54. Name

A/N:  I'm back!

Thank you for prayers and messages. I'm touched! All appreciated.

I am still in faith and hopeful for my eyes to get better. I still need to undergo a few tests.🙏

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Mudhish Palace

Tamar was out of her composure when she tried to approach Mia. She was then stopped by Zinnia before she could lay a hand on the woman. No one came to her rescue when the Three Maidens got a hold of her.

"Enough!" King Reuben ignored the fact that the Princess was literally handled by the female guards. He instead assessed the current situation while looking at the young couple at the center of the hall. He had a bad feeling about the scene in front of them. There's something more and he was sure of it.

"S...son." Queen Laura weakly uttered. She thought that she needed to get her part rolling. In contrast to her sad demeanor, she silently cursed Amelia Shechem for her cunning way. She wanted to applaud and throw her to the dungeon at the same time. This young woman is subtly causing trouble for them. She looked at Three Maidens who are the solid proof of the young woman's identity.

"We're here to present ourselves to save time for your inquiries, your Majesties." Neero said respectfully and looked at his adoptive parents whom he once thought were sincere with all the things that they showed and taught him. Maybe they were good people but in the end, power blinded them.

He and Mia had thought about things carefully. After wrapping up their matters in the States, they directly flew back to the Middle-east continent to act on their plans. They need to be one step ahead to surprise the adversaries.

"Your highnesses, we will conduct a series of inquiries to shed light to the confusion. If the Princess Consort is willing to participate, we will start with her." An old official suggested and his colleagues agreed.

Neero looked at Mia and the latter just nodded.

Meanwhile, most of the officials were quiet all along and didn't bother to interrupt the royal family. They're just waiting for this kind of discord among the Jabal family so that they will have a chance for the throne.

In addition, the Shechem couple couldn't take back their response earlier. They'd implicitly disowned Mia as part of their family and it's too late to regret knowing that Neero presented her as the Princess Consort. It's futile to defend Mia anymore.

"Your Majesties, I request for a Kingdom's Tribunal." A voice blurted out while few men escorted Mia to the big door on the left side of the court hall. They stopped on their tracks hearing the clear feminine voice.

All eyes searched for the source of the sound. Duchess Dinah, as one of the councilors, had the attention of the crowd. She suggested this according to their plan.

The Tribunal is an independent body that focuses on determining disputes, reviewing the facts and giving resolutions.

Half of the officials thought that there's nothing wrong with it because nobody could break the integrity of the Tribunal members up until this day. It's only fair to give the young couple a just due process. Also, once and for all, everything will be clear.

But the other half thought otherwise. If the verdict turns out to be unfavorable to them, their chance to the crown will become slim and Neero could have it. The hall became unruly because of different opinions.

King Reuben lifted the scepter and everyone halted. His personal aid whispered to him and the king made known his decision to the crowd. "I hereby grant the request of the Duchess of Salem on one condition..."

"We will do it in an old fashioned way. The First Prince and the Princess Consort will stay here until the Tribunal party arrives and investigates." Queen Laura finishes the sentence. Even if they don't agree with inviting the Tribunal team, the officials will be suspicious if they won't allow the appeal. They just need for the young couple to stay at the Palace so that they cannot prepare or do something else, especially Neero.

Tamar smugly nodded with her parents' decision. Doing the traditional questioning means that they can invite the public, the media included. The cross-examination will take place at a vast open ground. In her mind, Mia will be punished and embarrassed because of her deception. The woman is expendable and doesn't fit to be on the First Prince's side.

Neero and Mia looked at one another with understanding. No matter what happens, the two of them have each other's back.

AFTER ADJOURNING THE MEETING, Neero led Mia to the West Wing and entered his old room. Even Aaron and Leah are not allowed to speak with them. No visitors in short.

"You can shower first." Neero said softly as he started to organize their things from their luggage.

Mia exited the bathroom just when Neero finished arranging their things. He gave her a peck on the lips before entering the shower room. She smiled and did her skincare routine while sitting down in front of the vanity dresser, which her husband gifted her. After that, she started brushing her tangled damp hair and went to their walking closet.

She untied her bathrobe when someone held her right hand.

"Let me."

Mia stared at the dashing man, who just came out of the shower. She didn't notice him until a touch made her. She blushed and let him assist her. His toned body glistened with drops of water coming from his hair. It's very difficult to tear one's eyes from it.

Neero, on the other hand, stared at his alluring wife and lifted her chin. He chuckled saying, "Eyes on me, babe."

When Mia lifted her eyes, she was covered by his contour and felt his soft lips. She sensed that Neero was restraining himself when he gave her space by ending the lingering kiss.

Neero extended his arm to get a nightwear for Mia when she suddenly tugged the towel off of him. He gazed at his wife and the temperature inside their room rose. He crossed the little gap between them and carried their bare bodies on the bed.

After a few rounds, Neero laid beside Mia. Both of them were panting.

"They really want a big event, don't they?" Mia uttered as she stared at the high ceiling.

"It's expected of them. Do you want to watch a movie?" Neero sat up and turned on the massive screen in front of them.

"You're not worried?"

"Are you?"

"Not worried. I have faith." Mia uttered, smiling and both of them spent the rest of the day inside the room.

* * * * * * *

The day of the questioning finally came.

Early in the morning, the open grounds in the Palace started to be filled with citizens. A structure was built with a coliseum-like design. On the right side of the circular structure were the seats for the reigning royal family. The remaining seats on the upper front are for the royal families and officials. At the far back was the area for the public. On the very ground, there are three-ladder rows of seats in front, consisting of five chairs each row. And in the center, was a lone chair for the person in question. On the far left of the chair lay three seats.

Neero sat down on one of those seats while eyeing his wife at the center. His fists clenched at the humiliating scene but Mia assured him that she's okay with it.

Duchess Dinah was also seated there and patted Neero's shoulder as she felt the same indignity for her daughter, Amelia. But they succeeded in keeping their cool intact on the surface.

Neero lifted his eyes on the monarch couple and gave a profound gaze. He then looked at the empty seat beside Dinah.

'We've done our part. It's up to you, father.'

After a while, the Tribunal arrived and sat in their designated area. The Chief opened the file on the table and scanned through it. That moment, the crowd became silent.

"Madam, please state your maiden name."

Mia looked at Neero, who smiled in return. before answering. "Amelia Salem."

The Chief looked at the verified birth certificate on the file. Unknown to all, Neero and Mia, took the necessary steps for their plan. All was taken care of.

"Are you, the maiden of Salem?"

"Yes, I am, your honor."

Everyone thought Mia is of non-royal blood yet here she was, claiming that she's a Salem. The Chief scanned the DNA report and gave it to the others for checking. Later, all the submitted documents will be processed for authentication. When his colleagues didn't dismiss the verified document, he moved forward to the questioning.

"And who is this Lady Melinda?"

"My sister."

"So, you and Melinda are two different people?"


"Is she your sister?"


"Blood sister?"

"No, your honor, she's legally adopted."

The people were shocked at the revelation. A lot of murmurs can be heard in the crowd.

"Hmm. All this time, Lady Melinda was the one here, am I right? We didn't hear your name and didn't know of your presence. Where were you then?"

"In the States. I grew up there, your honor."

"How come?"

Before Mia could answer, King Reuben lifted his scepter. "Chief, keep your questions on course."

The king knew that halting the chief was a risky move. But no one must dig up about that past.

The chief deeply glanced at the king as Neero secretly smirked. Then a sealed envelope was passed on the Tribunal members up to their chief.

As the head of the Tribunal opened it, he knew what he was to say. "Following the authentication of the submitted documents, the simple accusation against the Princess Consort of having a fake noble identity is hereby dismissed."

'Noooo!' Tamar contorted her face in frustration. She tried to compose herself thinking about the second appeal - the void marriage.

Neero stood up with his chair and sat beside his wife. The half part of questioning will now start.

"Sir, please state your name. And for you Madam, your married name."

"Neero Akilah."

"Amelia Salem - Akilah."

Queen Laura abruptly stood up when she heard the name. Is she hearing things? The Chief continued his series of introductory questions despite the unnecessary reaction of the queen. She looked at her husband but King Reuben just gripped his scepter, also not knowing what was happening. 


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 YSABELLE M. | 2023
