
~ Chapter 34 ~

  I had completely blacked out before a sharp smell entered my nostrils waking me up. I scrunched my eyebrows and tried to bring my hands to my eyes but something restrained them back. I opened my eyes and Jack was in front of me. I looked around and I was in an empty ware house, with my hands and feet tied to a chair. He looked around then straight at me.  

"Good you're up. I'll tell my men to move you." He spoke putting away the cloth.

 "Where are we going?" I asked.

 "You. Are going to wherever I'm gonna keep you until your help is needed." He turned to me.

  I stayed quiet knowing better than to object especially not right now. He got out a phone a talked to some men before putting it back in his pocket.

"In the meantime.." He spoke getting an out to front knife and sliding it open.

 "If you try anything.. it-tah..won't..end pretty." He said examining the knife.

 "You know I'd never try anything." I spoke.

 "Little girls shouldn't use big words." He said slicing the rope at my feet and I gasped.

 "You know I didn't do it!" I yelled.

 "You know I wouldn't rat you out like that !" I said and He looked to his side laughing before swinging my chair back and holding it on one leg.

" Listen doll! If you're gonna keep saying utter crap about how Innocent you are! I will NOT hesitate to chop your little tongue off! Because you're NOT...You're not." He yelled inches away from my face.

He then sliced the rope around my arms and put me down as men started entering the room and left. They came over to me then blind folded me and dragged me behind. It was about 10 minutes before the bag over my head was removed. The men put me in a room and locked the door.

I looked around and it was a single metal bed and a cardboard box ontop. There wasn't even a lamp just a single bulb at the ceiling. Above the bed was a window with bars. I sat on the bed and looked through the box. It had some raggy material. I pulled it out and it was some old clothes with blood all over them. I quickly put them back in and threw the box across the room.

I stayed in the room for hours. No one came near my door. I was all alone. I looked out the window every now and then and now it was dark.

I wanted to sleep but there was no way I could do that with formal clothes. I took off my white coat and clothes and put them in a pile next to the bed, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I crept under the covers and wrapped myself praying that there wouldn't be any bugs. I just laid there for a while staring at the walls before finally finding sleep.

" Striker."

"Come on wake up." 

"Wake up."  I felt something cold all over my head and shot straight up.

"What the f*ck?!" I gasped.

"Easy tiger." Jack said as I pulled the covers up to cover my body.

"That's unnecessary, nothing I haven't seen before doll." He winked at me and I rubbed the water he just poured on me out of my eyes.

"What do you want?" I grumbled.

"Breakfast." He said and I heard something crash to the floor.

I looked at him and at the glass he just broke, and he threw a tray of food to the floor.

"It's still night!" 

"It's 4am, get dressed and lose the attitude." He spoke coldly before walking out and closing the door again.

I cursed under my breath before standing up. I gathered the bread and cheese he threw to the floor and put them in a corner, before walking over to my clothes and getting dressed. I went paced the room not knowing what to do before sitting at the corner of the bed that isn't wet.

I waited for some time before some men came and put the bag over my head and took me out. We rode the car and they wouldn't take the bag off until we were half way through our destination. I didn't know what they were planning but they were heading to the south part of town. I think it isn't something too dangerous since there are only two men.

We reached this deserted area where the old telephone network company was at. They pulled my out of the car and Jack walked towards an old telephone tower which was next to a big crane. There were two men there, they were strapped in safety harnesses to the top of the tower where another man was. When we got there Joker and his men went up to the crane and he stood on top as they lifted him. The man with the harness grabbed me and pulled me up with him.

"What the hell?! What do you think you're doing?!" I screamed.

"We have a plan and we need someone as small as you to climb the side of the bank then drop in, and you need training." Jack spoke.

"You know I can't do this! I have a fear of heights!" I yelled.

"Then now you can overcome it. You're welcome." He smirked.

"You can't do this!" I screamed.

We reached the top of the tower and there was a single rope dangling. The guy pulled it up and tied it around my waist. 

"Now hold on to the bars and you have to climb down to that red ribbon, get it and go back up here." Jack spoke.

"This won't hold me if I fall!" I yelled.

"Exactly, so now you can focus." He chuckled.

The guy let go of me and I clenched onto the bars.

"No no no no! I'm gonna fall, no please I can't! please don't do this." I cried as I looked down at the ground.

"We don't have all day doll!" Joker yelled back.

" I can't do this." I spoke.

"Well I'll gladly shoot you if you don't." He said pulling out a gun.

I took a deep breath and started climbing down the bars. The flag was just half way through. I tried to stay focus and keep my vision clear of the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks. I was just a few steps far. I carefully went to where it was tied and undid it with one hand, holding on with the other.

I stuffed it in my pocket before climbing back out again. I stopped to rest half way through because how hard my hands throbbed. I looked down at the ground and it was very far and everything felt so small. I felt myself get dizzy so I turned my gaze back at the bars and tried to move my hands but I slipped. As I fell I felt the rope not tightening.

I knew it, I had to do something. As I swung down, I grabbed onto one of the bars getting a hold of my body weight. I took a deep breath and something in me snapped. I was now filled with determination and anger. 

I made my way back to the top and climbed into the railing and waited for the man to bring me down. I stepped onto the ground sniffing and wiping my face away as Joker walked towards me. I stayed in my place as he approached with that stupid smirk on his face.

Before he opened his mouth I gathered all the force within me and slapped him hard across the face. He paused for a moment, in shock, before quickly going back to his poker face. He started laughing before turning to face me.

"You shouldn't have done that darling." He whispered before slapping me with the bottom of his gun.

"Take her back to the warehouse!" He yelled as he walked away and his men came over to take me.


Alright! This one is kinda longer than the others, but then again I write short chapters :P


The book is about to come to an end within 5-6 chapters and I was having ideas about what a sequel would be about.

What do you guys think?! Should there be a sequel? 

What would you guys like to happen in the future?

Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

Don't forget to vote!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter xx

Another one coming in a few xx

Much love xx
