. The quidditch teams had their fancy little rickouts, but Y/n and all the others were struggling in their uniforms.

They especially felt bad for the girls, because they had to hold down their skirts or wear shorts, which could be uncomfortable on some days. So when one of the girls came up to them, they immediately turned to her while lowering themselves to the ground again.

"L/n!!" It was Penny, who was also one of the most popular if not the most popular girl in their year. And she seemed a little embarrassed, while tugging on the taller students robes. "I am very sorry to ask you this, b-but I think I just got period and I wanted to ask if y-you could give me your cloak.."

Y/n blushed slightly at that and noticed that Penny wasn't wearing her cloak today and that her white knee high stockings were colored a deep red with the blood dripping down her legs. They quickly took of their cloak and put it around the girl's shoulders, which then draped over her whole body because of Y/n's height.

They then grabbed their bag with one hand and Penny's hand with the other before going to Professor Hooch. If Y/n realized what they were doing, they would probably shriek back and never look into Penny's pretty blue eyes ever again. But Y/n was currently on a mission and that was helping their classmate with something, that she can't handle all by herself.

"Professor.." They whispered, while feeling Penny shaking slightly. "Could Penny and I leave for the rest of the lesson? There seems to be an.. emergency."

At those words Hooch went on high alert and sized both students up, until she saw the blood in between Penny's legs and finally understood the situation. "Alright, could you please take miss Haywood to the nearest restroom, L/n? I will excuse you both for the rest of the lesson."

And off they were, while Penny had to take long strides, Y/n could simply just walk in a normal pace. The blond girl cursed their fellow Hufflepuff's long legs in that moment, before she suddenly tripped and scrapped her knee on the cold stone floor.

Y/n immediately hurried to her side and when Penny tried to wave them off, they instead stopped her and asked something. "Can I carry you?" They asked and Penny brightly blushed, before she weight out her options right now.

On the one side she could just stand up and be a big girl and claim her inner femininity! But on the other hand.. A big, tall, strong and goodlooking classmate could carry her and take care of her?? Oh yeah fuck the first choice.

Penny immediately made grabby hands at them, which led to Y/n letting out a low chuckle and then hoisting her up. Sadly it wasn't as romantic as Penny hoped, because they just threw her over their shoulder like a bag of potatoes. She still appreciated it though, because now on second thought it would have been quite embarrassing to be caught like that so she was glad.

Y/n on the other hand still only had one mission in mind and that was helping their classmate with something extremely.. Personal. Now that they realized what kind of situation they were in, Y/n would have loved to throw Penny away and run into the forbidden forest crying, but they thought that would have been a little rude.. So they instead opted to walking in the most robot like style and setting Penny down in front of the restroom.

"Thank you!" Penny told them, before looking a little confused, because she still didn't know what to do. "Ah.. What do I do now? Does the bleeding stop after a while?"

Y/n just facepalmed at that, before realizing how rude that was and crouching down. They quickly dug through their back, before pulling out a little pouch of sorts. It was filled with bandages, painkillers and also some hygiene products like: pads.

As they pulled out one of them and handed it to Penny, who looked at pad in her hand in confusion. Y/n looked embarrassed, but thought to themselves that if they explain it to Penny now, that she can do it to the other girls. This way no one has to ask Y/n something like that again.

"Alright.." A deep sigh left them, before they grabbed the pad, but Penny quickly gave them a little hit on the shoulder.

"N-not here!!" She said and wanted to pull Y/n into the restroom, but the giant held onto the door frame like their life depended on it.

"I can't just go in there!" They retorted and Penny finally understood what was happening. She looked around, before turning to Y/n again.

"Then take me up to Myrtle's bathroom!" She demanded and jumped into Y/n's arms again. The taller student of them both had to steady themselves, so that they wouldn't fall, while also putting a hand on Penny's head so that if they did fall, she wouldn't get hurt at least.

They quickly grabbed their bag with the pouch inside again and lifted Penny with the other arm, which by all honesty left the blond girl a little breathless. She didn't know if it was because she found it very attractive or, because Y/n grabbed her so tightly around her stomach, that basically all air left her system.

Either way Y/n continued to carry her up to the 3rd floor corridor and into the bathroom. When they tried to leave again, Penny quickly threw herself onto them and pulled them inside, which led to the sobbing in one of the stalls to stop.

Both of the Hufflepuffs looked absolutely spooked when the ghost came out to curse them both away, but Myrtle stopped in her tracks when she saw the situation they were in.

When Myrtle was still alive, she also got her period during one of the classes and had to deal with it all on her own. The worst thing was when one of her bullies saw her trying to fix it and embarrassed her, as she screamed it through the halls.

Myrtle could be cranky and mean, but she would never want another person to go through the same thing she had to deal with. Especially because she realized that it was Y/n, who the ghost may have been stalking for some time now.

"AWW!! DO YOU GUYS NEED HELP??" She asked rather excitedly, before stopping herself, because that wasn't like her normal self at all. "I mean.. Only so that you would leave faster.."

"That would be nice actually.. Penny got her period and I have some pads, but I myself don't really need or use them, so I can't help her with that.. Could you do that? Please?" Y/n explained and as they spoke they took out all of the things their mother told them could be useful in this situation.

They didn't have an uterus themselves, so they would never be able to actually have a period, but their mother still taught them as much as possible so that Y/n could help their classmates that would need some support in this topic.

"Of course! Of course! I'm basically a Olympic champion when it comes to menstruation!" Myrtle boosted, before she turned to Y/n again. "You should leave now though! Wait in front of the door and leave us girls some privacy!"

At that Y/n immediately left and sat down right next to the door of the bathroom. As they sat there, they played with some rubber bands and other bracelets on their wrist, before a shadow fell over them.

And when they looked up professor Sprout stood there with some mandrakes in a box, which she had leaned against her hip.

"L/n! Whatcha doin' all alone out here?" She asked with a bright smile, before that dropped a little. "Did someone bother you again? If someone did, tell me their name and I will give 'em a good scolding!"

At her words Y/n chuckled, before waving off her concerns and pointing at the bathroom door, where Penny shyly peeked her head out now.

"Hello??" The blond greeted the head of her house in a confused manner. "Did something happen, professor Sprout?"

"Oh no! Just thought that L/n here was in.. Trouble again, but it was just a silly assumption!" The other woman quickly excused her behavior, before looking at Penny's rigout again. "Did you get your..?"

When Sprout didn't continue Penny nodded with flushed cheeks, which made the woman squeal in excitement. She then quickly shoved the box of mandrakes into Y/n's arms, while helping the still limping Penny walk.

"L/n! Would you be a dear and bring those into the greenhouse? I need to help miss Haywood!" At her quick words, Y/n quickly obeyed and waved at Penny before walking down to the greenhouses. When they arrived, they saw that some earmuffs and a few gardening utensils were laying there.

And when Y/n stepped closer with the box, they saw that there was a little to-do list on the wall. In a messy, but also firm hand writing, that professor Sprout probably scribbled down that she needed to repot the new mandrakes. The ones that they were carrying.

Y/n in that moment decided to help their teacher, because without Sprout they would have probably never even gotten confident enough to return to Hogwarts in the first place. As they put on the yellow fluffy earmuffs and pressed down the flaps as tightly as possible, they already regretted their decision slightly.

It was one thing being good academically, but in things like flying or gardening you need actual skill or hard work and Y/n still needed the latter of the two. So that is why when they picked up the gardening utensils and some bigger pots they had to pull out their herbology book for some advice.

'They cry like babies??' They wondered as they played with the leaves of some of the mandrakes, which were the only thing visible till now. 'Isn't it a little cruel to burry them then? But I suppose it would also be calming, because they wouldn't need to be bothered.. I want to be buried like a mandrake baby.'

While their absolutely ridiculous thoughts concluded, they pulled out one of the mandrakes as instructed, before yelling as the fattest and ugliest baby-plant-hyprid just popped out of the soil while crying extremely loudly. They quickly shoved it into the new pot and dumped soil onto it until no sound was heard anymore, before just taking a deep and shaky breath.

Y/n learned a lot more things about themselves today, than they would have liked. First of all, they learned that them talking too much hurt their throat and that they should perhaps be concerned about that because they didn't speak more than ten sentences.

Second of all, that they suck at flying and should ask their mother for some sports gear for flying classes, because they seriously didn't want to fly in slacks and a dress shirt.. Also maybe they should send an anonymous request to Dumbledore on not making the girls wear skirts, because that just has to be uncomfortable.

Third of all, woman or anyone who has to deal with a period deserves their up most respect, because they themselves absolutely could not and would not want to imagine the troubles that come with it. They also wondered, why so many people think girls are weak when they can deal with those kind of things.. 'People are stupid..' Is the conclusion they came to in the end.

And last but not least, was that they are absolutely afraid of herbology class from now on. 'Why was it so UGLY??' Y/n wondered to themselves, before feeling bad about calling the ugly baby ugly.. Because what if it didn't know that it was ugly? That's just mean and they didn't want to do something like that to the poor thing.

"Sorry about that.. You are ugly, but you are also a little cute.." They said to the still burried baby, because if they pulled it out again, it would probably scream even louder which wouldn't be ideal for their already hurting ears.

What they didn't realize was that a figure was behind them. A stranger. A handsome stranger, who was covered in scars and raggedy clothes.

"I don't think they can understand you.." He told them, which led to Y/n doing the exact same thing they did when they first met Snape. Officially that is.

Lay on the floor and act dead. Just that this time, the floor had dirt and dead roots on it and that Remus was wheezing his smoker lungs out. He didn't expect Y/n to just drop dead, because he suddenly appeared behind them.

Y/n on the other hand was literally wishing to die in that moment, because why was an absolute stranger in the Hogwarts greenhouses?? What kind of protection is this?! Dumbledore being the most powerful wizard ever their ass!! This is a absolutely terrible way to protect the students on school grounds!

"I-i'm sorry to surprise you kid!" Remus chuckled out, still trying hard to get himself together, but Y/n finally stood up with a shovel in hand that they pointed at the intruder.

They didn't say a word, because they didn't think it was necessary in this situation, but Remus knew that this was a threat on his life. "Hey! Calm down! I was a student back in my days! Not an intruder or whatever you might assume I am!!"

'Bitch who are you kidding?? Tom Marvolo Riddle and Sirius Black were also students before they turned bad!' They sassed in their mind, but just added another shovel to that threat without saying anything, which made him back away from them.

"You know what, I think I will just keep my distance.." He chuckled out nervously, not believing that he.. A fucking werewolf was scared of some Hufflepuff using shovels against him.

Maybe he should hire them for full moons, so his werewolf form could get under some control.. Remus had to hold back his laughter at the thought of Y/n chasing his werewolf with muddy shovels.

He coughed into his hand, before trying to help them out again. Remus was here for.. Another reason. One that he wasn't too proud of, but he could maybe get some of the guilt off of his chest, by repotting some baby mandrakes.

"I can help repot those and then I will leave you alone! Promise!" He quickly added and Y/n still looked a little suspicious, but then again the man looked a little homeless so they were sure that they would be able to take them on.

So they just nodded and threw one of the shovels at him and a pair of earmuffs. Then they pointed at the other half of mandrakes, that still needed repotting, before returning to their own ones.

Remus chuckled a little at their cold behavior, because he could tell that they didn't try to really be mean. They only wanted to be careful of him, which he understood, because after all he wasn't careful as a child and that is how he got a lifelong curse. 'Smart googy egg..' He mused to himself, while Y/n was looking a little weirded out by the even bigger and uglier baby that they pulled out of the earth now.

While they just repotted the mandrakes as quickly as possible, Y/n wondered what this guy was even doing here, before they realized something. The scars on his body were clearly self made, but not from a tool of sorts, but from claws.

So Y/n decided to just act out of character today. They could always say that they were under the influence or something. Nobody would probably believe them, because it was Y/n and the only influence they would be under is: group pressure, lack of sleep and sugar. But that last one is only when people like professor Snape aren't around to catch them snacking on chocolate chip cookies.

"Are you here for potion ingredients?" They asked and Remus coughed out, because he didn't expect them to speak another word with him.

When he didn't immediately answer, they just raised and eyebrow and Remus quickly forced an answer out. A little anxious, because he didn't know how they knew about that. "Y-yes.. But I'm not sure if I can actually get some.."

At his answer Y/n nodded slowly, while they finished putting the last bit of soil on the last mandrake. When they looked at Remus progress and saw that he wasn't done yet, they excused themselves.

"I'll be back in a bit." They told him, while walking out of the greenhouse, not leaving Remus any room to argue.

He could only hope, that they weren't bringing McGonagall or someone like that here, because then he would be screwed. Remus also considered just leaving, but they left their bag behind and if it went missing he would feel terrible so he continued working on the mandrakes silently.

Y/n on the other hand was going down to the dungeons and when they arrived at the potion classroom and saw that the 4th years were currently having their potions class.

Between them, there was also Bill Weasley, who was the one to notice Y/n and who sneaked over to them. This was all while Y/n was focusing on how to either get the ingredients for the potion or Snape's attention, so they didn't notice him.

"What are we looking for?" He whispered in a teasing manner, while Y/n was scanning the shelves they could see from the door.

"Wolfsbane potion ingredients." They responded, not really paying attention to anything.

Bill on the other hand was the one now confused. This student just admitted to either knowing or being a werewolf and he didn't know how to handle that.

"E-excuse me??" He exclaimed, but Y/n still wasn't paying attention to him and was rather searching for some wolfsbane. "Are you a werewolf?!"

That last question of his was rather loud and brought a lot of attention to the pair and made Y/n finally notice, that someone was standing right next to them. Which also led to them letting out a yell and falling onto the ground.

"Y/n don't pretend to be dead again.." Snape scolded them, before he saw Bill next to them. And for his taste it was way too close. "Mister Weasley step away from them this instant."

At his order Bill quickly backed off, because he didn't want to make them uncomfortable either and also because the glare Snape was giving him was less than pleasant.

"Y/n what are you doing here.. And what was that werewolf talk all about?" He continued to ask her much gentler, which kinda shocked his students as they had absolutely no clue who this was.

They didn't answer either and it seemed like they were trying to communicate with him through their mind and Snape understood immediately. He quickly walked over to his desk and grabbed a little box with things inside before giving them to Y/n.

"Here you go.. Now go back to class or whatever." He told them as he fixed some hair that fell into their face, while Y/n waved at him before they scurried away.

In the box there were all of the necessary ingredients to brew the potion and Y/n was happy that Snape gave it to them. They knew that he must have read their mind, but Y/n was happier about their privacy getting possibly evaded like that than making a fool out of themselves like they have been all day.

And it was Snape. They trusted him and knew that he wouldn't never do anything to cause them harm on purpose. So when they arrived back in the greenhouse, where Remus by now was leaning against one of the doors with their bag in hand, they only grinned at his confusion.

"Here." That was the only word they told him, as they threw the box for him to catch, which he did. And when he did, he looked surprised about the contents.

"T-these are the things I needed!" He told them and Y/n grinned at him, before grabbing their bag from him.

"Take care.. You shouldn't harm yourself anymore and if you need help, please just ask!" They called out while turning back to the castle, before they stopped and said something absolutely unimaginable to him. "You aren't a monster, Remus Lupin.."

"How did you..?" He questioned, but they only tapped their head before winking at him and turning around.

As they answered, Remus was a little shocked where the confidence came from, but he didn't mind it. "I'm cursed with intelligence.." Was the only thing they told him, before they were officially in the castle.

He on the other hand hugged the box to his chest, before smiling and walking back into the forest. He didn't know who they were, but Remus would most certainly not forget their kindness any time soon.

Penny was waiting down in the Hufflepuff common room and when she turned to the door opening, she saw Y/n come in with a heating pad, chocolate, some cookies and some tea.

They grinned at her, while Penny looked especially happy back at them. "Come I want to enjoy them in my bed!" She said as she pulled them along to her room, that she shared with Tonks.

"Are you feeling better now?" They instead asked not really understanding the friendliness that they suddenly had.

'Does she do this so I feel comfortable? What if she isn't comfortable now?? What if I made her think that she needs to be friendlier than she already is becaus-- okay calm down this day is probably just in your imagination, because there is no way that you would talk this much with people!' They reassured themselves and then turned to Penny, who already got comfy in her bed.

"In a punctual way of speaking.. Goodbye." They told the blond girl, before strolling away and Penny made herself a mental goal right in that very moment.

'Get to know Y/n in this year and befriend them!' She mentally told herself, while continuing to lay in her bed with the heating pads and chocolate, which Y/n got from the kitchen. They also got her a cookie and Penny grinned, while biting into feeling very glad that she decided to ask Y/n for help.

By all honesty it was a on the whim decision of her to ask Y/n instead of one of her friends. But they were all flying around and she was bleeding out of her private parts, so she would most definitely not try and chase down Charlie or Tonks. She wasn't even sure if they could have helped her as well as Y/n did and now that she thought about it, they probably couldn't.

Charlie would tell her to go to Madame Pomfrey, because she's 'hurt' and Tonks would look absolutely mortified, because she would also have to go through the same thing soon. Or at least Penny thinks so, because most woman get their period around this time. At least that's what professor Sprout told her, but then again she also said that some woman don't get their periods or that some woman don't even have an uterus and that that is still alright.

Myrtle was also a big help in teaching her how to use a pad and also what to do if there was a stain in her clothing. Even though she was also very much nagging her about never having a guy notice that she was on her period, because they would make fun of her apparently. Myrtle's words not her's.

But either way, Penny was very happy that she had so many supportive woman around to help her during this moment in her life. And also that Y/n was there to help her, even though she just basically shoved all of her problems onto them. Penny blushed a little as she recalled their little adventure again.


Hope you guys liked this chapter! Still very ill and I will probably not answer to any comments or mentions/messages because my wattpad is literally giving up on me at the moment and I can't see any
messages :((
Either way I hope that you guys like this chapter.

- Love Neslihan :)
