57. Attention

Amaigabea Villa

"Sire, you're still weak. Please rest more." An attendant persuaded Augustine to calm down. The doctor strictly instructed them that their boss needs bed rest to quickly regain his strength.

Augustine couldn't help but be restless. His personal assistant, Luis, was no more because of him. He needs to seek justice for his friend. His family definitely has worries, too. He tried to stand but the attendant reiterated the words of the First Prince.

"Sire, his highness told us to take care of you. He will allow you to go out when the doctor gives his clearance concerning your health."

"Then call the physician and get him to notify my son that I recovered." 

The attendant shook his head. "Sire, we cannot do that. His highness had his men stationed inside and outside of the manor. This is for your fast recuperation and safety. Don't worry about anything. The First Prince already reached out to Luis' family. His team will take care of the funeral. Also, he will visit you later so, you need to be rested by then." 

When Augustine heard that, he sighed and resigned, laying on the bed. He was thinking about many things but he is also assured of his son's capability. He then closed his eyes and let sleep take his consciousness. 

* * * * * * *

The Palace's mood is somewhat unusual. The speculation was already confirmed that Augustine was on the way when his car met with an accident. 

In contrast, the reigning royal family didn't lament the way an immediate relative would grieved, especially the sister. The Queen did her normal routine. Though everybody didn't voice out their opinion, they thought that the relationship between the siblings was not good because of the past.

The media couldn't get any more scoop from the royal family. Only that the burial period was set to five days. This is a long time in Mudhish customs. King Reuben was said to give face to his brother-in-law by doing this. 

The breakfast that day was strangely quiet. No one spoke even the princess. Tamar just gritted her teeth while staring at the young couple in front of her. Judah was subtly smirking at his sister's expression while Neero and Mia were eating harmoniously. 

The meal ended at last. The young couple paid their respects to the royal parents before walking out from the dining hall. Unstopping, they marched towards the Palace gates when the guards blocked their way. 

Neero stood there in alert, pulling his wife behind him protectively. 

The temperature dropped as the uniformed men occupied the pathway. The second-in-command strode forward and tried to persuade the couple to go back inside the royal residence. 

After a while, Neero raised his other hand as if to signal someone. Then the leader of the guards came rushing in.

"I've been patient enough these past few days." The First Prince threw him a cold look.

The leader nodded and signaled for the guards to make way.

"But Sir..." 

The leader glared at his right-hand guy. The person couldn't read the atmosphere. Neero's demeanor right now is like a ticking bomb. From his experience, if the First Prince wants to, he can easily wipe out their team with his trained loyal men. He shuddered at the thought and was relieved that Neero already reached the gates.

"Sir, how about the royal order?" The right hand man inquired.

"Their Majesties knew about the First Prince's ability. This kind of command would not stop him. Our work is not in vain. We confirmed something that his majesty told me."

"And that is..."

"His highness was very protective of the Princess Consort. There's a very particular stance that I only see in a father-to-be." It's fitting that a husband will take care of his wife. But the leader observed that the Princess Consort had done a minuscule action of touching her belly and the Prince was ready to unleash his wrath against a menial thing like barricading the way. 

The leader tapped on his phone and reported his observations.

"Your highness."


Aaron and Leah were waiting for them beside Neero's car, which was parked outside the palace vicinity. 

Leah hugged her friend-turned boss and rode with them to Betiko Villa.

Arriving at their home, the staff welcomed the two. Though none of the people joyously clapped their hands, they were still happy that the masters of the house safely returned. The news about Augustine had also reached them. They were still saddened by it and lit candles at the villa. 

"Your highnesses, your room has been prepared. You can rest for a while as the kitchen makes some snacks." The butler uttered while holding a big frame of Augustine's picture.

Neero, "..."

Mia, "..."

"Take that away." Aaron whispered and dispersed the people surrounding the couple. He and Leah also knew the truth because of the woman's uncle, Boar.

"M, I've already packed your things. The president of the Yushkova Tradings couldn't seem to wait for the collaboration." Leah said with excitement but zipped her mouth when she saw Neero's expression. She almost forgot that Devon is the half brother of the prince and they weren't on good terms. She stepped back slowly until Aaron stood in front of her.

Mia and Neero raised their brows at the cute scene.

"Meet me at the study after an hour." 

Aaron coughed as Neero patted his shoulders. 

"We'll talk later about 'the collaboration', Leah." Mia said knowingly and pulled her husband upstairs. 

Leah hid behind Aaron as her cheeks flushed.

* * * * * * *

The next day, Mia and Leah went to the States. 

She was happy to know the relationship between her friend and Aaron. Mia also confirmed her own pregnancy when Neero invited his trusted physician into their villa yesterday. 

The husband pursued the wife to postpone the photoshoot but she found her way with words. The doctor also gave his permission for the woman to work. In the end, he agreed and strictly gave his instructions to the people who will accompany his wife.

"I'll follow to the States after I visit dad." Neero gave her a soft kiss on the lips and caressed her flat belly.

"How about the funeral here?" Mia hugged him and leaned on his broad chest.

"We still have a few days to deal with all of those things. Just take care of yourself until I arrive, okay?" 

"Alright. You too."

Mia smiled at the memory and discreetly touched her abdomen while checking out at the airport. She secured her mask and walked forward.

"Welcome to the States, Madam. We're the campaign party of the Yushkova Tradings." The team leader greeted and introduced Mia to the rest of the people.

The Three Maidens stood in front of Mia and checked the identities of each person. When they validated the IDs, the campaign team led the way to the hotel.


EARLY NEXT MORNING, the production commenced. Honoring the contract, it was a closed-door shooting. From capturing Mia's images to editing and selection, the campaign party was monitored by her own team. 

After the shoot, Mia and the others were invited to a gala dinner to celebrate the successful event. All the involved staffs, the company's officials, investors and some friends from different industries were invited too. 

Her glam team chose a satin long-sleeve emerald evening gown accentuated with black pearl earrings along with stylish crossover non-elevated sandals. She requested for flat shoes and her team magically found a great pair for her. 

Mia entered the banquet hall of the Yushkova building along with her squad. Although the lights were dimmed, it didn't hide her alluring presence.

A good-looking man with a bright smile marched towards her.

"It's nice to finally meet you in the flesh." Devon Yushkova shook hands with the mysterious woman. He took his time glancing at her face. Even half of it was hidden by a mask, all of the people couldn't deny the attractiveness that the lady presented. Her eyes are sparkling and her lips are luscious. 

"Ahem." A faint cough sounded behind the man.

Mia silently observed the people in front of her. They are familiar faces whom his husband had once dealt with.

"This is my wife, Ruth." Devon introduced her with a faint smile. His eyes were void of gentleness when he said the words because she wasn't supposed to be there. 

Ruth, a former duchess, looked Mia from head to toe accompanied with a timid smile. From the back of her mind, she detests people who are trying hard. The woman before her is a perfect example. For her, the secrecy is just a gimmick to hide the hideous face of the pretentious lady. 

And to think that the woman is seducing her husband. So, Ruth just nodded, not offering her hand at all. 

Leah was fuming inside but Mia stayed cool about it. She just nodded her head in return.

Before Devon could react, Victoria Yushkova approached the little group.

"You must be the famous model." The matriarch chimed, praising Mia's elegant demeanor.

Mia's mood became off but she kept it to herself. This is the person who caused deep wounds to her beloved.

Fortunately, Leah meddled when she noticed the rigid posture of Mia. She gave a phone to her boss and made way for Mia to get away.

"If you'll excuse us, my boss needs to take this personal call." Leah followed her boss outside the room.

After several minutes, the two women returned and found their seats. Thankfully, the program had already started and everyone was already sitting down.

"A night of gratitude from the Yushkova Tradings. Welcome friends and colleagues!" The emcee greeted the crowd. It was a fun night for most of the attendees. 

As an esteemed guest, Mia was on a VIP table but stayed sitted and silently watched the event. Her peaceful world ended when the emcee turned over the microphone to Ruth and the former duchess mentioned her, calling the attention of the crowd. 

* * * * * * *

I'm already drafting the second upload of the week. Hoping I could upload before this week ends.
I don't know when I can write the next chapters.
Need to see my eye doctor again.
Thanks for understanding.

YSABELLE M. | 2023
