Poetry, Uncle? (Thorin)

Inspired by this drawing ๐Ÿ˜‚

quick question: what is it like to read my updates? how do you react to seeing me post parts? I'd like to know! Comment here๐Ÿ˜โžก๏ธ


Thorin sat at his desk, jotting down sentences as they came to mind. He was technically supposed to be signing documents pertaining to the giving of gifts to Bard and his family as thanks for assisting in the infamous Battle of the Five Armies.

However, the mighty King under the mountain was quite distracted by the thought of his beautiful wife (inside and out), (y/n). Men wanted her, women wanted to be her, but Thorin was the one with the stroke of luck.

He and (y/n) began their courtship after Erebor was officially reclaimed, and it only lasted for a few short months before they were wed, as they simply could not stand being apart from each other. And every day was pure bliss from then on out.

But today, now, today was meant to be extra serious. Thorin had to read and sign these papers as soon as possible so that the gifts could be sent out that day. But Thorin only had a few papers left, and figured he could take a mind-break from the paperwork to write some loving poetry for her.

Unfortunately, right in the middle of his balladry creating, Thorin's nephew Fili threw the office door open and marched in with a huge grin on his face. "Uncle!" he called, oblivious to the scowl on the King's face. "Are the papers ready? Balin sent me to pick them up!"

Thorin's face paled, and his ice-blue eyes flittered to the giant stack of parchment that he had signed, topped by the few he had not. "G-Give me a moment to finish them, Fili," he stuttered nervously, searching for somewhere to hide the poems he had been working on.

The blond prince approached his uncle's desk before Thorin could rebuke him, and peered over his shoulder to see what he was attempting so hard to hide. Ignoring his uncle's protests, Fili snatched the slip of parchment from Thorin's ring-adored hand.

"H-Hey, give that back!" the King demanded, swatting at Fili, but missing as his nephew moved out of his reach.

Fili squinted at the paper for a moment before laughing, his cheeks tinged with a hint of red blush. "Uncle, I never thought you the type for such, ah...intimate poetry..."

"Which is why I did not wish for you to read it," Thorin practically growled, his own face bright red under his beard.

"Here," Fili gave the slip of paper back to his uncle, who snatched it spitefully. A grin broke out on the young prince's face as he suddenly hatched an idea. "To Mordor with those papers; I have to tell Auntie (Y/n) that she will be receiving a very special gift tonight!"

And with a laugh from Fili, and a shout from Thorin, the prince took off to the halls, sprinting to his aunt's location to tell her the good news, his uncle hot on his heels.
