chapter 2

When she came home, she went into the kitchen where her mother already had started cooking the dinner. "hello mother" Seraphina said to her. Her mother turned around and smiled at her while cleaning her hands in her dishcloth. "hello darling. How was your day?" her mother asked her as she came closer to her. "it was fine. I went out in the fields to read my book when some soldiers came by and asked for directions to the village. It was so strange. Do you know why they are here?" she told her mother while going over to the kitchen table.

But what Seraphina didn't notice was that her mother's smile quickly turned upside down when she said that. Because her mother did know who the soldiers were and why they were here. She knew it was the king that was traveling through the village. She had heard it from rumors all over the village, but she didn't believe them until her daughter just said it. "no. I don't know why they are here." She lied to her daughter while continuing cooking.

Seraphina could hear on her mothers' tone that she was lying but she decided not to pry into it because it was apparently something her mother didn't want to tell her. They didn't talk to each other after that. They just cooked their dinner.

Just as they were finishing up cooking came Seraphina's father home. He greeted them with a smile and gave each of them a hug and kiss on the forehead. "Hello, my darling girls." He said to them. "hello father. How was your day." Seraphina said back. "it was fine. Hard work. But fine." He said back. Her father had never been one to talk very much. He was mostly always quiet and observing. Seraphina liked that about her father. He could always see right through others.

They sat down by the dinner table and was just about to eat when a knock sounded from the front door. They all looked at each other with question eyes but was interrupted again when there was another knock on the door.

Seraphina's father got up from his seat and went over to open the door. "hello. How may I help you?" said her father to the stranger at the door. "hello sir. I am looking for a miss Seraphina" the strange man said.

When Seraphina heard her name, she stood up and went to the door to stand beside her father. "hello. I'm Seraphina. How may I help you?" she said. The strange man looked her up and down and nodded his head. "I just needed to see if the rumors about your beauty were true or not." He said. Seraphina could feel rage run through her veins when she heard that. She looked up at her father and saw that he too was angry.

Her father didn't waste one second before he slammed the door shut. Seraphina was so tired of people showing up at her doorstep just to see 'if the rumors were true or not.' Yes, that right many men and women have come to their home just to see her face. She was tired of it. She hated it because it made her feel like a doll that could just be looked at everywhere.
