I've Got You (Dwalin) (Part 1)

Part 1 of a request for my good friend EleanorLearn, I hope you enjoy it!

The pic is part of a whole like panorama of Dwalin here, Thorin, Kili, and Fili all imagined as Scottish warriors...THEY'RE AMAZING UGH know what lemme just show you the whole thing:


Anyway, on with the story! Please enjoy!


You felt more than sad to leave Rivendell. 'Sad' was the wrong word. You felt...as if you were meant to be there. Like leaving was leaving part of yourself behind. But you could stay and tarry no longer. Thorin demanded the company leave as soon as possible in order to reach Erebor before Durin's day fell.

So as you trekked along the mountain path, being careful not to look down on the sides (seeing as you were terrified of heights), and stayed close to Dwalin.

As tough and mean (and frankly, quite scary) as Dwalin looked, he was quite soft and sweet on the inside. He cared deeply for you, assisting you in every way he could, and rarely allowed you to do any sort of manual labor, saying it was 'not fit for a lady to do a man's work.' 

The rest of the company was in awe at the loving kindness that the burly warrior showed you constantly. He would have been teased had not everyone been afraid of what might happen to them if they did.

As you entered the wild and were no longer protected by the magic of Rivendell, you felt an uneasiness wash over you, sending a shiver down your spine. Dwalin noticed, being right beside you the whole time, and draped his cloak over your shoulders. 

"Are you all right, lassie?" he asked quietly, so as to not attract much attention from the others.

You nodded. "I am fine, just...a little uneasy." You turned to face the warrior who had so captured the attention of your sweet little heart. "I feel something horrible will happen...and I don't want it to."

Dwalin countered your doubt and anxiety with a loving smile. "All will be well, ghivashel. And if anything does happen, I shall be here to protect you."

You smiled and blushed innocently, never ceasing to be astounded at the fact that you were his One, and he was yours. The both of you were so very lucky to have met each other. 

>>>timeskip to the thunder battle in the mountains brought to you by Balin's beard flying up in his face (watch the Hobbit appendices) (just a note, my recollection of this scene isn't completely coming back and I'm too lazy to look it up, so forgive me if I get something wrong please)<<<

Bilbo had slipped and almost fallen, but was thankfully caught with the help of Bofur and the one free hand Dwalin had to spare. The other was wrapped tightly about your waist, keeping you from being separated from the warrior. You were terrified in your current position, but Dwalin had his grip on you, and you didn't doubt his ability to protect you.

"We must find shelter!!" Thorin shouted back to the others, finally admitting that they could no longer continue their trek in this condition. 

"LOOK OUT!!!" Dwalin roared as an absolutely enormous boulder came flying through the sky, and smashed into the mountain above them, causing a tremor and rocks to come raining down, crumbling the path in front of them, making it even smaller.

"This is no thunderstorm," Balin realized, "It's a thunder battle! Look!!" he pointed, and you turned to see what he saw.

A giant made of rock, preparing to throw another boulder. 

"Oh, bless me," Bofur murmured, "The legends are true! Giants!! Stone giants!!" The giant threw the rock, and it hit another rock creature behind the company, knocking it into the chasm below.

Thorin looked back to Bofur and yelled, "Take cover, you'll fall!!"

One thing led to another, and before you knew it, the ledge you and everyone else was standing on separated, turning out to be the knees of yet another rock giant!

Unfortunately for you, you had been separated from Dwalin, and were unable to jump the gap. The giant was moving too much and its knees were now too far apart to even make the attempt.

Fili and Kili grasped your arms to make sure you didn't fall off (you were like a sister to them, they couldn't imagine the thought of losing you). The giant you were on lost its battle with another rock creature, and fell towards the mountain, its knee being the first point of impact.

You and everyone else on the ledge you were on yelled and screamed, seeing the rock wall rushing up to meet them, in what would most likely not be a very pleasurable end.

The giant hit the mountain and fell, and you heard faint yelling from a distance, what you could distinguish to be Thorin's. You looked up, unhurt (as was everyone else), and saw Dwalin running to you, careful not to fall off of the ledge. 

The muscly warrior practically jumped you, pulling you close to him in the fiercest hug you had ever received from anyone. 

"Dwalin?" you wheezed, your lungs a bit restricted from all the love and attention you were getting at the moment.

"I thought I lost you!" Dwalin sobbed into your hair. " I thought you were dead, ghivashel!!"

"I'm here, Dwalin," you said soothingly, gently patting his back, though you were a bit unable to move very much.

"I'm here."

And you were both together still, when the cave floors collapsed and you all fell through, down the tunnels, and landing on the porch of Goblin Town.

