Continue from the previous part...

"Now when you guys are at Paris then give me a chance to be your tour guide." Alice insisted while Namjoon felt a little hesitant.

"No Alice we are fine actually-" "No Joonie let me just." She placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled while looking into his eyes. While Namjoon smiled back and looked at you, you just nodded your head in approval.

"Cool! You know what Namjoon there are a lot of stalls, the next alley. Where you could find a lot of small things which you will find cute, come with me it will be so fun." Alice said then holding Namjoon's hand in her she dragged him behind her without even caring about his even a single word, while you just followed them plainly.

Reaching near the stalls she showed Namjoon a lot of small and pretty things and he was looking at those stuff with the most adorable smile over his lips. He was admiring the things as if he was admiring a cute little kid. To be honest he was a kid himself, and you always liked this side of him but couldn't be vocal about your thoughts regarding him.

You were just looking at him with an adoring feeling in your heart making your eyes smile softly at the site, while Alice on the other hand was busy staring at him with a big smile over her lips. Which somewhere didn't went unnoticed by you, but at that very moment you heard Namjoon's voice calling your name, so didn't paid much attention towards her.

"Y/n see aren't these bonsai trees cute?" He asked while looking at you and then at the bonsai in his hand respectively, while you nodded your head. "And look at this cute little Eiffel tower, I'll be keeping it inside my cabin." You nodded your head one more time in aproval, when suddenly his eyes landed on a pair of brown coloured baby shoes at a stall. He quickly walked towards them, picking them up as he smiled brightly at it's cuteness.

"I'll buy them as well." "But what will you do with them Namjoon?" Alice asked while looking at them. "I don't know, they are cute I'll keep them for my kid." He said without any realization making your cheeks heated up, but the moment he looked at you realization hits him, due to which his heart skipped two- three beats followed by butterflies in his stomach.

Meanwhile Alice smile dropped completely, she felt something like hurt but she masked her hurt with a smile over a lips. "Ah.. guys listen. You know what there are a lot of museums in Paris and Namjoon you will love to visit those museums. " Alice told diverting all the attention towards herself.

"Oh yes, I had heard about the same, and I really wanted to visit those places. I heard there are pretty cool things to look at." Namjoon said excitedly as the topic of his interest came. You noticed Alice knows alot about him, which you couldn't be able find out even in your whole life.

"Hm. So that's why, I had planned our  day which is all about visiting museums tomorrow. Um.. is it fine for you Y/n." She took you in the conversation out of blues making you bit confused, but looking at his excitement you couldn't deny. "Yeah, it's fine by me."

"Wow! Cool. So will see you guys tomorrow morning near the bus stand. Alright?" You both nodded your head and went away, towards your hotel where you both were staying.

Reaching there you straightaway went to change when your thoughts were roaming around sudden arrival of Alice in your life, you still didn't knew who was she. What she meant to him, whom he meant to her. You were having alot of things in your mind to ask him, but you didn't know that you any have any right to ask him questions like that or not.

Somewhere you were feeling bad as well, but somewhere you were happy because you saw him being happy. But the topic of your confusion was did he got happy because he got to meet Alice or he was getting to do things which he liked the most; but the thing was they all were somewhere and the other connected to Alice. Your heart was again having certain weird feelings, which were giving anxiety this time, but why? Was the another question for you.

You felt frustrated about everything plus you were tired so coming out of the washroom you just went and layed on the bed without saying even a single word to him. He felt a little weird about your behaviour but ignored it because he thought may be you were way too much tired, so he thought not to disturb you and soon he too layed beside you. While soon you both drifted to your dreamlands.

Time skipped to the morning.

You both got ready and reached at the bus stop to meet Alice over there, but the whole while you didn't exchanged even a word with eachother. Namjoon didn't felt good about this but he didn't said anything maintaining the silence between you two.

Soon Alice reached there so she waved her hand towards you both with a smile and came closer. "Good morning." She chirped, while you both wished her the same. "So let me take you guys to the worlds largest and most visited museum of Paris The Vouvre Museum."

Namjoon smiled and you guys took the route towards the same and reaching over there you three saw a lot of aesthetic work as well as the center of attraction of the whole museum The Monalisa. Namjoon took various pictures over there, he seemed to enjoying his fullest, while you felt happy seeing him happy.

Days passed by you guys visited alot more places in Paris but along with Alice nothing really felt like a couple trip to you both, just a casual trip with friends, where only two of the friends were really enjoying while the third one was just looking at those two doing stuff. But still you were happy from inside somewhere, but the wave of sadness everytime was giving you hard time as well and he was unaware about all the updown in your feelings; because you weren't vocal about it.

It was finally your last evening in Paris and another day of you guys hanging out with Alice in Paris. "So guys it's your last day right, so we should celebrate. Let's go to a party tonight. It will be fun." Alice said, while your eyes widden. "Ah.. no Alice I don't like such parties, I'll not go I'm sorry." "Oh! Is that so. Then Namjoon you?" She asked.

"No Alice I'll not come without Y/n, obviously." He told while Alice got hurt. "But it's your last day over here and I wanted to spend a little bit more time with you." She said in a breaking voice. "It's alright Namjoon you go with her, I'll head back to the hotel." You said. "But Y/n-" "Don't worry Namjoon, you just go. I'm telling you just go." You did your best to convince him and he finally agreed.

"Thank you so much Y/n. You are the best." Alice said and hugged you. "We'll take your leave now." She said and holding Namjoon's hand she went away, while you smiled sadly and walked back to the hotel. be continued
