
They had been dating for two months when the dreaded question was asked. Elias and his friends were having a boys' night at Jack's place, they spent the evening eating, drinking and playing video games but by the end of nights like this they always ended up sprawled out all over Jack's room, talking about random things.

They had been talking about Jack and Sean's love life (for some reason) when it happened.

"So Elias." Calum started. Elias grunted in response, not willing to form actual words at that moment. "How's Kat?" A smile pulled at Elias' lips at the mention of her.

"She's great." Jack cooed at him and pinched his cheeks.

"Have you two... done the deed?" Calum wiggled his eyebrows and Elias rolled his eyes.

"No." He watched with amusement as his friends' faces seemed to freeze, their eyes bulged and their mouths were forming silent words.

"No?" Jack was the first to regain his ability to speak.

"No." Elias confirmed.

"Why- Why?" Calum seemed genuinely confused. "I've been with Emma for a month and we've done it..."

"No one wants to hear about your love life, Calum. You do nasty shit in bed." Jack threw a pillow at him, which the other boy caught.

"Well she likes the nasty shit we do in bed." Calum grinned and Jack and Alex made gagging noises, before they turned back to Elias.

"So you two haven't...?" Elias shook his head. "Why though? Seriously." Elias paused. Should he tell them? He didn't know if Kat minded people knowing, but he also didn't want to tell his friends only to find out that she did.

"Well... it's complicated." He said instead. Kicking himself mentally because that sounded way worse than it was.

"Complicated? What's so complicated?" Alex frowned as he sat up to look at Elias who was lying on the bed next to Jack.

"I... wait." He pulled his phone out quickly and texted Kat. He didn't want to say anything that she would be uncomfortable with, but at the same time he wondered how they had never touched upon this subject in the last two months that they had been together.

Her reply came quickly and Elias sighed in relief.

Looking up from his phone, he found his three best friends staring at him.

"She's ace." He said proudly. The first few seconds were filled with silence and blank stares. 

"Ace? As in asexual?" Jack finally asked. Elias nodded. He heard Alex whisper something to Calum, who shrugged. 

"What is it?" Elias asked defensively, ready to defend Kat in any way needed. Alex looked sheepish. 

"I don't - no offence, bro, ain't tryna diss your girl or something but - I don't know what that means...? What she doesn't like- I don't even know? Does she not have a -" 

"Gods, stop right there, I am not talking to you about Kat's private - ugh - it just means she doesn't get sexually attracted to people. Like it's not just me, like anyone. She just doesn't feel it and I am honestly okay with that. She's worth it." Elias smiled at his friends who all nodded, seemingly deep in thought. 

"So you've literally never...?" Calum asked. 

"Nope." Elias shook his head. 

"But you kiss. I've definitely seen you two kissing." Alex sounded like he was doubting himself and Elias laughed. 

"We do kiss - and lemme tell you, she is a great kisser." His friends joined in his laughter. 

"That must be so frustrating though, right? Don't you ever want to just - take it further?" Calum asked once they had stopped laughing. 

"I mean, I'm not gonna lie and say I don't ever want to but... I respect her boundaries and honestly - I've found myself wanting to less over the last couple months." 

"So you don't want to have sex anymore? Like ever?" Alex frowned and Elias laughed. 

"Bro - don't think about it too much. As long as I'm with her, I won't be getting any and I'm okay with that. Honestly." He smiled at his friends who shrugged and Calum moved to pop in the next Star Wars film. 

"So how did they take it?" Kat sounded nervous as they swung on the swings of the playground in front of Kat's house. 

"They took it well. I wasn't worried really." He smiled at her reassuringly. "I thought I'd have to crush Alex when he whispered something to Calum but turned our he just didn't know what being ace meant." Kat laughed. 

"Yeah, I get that a lot. Did they say anything else?" Elias furrowed his brows; she sounded worried, almost choked up. 

"Nah, mostly they asked if I was okay with it - the not-having-sex part. They're just not used to me not having sex but-"

"We could do swingers if you want to." Elias choked; Kat sounded choked up. 

"Swingers?" Elias asked to make sure he'd heard right. 

"Yeah." Kat squared her shoulders. "Like you know, you can go and have sex with someone because you're not getting any from me and I'd be- ok- with-"

"No. No no no no no no." Elias interrupted her when his brain finally caught up with what was happening. "Kat, no." He jumped off the swing and pulled her off hers too. "What makes you think that I want that?" His mind was going 100 miles per hour as he looked at her beautiful face that had looked close to tears a few seconds prior. 

"Well, you - you used to have a lot of - so I thought... I don't want you to be unhappy and if you need to - have sex to be happy then... we could agree to swing-" 

"I will not hear that word again." Elias interrupted her and tipped her face up to look at him. "I don't need sex to be happy, love. I am perfectly happy with you. I just need you, okay?" Kat looked about ready to cry from relief. 

"Really?" She asked and he wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her in fro a hug. 

"Really." Elias smiled into her hair, breathed in her softly sweet floral scent and gently ran his hands down her back. 

"I'm glad. I don't wanna share you with anyone." Her voice was muffled by his shirt where she had her face buried in his chest; she felt it move in the soft rumble of his chuckle. 

"And I don't want to share you with anyone either." Those three words were suddenly perched on the tip of his tongue. He pulled back a bit and looked down into her eyes, suddenly scared. Suddenly overthinking everything and what if she didn't feel the same way and what if he scared her away if he said it now and - 

"Love you." She whispered and he let out a sigh of relief. 

"That was my line." He grinned and her smile lit up his world like the brightest of suns. 
