Continue from the previous part..

It has been three days as time spent by in the speed of light and you were fully recovered by your injury as well so you were ready for meeting as well. All because of your husband Namjoon the way he took care of you and helped you with work was worth appreciating. Indeed he loved you the most in the whole world.

Well, you got ready for the meeting while Namjoon was in his personal gym, doing his daily work-out. You wanted to meet Namjoon before leaving, so walking to his personal gym you went inside and there you found him doing his hard core workout shirtless. This wasn't your first time seeing him like that but for some reason you felt shy, so you cleared your throat to get his all attention on you. He looked at your direction and found you all dressed up looking beautiful. "Y/n!" He said and smiled but he noticed your shyness so he thought to tease you. Smirking at you he walked closer while you looked away.

You could feel him coming closer to you while your cheeks were heating up and there was a slit blush present there. He held your waist and pulled you over so you hands landed on his bare chest. Holding your chin in his hand he made you look in his eyes, only to make you feel lost in the warmth of his love. You lost the time span whenever you were with him and in his warmth. He was smiling while you were not understanding how to react to any of his actions, you weren't aware of how to express your love feelings to him and he knew it really well. So he was the one leading things ahead in your relationship.

You were the one following him everytime with whatever was necessary to make love with him. His eyes feel on your lips so he leaned closer, you closed your eyes in shyness because somewhere you know what was he about to do. He placed his lips on yours the kiss was soft yet deep, full of love. Breaking it after a while he kissed your forehead and joined his forehead with your. "You look beautiful, as always." You smiled and answered. "Thank you."

"I hope you are prepare well for the meeting." He maked sure by asking you. "Really well and thats all because of you." "I'm glad. Best of luck!" You smiled and hugged him tight in return, roaming your hands around his bare back. "I'll go now. I'll be late." He nodded and you left from there.

After an hour, you reached to your office building. Walking inside your staff greeted you, while your secretary Mrs. Choi joined you to your cabin. "Ma'am the investor will be here soon." You nodded and settled down on your chair, waiting for your investors. "Mrs Kim they are here." One of the staff member told you while you nodded and walked out with your laptop. You set your laptop with the projector then you waited for your foreign investors to come inside the conference room.

Your investor CEO of Dalles Private Limited Mr. Darren walked inside. He was in his late 20's, almost the same age as Namjoon. You bowed at him and he walked closer to you with a smile then shaked his hands with you. "Nice to meet you Miss. Y/N." You litely smiled at him. "You too Mr. Darren!" Your words were warm to him. "Please settle down sir." "Sure." He said and sat on his chair closer to yours. "May we proceed?" You asked politely while he nodded.

You were about to start with the presentation when the door opened revealing a known face, making you startle. "Alice?" You whispered while she walked inside with a smile on her face and looked at you while you gave her an awkward smile. "Hello! I'm Mr. Darren's secretary, Alice." She forwarded her hand to shake it with your so you shooked your hands. "Nice to meet you." She said with a mischievous grin. "Same to you. We shall proceed with the meeting now." You said, but from inside your guilt took over you but shaking those thoughts off you tried to concentrate on your meeting. "Sure. Let's start." Darren said while you explained everything to him in a very effective and impressive manner.

Indeed you were best with your work, your confidence was everything. This was what basically impressed and pulled him towards Darren. He some sort of liked you alot. "Wow! Miss Y/n you, your company and everything is so amazing about you. I would love to work with your company and invest with you. If I'm gonna open another venture of my company here in Korea then I'm gonna work with you only. That's my final decision." He said with a smile, while all your staff member were really happy. "Congratulations Miss. Y/n!" "Thank you so much Mr. Darren."

Dalles Private Limited is one of the biggest company of France owned by a young, intelligent and attractive french man. The company was basically set in Paris while he wanted to open a venture in Korea after getting success in Paris so he sends offers to the biggest companies of Korea. He also send that offer to Namjoon's company but he denied because he wanted your company to have the opportunity, knowing your previous loss a few days prior. While your company and you were the first one with whom they met and talked about the project.

"I told you right sir that Miss. Y/n is a really efficient lady. She is best with her work and everything about her is great." Alice said out of blues to Derren, while you looked at her with amusement. "Indeed she is." He said while looking at you while you smiled little. "I need to talk to Alice before she leaves." You said in your mind while looking at her. You were feeling weird, all those memories from your past played in your head and that was not letting you even breathe properly.

"I think we should be get going now. Will see you tomorrow for further discussions." Darren said pulling you out of the chain of your thoughts, you smiled and nodded. But you were still thinking about how to get some time to talk with Alice before she leaves the office building. They went out of the conference room after shooking there hands with you. "I just have to go and talk with her at any cost, today." You said and went behind them, while they were about to enter the elevator.

"Alice!" You called out her name, they both turned to look at you with a startle expression. "I'm sorry Mr. Darren but I need to talk with Alice for a while. Can I just-" "Ofcourse you can and you guys look really close to eachother. Alice I'll be waiting inside the car." He said and went inside the elevator and went downstairs. You starred at the floor and then said with a little hesitation.

"Alice I wanted to talk with you. Can we?" be continued
