chapter 1

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom in the countryside, a man and wife lived with their daughter Seraphina. She was as sweet as an angel and as innocent as it gets. All the men in the village wanted Seraphina's hand in marriage. But Seraphina liked to be free and be by herself. She didn't want to marry any of the men in the village. She loved her life as it was and didn't want it to change.

But the kingdom she lived in was not all good and happy because in the castle in the capital lived a king. A king who was rumored to be as dark and evil as the devil. Everybody feared him and nobody dared to cross him in any way. He was said to be as cold as ice.

Seraphina had heard the tales about the king in the village. She was happy that he didn't visit the villages very often. It was mostly his lords that came and looked into how the villages were or selected the taxes.

One day when the sun was shining, and birds were singing was Seraphina out on the fields reading up against a tree. The book was about Romeo and Juliet. It was her favorite book. She loved the way that they fought for their love and didn't give up even though their families hated each other.

Seraphina was so into her book that she didn't notice the parade of guards nearing her. She first began noticing them when one of them jumped down from their horse and began to walk towards her. She looked up at the soldier and hurried to stand up so she could run if she needed to.

"Hello, sir. Do you need help with anything?" Seraphina said. "yes, my lady. I do need help with something. Do you know the directions to Adolona village?" the soldier answered. "I do. If you go about a mile that way, then you will come to the village." She said while pointing to the little forest path. "thank you, my lady. Here is a little amount of money that you can spend on a new dress or something." The soldier said while handing her the little back with money in. "that's very kind of you sir but I don't need the payment for being kind and helpful." She said with a smile. The soldier just looked at her for about 2 minutes then he nodded and went back to his horse.

"goodbye for now then my lady." He said and rode off with the whole parade.

While they rode by her she made eye contact with one of the soldiers. She could tell he was handsome but also cold from the look in his eyes. She felt shivers roll up her spine as she had eye contact with him. she quickly looks down to her feet while she still could feel his eyes on her.

She picked up her book and began to walk back to the farm. while she was walking, she wondered about who he was and how he had become so cold that she could see it in his eyes so easily. After some time, she decided that she was just going to ignore it because what is the chance that she will meet him again.
