
"They'll catch up in few days then?" Atalante questioned. You were currently in the throne room of the hanging gardens. Everyone was there excluding Shakespeare. You were next to Achilles and Atalante, Karna had chosen to distance himself for an unknown reason.

"Yes." Shirou replied to the archer's question. "That is, if Ruler can round up the surviving servants of Yggdmillennia."

"What do you mean...?" You spoke up.

"Avicebron. He's finally been able to complete his noble phantasm. Even if he doesn't fully succeed, I'm sure he will be able to cause some damage to the black faction."

Achilles suddenly let out a growl, shoving his lance so hard on the floor it had actually made a dent. "I understand the situation now. It's about time you answer our questions, too. Answer wisely...if you still wanna keep that head of yours!"

"Rider, please!" You muttered under your breath.

"C'mon, we deserve answers! Don't you want them too?"

"I do, but—

"You're absolutely right. I'm listening." Shirou interrupted.

"Fine, first of all, angel face, are you really okay with this?" Achilles asked you.

You nodded. "...Yes, I agreed to this." Achilles seemed rather shocked, which was admittedly embarrassing.

"Very well then. If that's the truth, then I will acknowledge you as my master." Atalante stated, looking towards Shirou whom gave her a grateful bow of his head.

"Hold on, wait a sec, that's really all it took to convince you, Missy?" Achilles questioned.

"I have no attachment to masters..." Atalante admitted.

You looked down a bit. Even though you knew she didn't mean it against you personally, it still hurt a bit. She was right though. They needed to accept Shirou now. You were no longer playing the role of a master.

"So...will you eventually cut us off?" Achilles asked, pointing his lance towards Shirou.

"On the contrary. You will all have a chance for your wishes to be granted." The priest claimed. Achilles didn't dare back down, just gave Shirou a cold stare. Despite this, Shirou only smiled. "Do you mind sharing why you are dependent on the holy grail's miracle?"

The rider finally seemed to stand down, letting out a sigh. "My wish hasn't changed. It's to keep living as a hero. That's all."

Semiramis let out a giggle. "My, my, I wasn't expecting such an ordinary wish from the great hero, Achilles."

"No wish is ever to sublime or crude." Shirou nodded.

"I have no intention of giving it up, either. After all, I'm full of selfish desires." Achilles smiled, his gaze making its way down to you as he said this.

"Please, allow me to go next." Atalante chimed in. "My wish, is for a world where all children are loved."

Semiramis lowered her eyelids. "That is utter nonsense, Archer."

"It's what!? Isn't that what the holy grail is meant for!? If it can't grant my wish, then what good is it!" Atalante yelled.

"Archer, regardless of form, the holy grail will grant your desire. After all, your wish is but a small fragment of mine."

Atalante's eyes seemed to soften a bit. "...The salvation of humanity?"

"Yes." Shirou confirmed.

Atalante was somewhat speechless for a moment, but soon got a hold of herself. "...Right, so, it's Lancer's turn."

All eyes turned towards Karna as he approached. "The reason I'm part of this holy grail war, is simply because Y/n summoned me. And so, I'll wield this lance for her sake." A small blush seemed to appear on your face as he said this.

"...Then are you saying you won't acknowledge Shirou as your master?" Semiramis questioned. "That disgusts me, Hero of Giving."

Hero of giving? You repeated the name in your head.

Karna narrowed his eyes a bit. "Not only is it my wish, but my compensation for being summoned as well."

Your eyes widened a bit. C-Compensation?

"What are you trying to say, Lancer!?" Semiramis asked.

"Nothing. Cooperating with you is convenient, since it will help me with my own desires."

"A rematch with Saber of Black, yes?" Shirou spoke up.

Huh, why would he want—

"Precisely. If that can be granted, I'll burn away all who try to take the holy grail."

"I understand." Shirou agreed. "Should Saber of Black ever present himself here in the hanging gardens, I promise to ensure he finds his way to you."

Karna straightened himself out. "You'd best not break your word."

"Of course." Shirou responded. "And, what about you, Y/n?"

"W-What? Me?"


"N-Nothing...I don't have use for— I don't...have a wish...yeah..."

Shirou seemed a bit taken back which was honestly odd for him.

"Awh, don't be shy, cutie." Achilles encouraged, patting your head. "We all got a wish of some sort. So go ahead, tell us what you want."

"What I want...? I want..."

"Y/nnnnnn." A cheerful voice suddenly called. You turned your head to see Shakespeare burst into the room. "Thou must come at once! I hast finished! Finished I tell thee." He exclaimed, grabbing your hand.

"H-Huh? Finished what?"

"Come see!" He sang, trying to tug you forward.

"And where do you think you're taking her?" Semiramis asked.

"To show her my masterpiece!"

A small sweat seemed to appear on your face. Just great...

"Doth Master Shirou agree?" Shakespeare pleaded.

Shirou just blinked once before offering a soft smile. "Yes, you two go ahead. I'll finish up here."

"Yes!" Shakespeare cheered, suddenly taking spirit form, and you right along with him. You next appeared in the library of the hanging gardens. You stumbled backwards, still not used to the feeling of spirit form. "Here look!" Shakespeare beamed, shoving quite a few papers into you hand.

You let out a sigh, looking up at the caster. "You took me away from that meeting...for your writing?"

He snatched the papers back. "What? Thou doth not like it? I thought for sure thou would like it..."

"You already know I don't—

"I mean come on now. A love story about a simple mage and the hero of charity. Or a greek hero in love with—

"Wait what!? Hero of charity?"

"Ay, son of the sun-god, the hero of charity and giving, thy very own lancer, Karna."

"Give me that!" You yelped, grabbing back the papers, and scanning through a few sentences. A blush instantly appeared on your face. "W-What is this..."

Shakespeare tapped his chin. "I believe it's called fanfic."


"Fine. If thou doth not like this one, I've already written another. The great hero Achilles in love with the mage Y/n. A marvelous masterpiece, one of my favorites be careful though, that one is a little lemo—

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!? No, no! Get rid of it! Throw it away! No!"

Shakespeare crossed his arms. "Very well. My final offer is of a priest looking to save humanity in love with—

"NO!" You screamed, throwing the papers right at him.

He smirked. "Thou seems flustered, so the culprit must be love!"

"Die!" You snarled, picking up a book from off the shelf and throwing it right at the servant's face.

"My, my, well that was ru—

"Shut up!" You yelled, throwing another book. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

"Gah, please calm thyself!" Shakespeare yelped, raising his hands in the air.

"I'm gonna burn every last one of those papers!" You growled, beginning to pick up an entire chair off the ground.

"I-Isn't this a bit much?" The caster backed away.

"Hardly!" You yelled, swinging the chair back.

"Ah! Okay, okay, thou art correct! I apologize!"

You set down the chair before crossing your arms. "Hmph. I summon you into this world and this is my thanks."

Shakespeare twiddled with his fingers. "I thought thou would like it. After all, it's not every day thou get to read a love story about thyself."

You instantly picked up another book. "I will use this." You growled.

"No, no. A thousand apologies, my dear. I'll...get rid of it...or maybe just, keep it hidden for now." You let out another growl. "Uh, say, it seems Master Shirou's meeting is over." Shakespeare changed the subject.

"You mean the one you so rudely took me from."

"That's the one. Let us go greet our fellow comrades of red, yes? I'm sure thy lancer wishes for thy company."

"Karna? You really think he...wants my company?" You asked, beginning to twiddle with a piece of your hair.


"Hm, guess you're right. In fact, this could be a perfect time for me to make it up to him. He's been through hell since I summoned him..."

"Yes, yes, thy lancer and thyself should make out now...I mean make up now."

You blinked at him. "Wow, is that really so drilled into your head?"

"Ah, I simply can't help it."

You snorted. "Yeah, I can see that."

"Come along then. I shall escort thou to thy lancer."

"Hm, mhm, hm, hm." Shakespeare hummed a cheerful tune as the two of you walked down the hall together. You honestly didn't know how he managed to always keep up such a positive attitude. He led you towards the balcony before bursting the doors open. "Tis a fine day!" The caster exclaimed. You looked around to see all three of the other servants there, Karna distancing himself as usual. "Hello my fellow servants of red! Today is another fine day, is it not?" Shakespeare beamed, before pushing you forward.

All the servants seemed rather pissed, and you couldn't blame them. You kinda just switched masters on them with no warning. Shakespeare pushed you right next to Karna before walking forward and leaning over the railing. Karna made sure to acknowledge you as usual, but didn't bother to speak.

"...Caster?" Achilles spoke up. "Did you know about this?"

Shakespeare smirked. "Whatever dost thou mean, pray tell?"

"I'm asking if you knew about Shirou Amakusa's plan."

"Ah, that little thing...of course, I have known of it for some time now." He admitted, turning towards the four of you.

"Is he sane?" Atalante questioned.

"Sanity or madness...such a trivial question, is it not? Master hath walked the path of hardship and despair to reach this conclusion."

You let out a short breath. Hardship and despair...there was so much you didn't know...

"Thus, I have vowed to assist in making his dream a reality by any means necessary." Shakespeare concluded with a bow, sending a small chuckle and a wink your way. It had made you shift a bit. You didn't know if he was referring to that stupid little story of his, or if he actually assumed you knew what was going on.

Atalante frowned. "Well, you've only given me further proof that you're a lunatic. I still have to ask though...why do you side with Shirou?"

Shakespeare raised an eyebrow. "That answer is quite obvious. It's because I'm intrigued by what he has set out to do! We are talking about humanity's salvation! Salvation for the 7 billion people on this earth!" He announced, reaching out his hands. "And furthermore, he is not a saint! He has fought, lost, and been mercilessly stripped of everything!"

Your eyes widened. He what...?

"Despite this, he holds no grudges! He is everything a savior should be!" Shakespeare concluded happily.

You shoved your hands over your ears before closing your eyes tightly. You didn't wanna hear anymore. This was all so crazy. The man you once thought to just be a normal teenager, was really a servant! A servant you knew nothing about! Madness, absolute madness!

You suddenly felt a pair of hands take hold of your own. You opened your eyes to see Karna gently pull your hands from off your ears. "What is it?" He asked softly.

You didn't respond, just turned to the other three servants whom were staring at you blankly. "I...uh...I'm sorry, I have to go." You whispered before running out the open doors. Idiot! So much for trying to make it up to Karna.

"Hey, angel face! Wait up!" You heard a voice from behind you. You turned to see Achilles making his way over to you at a quick pace. "Why'd you run out like that?"

"I'm sorry...I'm just so lost right now."

"You don't need to apologize, I was just worried."

"Worried..." You repeated slowly.

A moment of silence passed before he gave you a grin. "I think I know what you need."

You couldn't help but let out a snort. "Oh, do you now?"

"Mhm, c'mon I'll show you. Follow me." He instructed, taking your hand.

Achilles had led you all the way to the roof of the hanging gardens. It was honestly nice to be back up there. The scenery always calmed you. You were just wondering why exactly Achilles wanted you up here with him. He led you down a path of ancient buildings and sculptures before a large clearing was revealed. It was absolutely beautiful. The architect must've taken many years to make.

Achilles walked down a few steps before making his way onto the stone paved clearing. It looked as if it could've been a town square at a time, but you really weren't sure. "C'mon." He gestured for you.

You hesitantly walked over to him. "So...what do I need then?"

"Turn your back towards me." He replied.


"Just do it, kay?"

You didn't reply, but did as he said. A dark blush instantly appeared on your face as you felt his chest press against your back. "Y-You're really close..."

"Yeah." He softly chuckled. "Now look forward."

"A-Alright." You squeaked as you felt his hands begin to massage your shoulders.

"It's pretty, huh?" He asked.

You squinted a bit at the setting sun. He was right. The way it cast its glow upon the hanging gardens was gorgeous. You heaved out a sigh. "It is."

"Yes, so that makes it the perfect time..." He whispered, now brushing his hands against your waist.

You weren't bothered by it, neither did you try to pull away from his embrace. "Perfect time for..."

"Meditation of course."

You let out a small tch sound. Well um...

"I would've thought you knew that by the way I'm easing the tension in your body."


"What did you think I was doing?" He smirked.


"Well y'know, there are other ways to relax." He hinted, a hand travelling up your thigh.

You flinched. "N-No, meditation is just fine."

He lowered his hand. "Kay...then I want you to exhale once on three." You did as he said, the exercise actually able to relax your body. "Mhm good, now I want you to sit." He instructed, sitting crisscross on the ground himself. You sat next to him on your knees, before folding your hands in your lap.

He glanced over at you. "No, not like that, angel face." He said, placing a hand on your thigh, causing you to stiffen again. "That causes tension, sit like me, kay?" You looked over his form once before coping his stance. "Good. Now see, isn't that much better?"

"Um, sure?"

He just let out a small chuckle before facing towards the setting sun. "Face forward and close your eyes. Just breath, and let go of all your emotions, simply be at peace." He instructed.

"...You do this often?" You spoke up.

"Well yeah, how else do you expect me to concentrate?" He replied.

It was quiet a moment before you spoke again. "Thanks for bringing me here, Rider. I really needed this."

"Figured as much." The servant responded.

You couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "Do I really look so pathetic?"

"Not pathetic. Stressed." He disagreed. "Now, be quiet and concentrate. We're trying to relax remember?"

"Oh, right, sorry." You apologized, closing your eyes.

"Just remember, inner peace, no distractions."

You nodded to yourself. The soft breathing of the male next to you was already calming you down. were so tired...

Fire. Death. Blood. Pain. It was all you could see for miles around. Families and friends split apart by flames. Screams of sorrow and pain echoed through the world as building collapsed and blood was shed. Through it all, your focus was on one a boy. He just stood there in the flames. His black eyes bared the most hatred you'd ever seen in your whole life. Hatred for the world. Hatred for people. Hatred for even that of god. Most of all though, hatred for himself. He couldn't save a single thing, therefore he would never forgive himself. Never.

Your eyes suddenly shot open. Another dream? Why did this keep happening?

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Achilles's voice. "Bad dreams?" He asked quietly.

You let out a short breath. Achilles was in the same position he had been before you seemingly fell asleep, but you definitely weren't. You were now laying in a loose fetal position with your head in the servants lap. More importantly, his hand was now resting right on your rump...and not on top of the fabric...under it. Your skirt had already been short, but now, it was practically lifted all the way up by his hand. If anyone had been standing behind you, they would've had a nice view...

"Um, R-Rider..."

"I told you to relax, not fall asleep." He chuckled, slowly lifting the fabric of your skirt even higher. His hand clutched right onto your ass, squeezing hard enough to where it would leave marks.

You instantly let out a yelp, an all to familiar pulsating between your legs beginning to appear soon after. "Ugh...y-yeah, sorry about t-that." You squeaked, flustered as could be.

"Rider?" Shirou's voice could suddenly be heard. You instantly sat up, lifting to your knees like nothing had just happened. It was just in time too, only about a second later Shirou came into sight. "Oh, Y/n." He greeted. "What are you two doing out here?" He asked, walking closer.

Achilles popped one of his eyes open. "Meditating. I can't engage Archer of Black without having a plan first." You quietly scanned Shirou's figure. He looked a bit different from before. Instead of just his normal black clothing, he now had a red cloak on too. "...It seems Missy left a few minutes ago. Did something happen?" Achilles questioned.

"Ah, I just thought I'd have her check out Trifas. Everything's fine." Shirou responded.

"Perfect. I wanted to ask you a few things."

Shirou smiled gently. "Yes, go ahead."

"Alright. Why save humanity?"

"Because I swore to do so."

"Without barriers of race or nation?"

"Of course."

You were confused. Why was Rider suddenly so curious about all this?

Achilles eyes seemed to narrow a bit. "When did you decide you were gonna do this?"

"Right before my death." You flinched. The fact that Shirou was a servant still got to you. You knew he would answer any questions you had, but the two of you hadn't been able to talk one-on-one since he'd taken the command spells. "...It was prior to when we were massacred by the shogunate." Shirou continued.

Achilles suddenly stood, his lance appearing in his hand. "I don't wanna hear any of your lies!" He growled, shoving his lance in Shirou's face.

"Rider!" You yelped, but neither of them bothered to acknowledge you.

Shirou hadn't even flinched, despite the weapon right in his face. "Not a lie."

"Yeah? Then tell me, Shirou Amakusa...don't you hate those who killed your comrades?"

Shirou's gentle smile faded, his face turning to an expression you've never seen him have before. "...There was a time I once did. Back then, I hated god, humans, and every other living thing on this planet. Not because I was killed, though. I hated humanity for accepting the laws of history, the system where the strong proceed by consumption of the weak."

Achilles's whole body seemed to tense up at this point. "Look, there's no way so much hatred just disappears! Where the hell did it—

"I THREW IT ALL AWAY!" Shirou suddenly yelled. Your eyes widened, Rider seeming just as shocked as you. Never, not even once, had Shirou ever risen his voice like that. The priest lowered his head a bit. "For humanity's salvation, I rid myself of all hatred..." He stated, now looking back up into the rider's eyes. Never had you seen so much ambition and determination in a single person before. "No matter who it is, I swear, I'll save them! Absolutely! I absolutely will! Whatever it takes, I'll do it!"

Achilles had gone speechless. He was just staring wide-eyed. A moment of silence passed before the rider returned to his normal stance. He lowered his weapon before walking right past Shirou.

"Rider." Shirou turned his head back. "Have I met your standards yet?" The servant didn't turn, didn't speak, barely even acknowledged the question, just simply waved the two of you off.

You hadn't moved one bit. You were still just staring wide-eyed. You couldn't comprehend one thing that had just happened. Shirou turned his head back towards you. His was...heartbreaking. There was nothing. Truly no emotion what so ever. His eyes looked...dead.

"Y/n..." He began. Before he could even say anything else, you instantly stood, wrapping your arms around him. He let out a shaky breath. "...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to raise my voice..."

"Stop. Don't apologize." You whispered.

"Look, I know this is something you don't understand right now...but I must do this no matter what."


He suddenly let out a soft cry, making your eyes widen. "I couldn't save a damn thing! I hated my foes...however they were still humans...that's why I forgave them!" He slurred. Just his tone of voice made your eyes water. He was suffering, he'd been in pain for such a long time. "The only one I can't forgive is myself!" He seethed.

You clung to him tighter. "No. I promise...I promise I'm going to help you achieve your dream! No matter what!"
