Chapter 1.



Y/n sat in class and they were absolutely devastated. Not because they had anything major happen to them, but because they already sneezed two times and if it became a third time they would cry.

The nice person next to them, wouldn't really mind of course, but they still didn't want to risk it. McGonagall has been glaring at Y/n anyways, because they keep accidentally interrupting her class.

Since the death of James and Lily Potter McGonagall has been a lot harder to her students. She didn't built as many deep bonds and kept everything on a surface level.

It actually started with the death of Regulus Black, but she wasn't as close to him and his body has never been found so she didn't have to see him dead actually. Then it moved on to Marlene McKinnon, who was a troublesome student, but had such a big heart and made everyone laugh.

Her eyes subconsciously glided over to Tonks, who sat next to Charlie and also a row in front of Y/n. Tonks was like a much clumsier version of Marlene and also a much more innocent one, but that could change over the coming years.

Oh and then Dorcas Meadowes happened. McGonagall didn't know exactly what their relationship was, but Dorcas was devastated when Marlene died and she made her live mission to find and kill Voldemort. She also found him two weeks later, but that was her live mission coming to an end, as he killed her with green light flashing through the room.

Dorcas reminded her a little of Merula, because both of them were Slytherin's and both of them had far to ambiguous goals for them to reach all on their own. Oh and they were stubborn. Extremely stubborn.

Then came James and right after Lily, because that cruel psychopath decided to try and kill their child. At that thought her eyes trailed to Penny and Andre, who were chatting with each other quietly, so that McGonagall wouldn't scold them. She would either way scold them, but for now they can just continue their assignments as she indulges in the memories of her students. No, children.

McGonagall saw all of those kids as her children, that she could never have by her own accord, but that she certainly took care of as if they were her own. That reminded her of Mary MacDonald and Remus Lupin, who were the only one's left.

As she pondered who those two could be from her class, her eye caught Talbott's and she smiled a little because both he and Remus were somewhat in the same situation. They both hid their little furry problems from the world, even though one was forced to do so and the other choose it. And Mary reminded her a little of Chiara, which was a little ironic if McGonagall would have known her secret.. Only the moon and Dumbledore knew though.

'Who else was there..' As McGonagall pondered about that Tonks suddenly turned around and tapped Y/n on the shoulder, making them flinch together as they were so concentrated on finishing the assignments.

"Sorry about that!!" Tonks whisper yelled a little loudly, but McGonagall was not paying attention as she still tried to remember so hard who she forgot about from her students. "Could you lend me a bit of parchment?? Me and Charlie are playing 'tik-tak-to' and ran out of place.."

Y/n looked a bit stunned before taking some parchment from their bag and handing it to her. Tonks of course accepted it gladly and snatched it away, before turning around again. Charlie on the other hand just facepalmed and turned to the Hufflepuff to thank them.

"Thanks!" He said with a smile and Y/n simply nodded, before turning their attention back to their assignments and Tonks let out a huge gasp as she turned around and basically flung herself on Y/n's desk.

"I'm so sorry!! THANK YOU!" She yelled and McGonagall suddenly snapped up from her seat and that made everyone quite down.

"L/N! TONKS!! DETENTION AFTER CLASS TODAY!!" She declared and Y/n just looked absolutely mortified.

'Oh no.. NOW MCGONAGALL WILL HATE ME AND I WILL NEVER GET AN O AND MY SCHOOL CAREER IS RUINED AND PROFESSOR SNAPE WILL BE DISAPPOINTED, BECAUSE I AM BAD STUDENT WHO GETS DETENTI--' Their thoughts were quickly cut off by Tonks, who stood up on her chair, which was a little too dramatic for Y/n's taste as they themselves would rather die than get such attention.

"L/N DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! BECAUSE -- what are your pronounce?" Tonks turned to them and Y/n pointed at a little makeshift pin, that their mother had gotten them over the summer after they had been misgendered and asked constantly what they were in their first year.

Y/n's mother was a lot older than most parents, because she became a mother very late in her fourties. So of course the older woman had a few questions for Y/n when they came out as non binary, but she was still very accepting and supportive.

Saying things like "oh look at my handsome baby~" or "you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress, sweetheart." without ever disregarding their pronounce or boundaries, so Y/n considered themselves very lucky.

Their mother was one of the kindest woman ever and after their father's death, Y/n had to be a support pillar of sorts and they did everything for their mum. When the acceptance letter to Hogwarts arrived at their apartment, Y/n's mother eagerly told them to go, but Y/n themselves was absolutely terrified.

School? With other people? And then even worse a boarding school, where they would have to leave their mother all alone?? Absolutely not. Well that didn't work out for them though, because they were currently here while Tonks was fighting for them to not get punished.

"Professor!! Why should they be punished for me yelling??" Tonks argued back, as the other students enjoyed the chaos and also for once noticed the giant sitting at the very back of the classroom.

"Tonks, this is not up for discussion and either way L/n still responded to you, so I will be giving the both of you detention." McGonagall's words were like cold hard metal against someone's skin and nobody dared to break the icy silence.

Well except for one person and that person was strangely a Filipino boy, who was sitting next to Y/n and lifting his arm up casually.

"Excuse me professor, but L/n didn't say a word." He came to their defense and McGonagall glared him down, until her eyes met with Y/n's e/c ones.

"Mister Alcante.." McGonagall said in a warning tone, but he just smirked back at her cockily and McGonagall's glare became icy.

'Bingo.. Sirius Black.' Was the name that she tried to black out so badly, because she really thought that he wasn't like his family. Wasn't like his brother or his father or God forbid his.. Mother.

Sirius Black had so much potential and he found a second family, but he threw it all away for what? Power? Fame? His parents' approval? She looked at him in absolute disgust, while he was dragged away by those dementors to his eternal suffering. Or well until he died in one of the cells at Azkaban, because unlike his master, he wasn't immortal or striving for immortality.

That reminded her of the poor boy, that was Sirius' first victim. Peter Pettigrew was a funny kid and he, James, Remus and Sirius were basically brothers but even brothers try and kill each other apparently.

'Only his thumb was found.. How cruel could Sirius be, that he would do something like that to the people that trusted him?' She thought while comparing the Slytherin boy to the supposed mass murderer.

Peter Pettigrew on the other hand was compared to Ben Cooper in her mind and she felt that it was justified. She only hoped that none of them actually have the same faith as those poor souls, because if she outlived another generation of students she wouldn't know what to do with herself.

"Alright, alright! L/n won't be punished, but I would like to talk to you after class today." She told her student, who just nodded quickly, because they wanted to defuse the situation as soon as possible.

Tonks looked happy, while the Filipino boy next to Y/n put a hand on their shoulder as if to ask if they were alright. He only received a nod from them, but that was more than enough as the class continued with their assignments.

Y/n was finished with their assignments with more than 20 minutes to spare, so they just started their other assignments for the day, because they didn't want to get another scolding from McGonagall.

'I hope nobody will remember this after today..' Was the only thought going through their head, while they finished their potions essay. Y/n wondered if they could ask professor Snape to look over their essay and maybe give them some pointers as they finished writing the essay about the strengthening solution, but then again what if he didn't?

'What if he only took pity of me on that night and now doesn't want me to bother him any longer?' They thought to themselves, before Y/n started another assignment for their charms class.

Other people might have liked to have their intelligence, because it was just so easy to understand things and finish them, but Y/n put themselves under a lot of pressure each day. They started crying if they didn't get an O. And if a teacher or any adult really, looked at them with the slightest hint of negative emotions, they "wanted to rip their skin off and wear someone else's, so they could restart.

'What I wouldn't give to not be smart.' They fantasized, as they continued writing explanations on how to hold your wand and pronounce certain spells to get the perfect charm. 'My mother wouldn't be disappointed in me when I get E's instead of O's on my report card, because they expect better.'

Aiden, or also known as the Filipino boy that defended them before, was looking over Y/n's shoulder and widened his eyes in shock, because Y/n just wrote all of those words down without even focusing.

As he continued watching them, he leaned over and looked at their finished transfiguration assignment, before just shamelessly copying off of them. Truth be told, Y/n would have let him copy off of them regardlessly, because they would feel like they had to after he helped them so it wasn't that big of a deal.

They on the other hand were still continuing on writing down more instructions, while being lost in thought. 'I would be naïve enough to fall in love, get into trouble, make stupid decision, and not stress about the state of the world.' Were their thoughts as they finished the last of their charms homework.

Now they were just tapping their quill on the empty piece of parchment, just so that they would have something to steady them enough, but not something to loud and noticeable for anyone else to notice. 'I would just be a normal kid..' They yearned in their mind, before being snapped out of their thoughts by the bell and their classmates around them excitedly packing up.

Aiden tapped their shoulder, as if to reassure them before he strolled out while talking to his fellow Slytherin Rowan.

"Come on Rowan!! You promised to help me!" He whined, but Rowan just shock her head, as the two snakes slithered [;)] out of the class Tonks dragged Charlie back to Y/n's side.

"I am so sorry once again!" She apologized to her fellow Hufflepuff, who just waved her off, while packing together their stuff.

Charlie just stood next to Tonks, while awkwardly waiting for either of the two to say something. When neither did, he decided to speak up instead. "Sooo.. Do you like quidditch?" He asked Y/n, who looked up at him, because they were still sitting down and they just looked extremely confused.

"I-i mean not everyone likes it! But it would be pretty awesome if you liked it.. N-not that I'm trying to insinuate that you are anyone special to me, b-but also not that you are not spec--" "Charles just shut up." Tonks interrupted his rant, which made him immediately just clamp his mouth shut.

"What Charlie here wants to say, is that we would like to get to know you.. If that is alright with you?" Tonks asked and Y/n looked extremely surprised by their offer, before the most beautiful smile that the two of them ever witnessed blossomed on their face.

This of course made the two of them smile back just as brightly, with their cheeks dusted in a light pink as they tried to burn this image into their minds. Y/n nodded in agreement at their offer, before they stood up, which shocked them both.

They by now thought that Y/n might be a little taller than them, because even while sat down they were taller, but they were ginormous. And both Tonks and Charlie shared a look, before squealing and running out of the room with giggles.

"NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!!" McGonagall called after them, before she turned around and let out the biggest scream in existence, because Y/n stood right next to her.

"By Godric Gryffindor!! Could you announce yourself first, child??" She scolded them, while trying to calm down her heartbeat.

Y/n just smiled at her apologetically, but they didn't say anything else, because they hated the sound of their own voice anyways and if it wasn't necessary, they wouldn't speak.

When McGonagall didn't get an answer she just sighed and held out her hand in a demanding manner. "Give me your assignments, that you guys had to work on today.. I will see how far you have come and if you didn't get too far yet, you will get extra homework.. Understood?" When she received a nod from the quiet student, she accepted the papers and read through them.

And they were perfect. Absolutely perfect and even better than the solutions she prepared for next class, which shocked her, because she never even noticed Y/n before. It sounded very harsh, but they just never opened their mouth to speak or did anything outstanding so she never noticed them before.

"T-this is perfect!" She said and Y/n shyed away a little, but McGonagall grabbed them by the hem of their cloak. "I am serious L/n! This is incredible work!! Why don't you present these kind of things in class?"

At her question Y/n just kept quiet and McGonagall seemed to understand the situation, but her face grew more stern. "You will have to participate to pass my class. I hope that you're aware of that.." She told them and Y/n shriveled up, before opening their mouth and responding in a very quiet and horse voice.

"Could I.. Perhaps give you my assignments? So you can grade them?" They requested and as McGonagall looked quiet surprised to get an answer from them, they continued. "I am.. pretty bad with talking and I would really appreciate it, if I didn't have to talk in class.."

Regulus Black. She forgot to assign him to any of the students in her class and it might have been a silly thing to do, because all of them either died a tragic death or live in absolute misery at the moment, but Y/n just seemed to fit the poor boy. Even if he was a death eater later in his life, he actually never killed anyone and died while on a expedition.

That's why McGonagall couldn't bring herself to hate the boy, who would always leave his assignments on her desk to grade instead of presenting them in class even though they were better than any of the others.

It would have helped her not having to listen to Gilderoy rattle down some words that didn't make quite sense, but his efforts were still appreciated.

"I.. Alright." She agreed and Y/n had a relieved smile on their lips, before that relief got ripped from them, balled up into a squished ball and thrown into the black lake. "But you will have to participate at least once every class. I want to see you have your hand up at least once every lesson.. Understood?"

Y/n felt their breathing get caught in their throat as they really hoped that McGonagall was joking, but when she just looked at them full with expectancy, they could only nod.

"Alright! See you until next class and would it be alright with you, if I used these answers for next class?" McGonagall asked them and Y/n nodded again, still a little out of it.

"Thank you! You can go now and like I said L/n..your brain is extraordinary to be able to get to such conclusions, so please share some bits from it with the rest of us." The older woman told them and Y/n could tell that she was trying to be encouraging, but the words she told them were basically their worst nightmare come to reality.

That's why when they could finally leave the room they planned to just sink into the depths of the earth. 'Just for a day I want to be relieved from the responsibility of intelligence.' Was their last thought, while they were dragging themselves to flying class.

Professor Hooch would certainly not appreciate any tardiness from them, so they quickly hurried with their long legs through the halls, reall hoping that McGonagall would just forget their name like she did until now.


Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Btw the Filipino boy (Aiden Sebastian M. Alcante) is an Oc from NaTsukiKageyaMa! Oh and I have covid at the moment, so I don't know if I will be able to answer you guys/update chapters etc.. Sorry about that
:(( oh and if you guys also have an Oc, which you would like to add please message me on Instagram or discord, because my PM on wattpad are kinda broken at the moment :)

- Love Neslihan :)
