
Friday morning had come and gone and Elias was a nervous mess. He wouldn't sit still during lunch and only when Sean threatened to eat his dessert did he start eating his food. During last period Calum had to actually keep his hand on Elias' knee to stop him from hibbling or straight off running out of the classroom.

"Elias James, what is the matter with you today. And Mr Kroy please refrain from touching Mr James under the table." In a matter of seconds all 23 pairs of student eyes were on the pair on the third row and Calum groaned.

"Mrs Fay, this is not what it looks like- do you want to see him bolt out of this classroom? I don't think so and my hand on his knee is the only way to prevent that from happening." Elias wasn't even paying attention as Mrs Fay rolled her eyes and Calum let his charm play but as soon as the bell rang, Elias was the first one out the door.

Kat was waiting, leaning on her bike. Elias didn't know the make or anything about the bike, he just knew that it was black and she looked extremely badass standing next to it.

"There you are- that was quick." She laughed and Elias scratched the back of head.

"Yea. Um I have my car here so I'll just follow you?" Kat nodded and Elias proceeded to walk to his little old VW.

"Cute ride." Kat motioned to the car when he pulled up in front of her and Elias sent her a sheepish grin.

"It was my dad's first car too. He thought he should keep the tradition alive." That made Kat laugh and Elias grinned.

"You seem to have a very cute family." She laughed again before mounting her bike and pulling the helmet over her head. Then the engine roared up and she started leading Elias to her house.

"Please just be as normal as you can. My family can be a bit- how should I put it.... Over-bearing and crazy? Yea- so just... Don't say I didn't warn ya." She stood in front of Elias who easily towered over her 5'8" and smiled.

"I'm sure they're not that bad." She shook her head.

"Oh no. They are. You see I'm-"

"Kathryn honey!" A shrill voice suddenly sounded from the house and Kat winced. Elias raised an eyebrow at the name but Kat just sent him a glare.

"You're back and- oh who's this handsome fella?" The woman who came out of the house was equally as tattooed and pierced as Kat but her hair was a natural mousy brown. Her lips were painted in an electric shade of red but the rest of her face was void of makeup.

"Dylan darling! Kathryn brought a boy home!" She called back into the house before she pulled Elias to her chest and hugged him tightly.

"What's your name then, sweetness?" Elias heard Kat groan behind him but he decided to let his charm play.

"Mrs Moore, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Elias James, I'm here for-"

"Where is he? Do I have to be angry?" A booming voice sounded from the door and seconds later a man who was about Elias' height stepped out. He was, just like his wife, tattooed and pierced and he had the built of a body-builder.

"He's quite charming, Dylan. His name is Elias- he's much nicer looking than the other ones as well. He seems quite respectable."

"Muuuum!" Kat whined from behind Elias who just smiled.

"I'm Elias James, sir and as I was just telling your wife I'm only here for an English project." Mr Moore's stoic face, lit up in a smile.

"Then I hope you won't try anything." Elias didn't miss the stern, dangerous glimmer in the man's eyes but he wasn't easily intimidated.

"Of course not, sir. I would never do such a thing under your roof."

"Oh but you would under another?" Elias bit his tongue but continued.

"Not to be disrespectful but you know as well as I that Kat is a stunning girl. But I would never take advantage of her." Elias knew from the look in Mrs Moore's eyes that she liked him but Mr Moore seemed to have more to say.

"We're gonna go to my room now." Kat interrupted and grabbed Elias' arm, pulling him into the house. Elias felt the hard state of Mr Moore's burning eyes in his back but followed the girl to her room.

"And I don't even have to wish to be adopted." Kat sighed as she leaned against the closed door.

"You're adopted?" Elias asked surprised and Kat nodded.

"They're both asexual, so they adopted me, my older sister and my three brothers."

"You have three brothers?" Elias's eyes bulged as he stared at her in disbelief. If her brothers were raised by that man, then that would be a lot of men to go through to get her.

"Yea." She chuckled. "Two older and one younger. But don't panic they're at my gran's over the weekend." Elias continued to stare at her and she chuckled again.

"Come on then, Mr Goldfish. Let's get to work."

Elias promptly shut his mouth and they directed their attention to Keats' poetry.

About half-way through Mrs Moore came up with some cookies and tea which the two accepted gladly. She left shortly after but Kat had to physically escort her out of the room.

"She's very nice, your mum." Elias said taking a gulp of tea.

"I know- I was extremely lucky." Kat laughed quietly. "But she's very overbearing when it comes to boys. Dad is just plain over-protective. He beat one of my ex's because the guy cheated." She laughed but Elias didn't miss the glint in her eyes as she looked at him saying that.

"Do you think we'll even get this consigned today? We're only half-way through To Autumn and it's dinner time soon. We still have La Belle Dame Sans Merci to do... And that one's a hunk." She said lying back on the ground and looking up at Elias who was sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"I don't know, but I don't want to intrude-"

"You wouldn't. I promise." Kat smiled up at him and Elias couldn't say no.

Which is how he ended up at a dinner table with Kat to his right and a very stern Mr Moore in front of him while Mrs Moore babbled away.

"So what do you want to do after graduating this summer?" The question was directed at Elias, who hurried to swallow the bite of lasagna he'd just eaten.

"Um- I applied to university to study Psychology." He smiled at Mrs Moore who seemed impressed, her husband never took his eyes off him.

"Well, will you look at that, Dylan! She brought a smart one home." Mr and Mrs Moore's laughter echoed through the house, while a blush fought its way onto Kat's cheeks as she played with her food.

"Don't play with you food, Kat." A new voice entered the conversation and Elias looked up to see a girl with electric blue eyes, despite her obvious asian descent, and pink dyed hair. She seemed older than Elias and Kat by a few years and judging by the excitement on Kat's face as she jumped up to hug the girl, it was her sister.

"And who's this?" Her voice was quite low, but it only added to her charm.

"Evie this is Elias. Elias this is my sister Evelynn. He's working on this English project with me." Kat introduced and Elias stood to shake her hand. Evelynn, or Evie, stared at his hand for a second before she pulled him in for a hug.

"Call me Evie." She smiled but when her lips were right next to Elias' ear, she whispered: "You hurt her, your dick will be on the bottom of the ocean- without your body attached to it." And Elias gulped before he smiled at her and nodded.

"Come join us for some food, darling." Mrs Moore beamed and Evelynn bent to drop a kiss on her cheek. Her father stood and kissed her forehead before she went to grab a plate and cutlery from the kitchen.

"So where did you apply, Elias?" Mrs Moore asked when everyone was seated again and this time Elias was more prepared.

"St Andrews, Glasgow, Cambridge, Bath and UCL, ma'am."Mr Moore raised an eyebrow at him, while Evelynn choked on her food a bit and Kat stared at him with wide eyes.

"Kathryn applied to St Andrews and Cambridge as well, for English and History though. Have you got any offers yet?" Elias sent her a sheepish smile.

"I got unconditionals from St Andrews and Glasgow and had interviews at Cambridge and Bath last months, ma'am, UCL hasn't come back to me yet." Another choke from Evelynn and Kat this time too. Mr Moore now had an impressed look on his face and Mrs Moore made a noise of approval.

"I like him, Kathryn." Another round of choking from Kat, laughter from both her father and sister and a blush from Elias ensued.
