A Peaceful Place

When you made it back, Atalante lead you down the hallway and into another room. "Shirou says that this will be your room for now."

"Thanks Atalante, and thank you for going shopping with me today."

"Of course, I had a lot of fun." She responded. "...Did you want your clothes back?"

"Nah, you can keep them. This way, when we go out next, you'll have an outfit."

"Thank you." She smiled. You gave her a nod of approval. "Well, I'll be going now."

"Goodnight." You waved, as she headed out the door.

You looked around the room a bit before placing down your bag on the bed. It was nice, it even had a small bathroom connected to it. A shower sounded great right about now. You were beginning to pull off your top when suddenly a booming voice startled the living shit out of you. "Hey, pipsqueak!"

"AH!" You gasped, immediately pulling back up your shirt at the berserker's voice. "Y-You could learn to knock, y'know..." You mumbled.

"I'm tired of waiting around! I'm going to invade on the black factions land!"

"What!? You can't do that!" You argued.

"I don't take orders from you!" The berserker disagreed. "Spartacus doesn't take orders from anyone!"

"Well wait, let's just be reasonable here!" You continued, stepping in front of him.

"Move it, Tiny!"

"You can't just go off doing reckless things without—

The berserker suddenly grabbed on to both your arms with just one hand before raising them above your head and shoving you against the wall. "Sorry, oppressor." He laughed, before stabbing a dagger right through both your hands, pinning you to the wall. Pain instantly came over you, and as soon as you heard the door slam you let out a loud cry. Blood was beginning to drip down from your hands and down to your arms. You could tell some of it was beginning to fall into your hair and more running down your chest or onto the floor. You closed your eyes tightly.

Blood...blood...so much blood everywhere... You felt your legs begin to tremble, but not like you could fall because your arms were literally pinned above you. You suddenly popped an eye open as you heard the materialization sound of a servant. You watched as Karna appeared right in front of you. "L-Lancer?" You stuttered.

"Should I of intervened on your behalf?"

You sighed. "No...this has nothing to do with you, I— How did you get that?" You asked looking at a small cut on his face.

"It's nothing. Saber of Black and I simply had a duel earlier this morning."

"You and Saber of Black?"


"But why?"

"I know not. It's part of what Shirou wanted to talk to me about last night. As per the orders you gave me earlier that day, I simply acted as instructed."


His eyes that had wandered downwards now looked back up at you.

"You weren't hurt to badly...were you?" You asked worriedly.

"No. It was a marvelous battle. But, none of that matters at the moment. Right now, I'm concerned with you."

"Oh...I kinda thought you were mad at me."

"Of course not. I don't let personal feelings get in the way."


"Shall I get you down?"

Your head drooped a bit. "No...the last thing I want is for you to get in trouble with Shirou."

"Shirou? He did this!?"

"No, Spartacus. But, why would he act like this if not ordered by someone..."

Karna leaned back a bit. "I am greatly displeased by this."



"Im sorry for not even asking how your battle with assassin went."

He blinked at you. "I didn't mind."

"You didn't? Ah, that's good." You replied, letting out a sigh of relief.

"That's really what you care about right now? In your situation?"

"Yes. I've been wanting to get that off my chest all day." You answered.

He just looked you up and down once before speaking. "I wish you would reconsider and allow me to help you. I won't disobey if you truly don't want my help, but..."

"It's okay, Karna. You should probably go before anyone finds out you're here. You take your orders from Shirou now and—

"That so called priest isn't my master. You are." You just stared. "So, tell me what you want and I will obey."

"What I want...?"

"Y/nnnn." A cheerful voice suddenly filled the room. Karna immediately turned, shoving his lance in the face of whom ever just entered.

"Gah! Please put thy lance away! Thou art on the same side as I, remember?"

"It's okay, it's just Shakespeare." You spoke up.

Karna did as you said, allowing Shakespeare to enter. "Y/n— My dear, thou art not looking all to well."

"Did you seriously come to gloat!" You huffed, closing an eye from the pain of the dagger.

"Gloat? Of course not! What would I be gloating about? And, how did that happen?" He asked pointing at you.

"Wait...why did you come here?"

"Master Shirou told me to come inform thee that our Berserker has gone quite mad, and that thou should be careful."

"What!?" Karna suddenly exclaimed, taking spirit form.

"Karna!? Wait!"

"Oh, now I see. Thou hast already took on Spartacus's wrath, ah yes. How interesting." Shakespeare mumbled to himself as he pulled out a book and a pen.

"Okay, your book is great all, but—

"I'll go fetch Master Shirou then." Shakespeare interrupted, walking out the door.

"Wait! Shakespeare!!!! I'm still— Okay...I'll just...be here then."

Only about a minute passed before you heard footsteps running down the hallway. "Y/n! Y/n!" You heard Shirou's voice.

"Shirou! I'm in here!" You yelled back.

The priest instantly ran through the door! "God, Y/n, I'm so sorry. Spartacus literally went on a rampage...why didn't you call for help?"

You looked down. "Um..."

"What is it?"

"Well, I kinda just thought..." You trailed off slowly.

Shirou just blinked at you before letting out a small sigh. "You still don't trust me, do you?" You didn't respond. "This might hurt a little." You braced yourself for the pain to come as he reached upwards. You let out a yelp as he pulled the dagger out quickly, before falling straight into his arms. He just hugged you a moment before speaking up. "We should close the wounds."

You shook your head. "We should go after Spartacus. He could—

"No. I've already sent Archer and Rider after him."

You pulled away from him. "But—

"Y/n." Shirou interrupted, grabbing your arm. You just blinked. "Stay." It had just been a single word, but yet it was so powerful to you. You slowly nodded, allowing him to lead you over towards the bed. He sat you down before heading into the bathroom. He came back with a handful of bandages and a wet cloth before sitting next to you. He dabbed at the wound with the cloth making you flinch. "...Sorry." He apologized before continuing.

His touch was so gentle and sincere, like he really did care about you. He began to wrap the bandages around your hands, you just staring at him. A few minutes passed before he spoke up. "There, good as new." He exclaimed, looking up at you.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry I doubted you..."

"It's okay. How about you just go and get cleaned up."

"That sounds great." You admitted.

"Meet me at the altar after? I want you close till we find out what Spartacus is up to." You nodded in approval. "Alright, see you in a bit then." Shirou responded, leaving your room. You just let out a sigh. Today had been...eventful. A warm shower would do well to clear your head.

You finished your shower. Just as you thought, it had calmed you down. You assumed the pain in your hands would be a lot worse if Shirou hadn't of transferred mana to you last night. You put on a pair of sweatpants, a tank top, and fuzzy socks, before taking the towel that was wrapped around you hair off. It was still wet but you didn't really care. You felt a little insecure going around without make up, but you'd just have to go through with it. You made your way towards the altar to find Shirou sitting in one the chairs, Karna leaning on the wall next to him with his eyes closed. Well...that was new.

"Oh, Y/n." Shirou spoke up, patting the spot next to him, which you gratefully took. "Are you feeling better now?" Shirou asked.

"I am." You replied. "Are you two waiting for something?"

Shirou nodded. "Mhm, we're awaiting for Archer and Rider's return."

"What of Spartacus?" You asked, hearing Karna let out a huff at the Berserker's name.

"I'm not all to sure yet." Shirou answered. The three of you sat there awhile longer till Shirou raised a hand to his head.


"It seems Spartacus has fallen into their hands."

Before you could respond, two figures materialized in front of you. "Nothin' we could do about it. He ran in all by himself." Rider claimed.

"We had no way of saving him." Atalante added.

"If you feel it was impossible, then I'm sure it was." Shirou agreed.

Rider looked towards you before chuckling softly. "Awh, look at you." He laughed, beginning to ruffle your damp hair.

"H-Hey!" You objected.

Shirou cleared his throat. "That aside, It seems Saber of Black is gone. Do you have any idea why?"

Rider took his hand off you head and looked towards Shirou. "Hold on, seriously?"

"The circumstances were peculiar." Shirou claimed. "It's almost as if he took his own life."

"It's possible he opposed his Master. Hmph, happens often." Atalante scoffed.

Shirou seemed to note this all down in his head before turning to look towards the Lancer. "What do you think, Karna?"

"In my eyes, he did not strike as one who would kill himself...which means, something happened."

"What do you mean, something."

Karna opened his eyes before responding. "Who knows?" He huffed, before disappearing into a blue and gold mist. You just stared at where he had once been standing. The topic seemed to upset him...but why?

"Oh well, I'm sure we will find out soon enough. For now, let us all get a good nights rest. It seems Spartacus won't be a problem any further." Shirou instructed.

"Sure thing." Rider responded, taking spirit form. Atalante gave a nod before doing the same.

You looked towards Shirou. "What do you think happened with Saber of black."

He shrugged. "It's just as Karna said. We might find out, or we might not. None of that is of concern right now though."

"I guess..."

"Well, unfortunately I have a few things to attend to tonight, so I'll be leaving now."

"What things?"

He just smiled at you. "Goodnight."

You frowned. "Night."

You woke to someone gently shaking your shoulder. You opened your eyes to see Shirou right in front of you. "Shirou? What time is it...?" You groaned.

"Get up and ready, Y/n. I want to show you something." You just rolled over on your stomach, shoving your face under your pillow. Shirou let out a soft chuckle. "You can't stay in bed all day."

"It's not even day yet."

"I promise you'll like it."

"...Fine." You muttered.

"Good, meet me outside when you're done."

You let out another loud groan as you heard his footsteps retreating. Why did it have to be so earlyyyy. You asked yourself as you sat up, getting dressed. Your outfit consisted of fishnet tights, light blue short shorts, a black tube top, and your white shoes. You then quickly did your hair and make up before going to meet Shirou outside.

It was still dark as you made your way to his side. He turned towards you. "You look nice."

"Oh, thanks. You sure you can even see me in the dark?" You teased.

Shirou let out a soft chuckle. "Yes, I'm sure. Here, take my hand." He offered, reaching his hand out towards you.

You hesitated, but soon gently placed your hand on his. "So where are we going again?"

"You're about to see. Now, Semiramis." As soon as he said the servants name, a large glowing sphere appeared in front of you. You stepped back, Shirou not letting go of your hand despite your grasp on his disappearing.

"Wow, I don't think I actually trust those yet." You disagreed.

"It's fine, I promise. Just trust me."

You let out a sigh. "I trust you..."

He smiled before tugging you a bit forward. "Well, ladies first." You let out a small whimper in disagreement...but you did trust him, so you would do as he asked. Next thing you knew you had stepped onto the purple sphere and felt yourself falling. Only a few seconds past before you landed, and right on your rump at that.

"Nice of you to drop in, little Y/n."

"S-Semiramis?" You asked, looking up to come face to face with some of the most beautiful scenery you'd ever seen. "Wha— Where are we?"

Shirou soon dropped down next to you, Semiramis letting out a small giggle. "Master, Y/n, welcome to my hanging gardens of Babylon!" She exclaimed, reaching out her arms at the now rising sun. "How is it, Master?"

"Quite marvelous." Shirou praised, looking around at the view before reaching out a hand to help you up. "You added in all my requests, as well?" He asked, turning his gaze back towards Semiramis.

"Of course, Master." She grinned, turning back towards her nostalgic garden. "The servants of black will be absolutely dumbfounded when they see this." She laughed.

"Indeed they will. Thank you. I won't let another tragedy repeat itself. The holy grail will be ours! Since Saber of Black is no longer a problem, now is the perfect time to attack. Semiramis, could you please finish at the church and assemble everyone else?"

"As you wish." She replied, before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

Meanwhile, you hadn't said a word the whole time, you were just shocked. "What do you think, Y/n?" Shirou asked glancing down at you.

"I-It's amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it, we'll be staying here from now on. You won't have to worry about your clothes or anything, Semiramis has taken care of it already. It's all here."

"...Is this really the hanging gardens of Babylon?"

"Yes. I've had a lot of time to plan. With this, we'll be able to obtain the grail for sure."

You weren't even acknowledging what Shirou was saying at this point. You just wanted to go explore the amazing world around you. "Can we go look around, please, please, please!" You begged, turning towards him with puppy dog eyes.

"I knew you'd enjoy the view, but I didn't think you'd be so fascinated—

"Well I am! Have you even read about Babylon?"

"I thought you didn't like reading."

"I don't, I just find Gilgamesh highly attractive, now please, please, please!"

"The king?"

"Yes...does it matter? I just wanna explore, pleaseeeeeeee!"

Shirou could never seem to resist your pleading for to long, so eventually he found himself giving in as always. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to—

"Yes! C'mon!" You cheered, grabbing onto his hand and pulling him along the stone paved path. You pointed out a few things you'd read about in your book as the two of you went. You stopped him at a small purple flower. "See that! That hasn't been in the modern world for years! It's literally extinct, yet here it is, right here!" You beamed.

"Wow, I didn't know you took such interest in flowers—

You suddenly let out a loud gasp interrupting him. "Is that a waterfall! C'mon, we have to go see that!" You chirped, grabbing hold of his arm again and running off towards it.

"Do we have to run?" Shirou laughed.

"Yes!" You soon skidded to a stop when the water fall was plain in view. "Wow! I don't think I've ever seen one so up close!" You sang, following along the side of what seemed to be a small river. The two of you walked beside it a moment longer before coming to a small staircase leading down to a beautiful looking gazebo. It had a perfect view of the rising sun and everything else in the hanging gardens. "Wow..." You whispered, beginning to walk down the stairs with Shirou following.

You sat down at the gazebo before just looking out at the breathtaking view in front of you. You sighed. "Semiramis really out did herself." Shirou nodded, sitting next to you. "I mean have you ever seen something so beautiful?"

Shirou yawned. "I suppose not."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just a little tired is all."

"You stayed up all night, didn't you?" You asked.

"Yes. I promised I would help Semiramis prepare."

You let out a small giggle. "Yeah, that's just like you. Why don't you take a nap or something?"


"Yep, I don't mind. I'll wake you up when everything's ready."

"A nap is quite unnecessary...I'll just close my eyes a moment."

You giggled. "Alright, you do that. I might just have to as well."

Shirou let out a small mmm sound in agreement. You glanced his way once more before closing your eyes. This was a perfect spot to clear your head. The warm sun on your face, the soft sound of the flowing river...it was all so perfect. After a few minutes you heard Shirou's breathing deepen making you pop an eye open. Awh, he really did fall asleep. You smiled softly at him. He honestly deserved a nice long break. You had no idea how he did it all. Humanity's salvation...that was a huge weight to have on one's shoulders. He's determined to make it happen though...

You scooted a bit closer to him, before gently pulling him down to where his head was on your lap. You were careful not to wake him, he deserved to rest...and he could at least be comfortable instead of leaning back on the cold wall of the gazebo...or...maybe you just couldn't help yourself...he just looked so adorable. You smiled down at him, gently running your fingers through his hair. For the first time in a while you felt completely at peace.

You closed your eyes again, enjoying the warmth and the comforting sound of the water flowing. You weren't really sure how much time passed before you heard Shirou stir a bit. You opened your eyes and looked down at him. He twitched a moment before slowly opening his eyes. His earring glinted into your eyes as the sun hit it. He looked so cute. "So you're awake, good morning."You teased him.

"Mmm...how'd I end up in your lap?" He asked.

"Well I thought you'd want somewhat of a pillow, rather than—

"What were you planning to do if someone saw us?" He interrupted, sitting up.

"Ugh!? No one is even around!" You huffed. Shirou began to fiddle with the collar of his shirt, seeming to completely ignore your words. You crossed your arms and turned away from him. "I decided to do something nice for you is all, is that so wrong?"

"Just embarrassing." Shirou replied with a small laugh.

You scowled. Why'd he have to go and sound so cute with that dumb little laugh of his. "Hmph."

"Still...I appreciate it. Thank you." He smiled.

You turned back towards him. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it? I just wanted you to be comfortable is all...you honestly deserve a break. I don't know how you do it all the time." You admitted, folding your hands in your lap.

"Do what?" He asked.

You sighed. "I don't know. The whole humanity's salvation thing. I guess what I mean is...do you really think it's possible?"

"Of course it is!" His tone seemed to change a bit. "The holy grail cannot refuse to grant my wish!"

You shifted a bit. "You have so much determination...how have you kept it for so long?"

Shirou glanced down at you. "It's ambition, I suppose."

"The world...can it really be saved? I just can't picture anything like it..."

"Have faith Y/n, I will bring about salvation. Be it friend or foe, everyone will be saved. No more suffering...not for anyone."


"I understand why you're asking me this, Y/n. It still hurts doesn't it?"


"After I obtain the grail, you won't have to feel pain anymore, and no one will ever have to go through what you did ever again. No child will be left without a mother, no child will be abandoned by their father. There will simply be peace and happiness, that I can promise you."

"And I trust you, I want you to know that, It's just—

"Do you hate him?"


"The man that took your mother's life...do you hate him?" You didn't respond. He nodded to himself. "Yes, I thought so. At a time I also hated—

"I don't hate him!" You suddenly blurted. Shirou just blinked it you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, it's just, how can I hate him...when I was the one who took his life in the end."


"And in this perfect world of yours, is there even room for a sinner like me?"

"That was not your fault, that was called self-defense. And to answer your question, I did say all of humanity would be saved, didn't I? Besides, you know that god forgives all, does he not?"

A smile spread onto your lips. "Well, you're truly one of a kind, Shirou. You see people for—

"I see you."

You instantly turned your head towards him. "What...?"

"...I see you." He repeated. He was just staring at you, and you couldn't help but do the same.

"And...?" You questioned, your voice sounding no louder than a whisper as he leaned in closer to you.

"And...you won't deny me, will you?" It had been more of a statement than a question, but he was absolutely right. You wouldn't, you just found yourself leaning in closer before he filled the gap, gently placing his lips on the outer rim of your own. As soon as he felt you were okay with his advances, he creased his lips deeper into yours. You placed your hand on his cheek as one kiss turned into another and so on so forth. He eventually pulled away. It was nice...probably a moment you would never forget.

"What was..." You trailed of slowly.

"I promise. I promise I'll bring about salvation for your sake, and for everyone else's. I swear it."
