Jee PT.2

The second week that i had gone to class,Chemistry wasnt that bad as usual..i got through that..and it was time for math class which was taught by a lady who made learning math pretty I was kinda relieved coznik it wouldn't be boring and it was the week I had to learn trigonometry and that fyi was  a chapter I never understood nor did I ever show interest in learning it coz I FUCKING HATE IT...*emphasize the present tense*.But that week...I was looking forward to learn it coz of this lady teacher who iexpe Ted to walk in when it was time for math class.. Imagine the shock I experienced watching a tall dorky looking man  walk in. I was super confused thinking that he had the wrong class but the man walked right in.He sat down at the  teacher's desk that was placed 2 benches in front of me.He gestured for me to come and sit at the front bench and the man had his eyes fixated on every action I was doing and continued to stay that way for a whole min while I was stalling the silence by shuffling through textbooks *not portraying him in a bad way I just found this to be super weird.He didn't Express any inappropriate behaviour*.He finally speaks up addressing the chapter we were gonna go through that day and asked me a few questions about trigonometry to which I didn't know the answers to coz it's trigonometry ...i never gave a fuck about it.He judged me for that entire class for notmknowing the basics of trigonometry.You see...if it was that lady....that wouldn't have been the case.But i let it slide.Honestly...those 2 hours were terrifying just sitting there alone with a man who questioned your knowledge just because you weren't revised on a certain topic.He even went on to judge me by my school.From then on I was mortified tongo to class every Sunday just because of the math class.It only kept getting worse.I would pray to God that he never showed up the next week but he did...every week after the first.Heres the thing..he should tell at me every 10 mins..he would do like one sum and give me a completely new one and watch over me while I struggle to solve it.It was MORTIFYING. One day he yelled at me coz i didn't have a separate book for math and threw the book across. That was the first time i cried in class.Very subtely tho.It was at this point that I wanted to back out so I went and told mum and she...she A) Told me that I'm weak and knew I wasn't capable of attending something like this.
B)Told me that what the math teacher did was understandable and
C)Kept bringing up the fact that I had wasted her money..You know....I would've still insisted on quitting but it was the fact that she went on and on about the money and the fact that I'm too weak which heightened my ego and made me go 'Fuck it..I'll just continue and give it a second chance' Another wrong decision to take me downhill.After this complaint.. my mom would let the institution know this and would eventually change the math was such a relief but wouldn't stop me from quitting.This math teacher was  really gentle and would explain me all the concepts with patience and never yelled at me..He never questioned my knowledge either when I didn't know something so it was all good..But eventually I came to the realization that I cant do this..Its not something I enjoy...which means it's not gonna be something I'm gonna put a lot of effort on to excel...Money was the only thing on my mind.I eventually dropped out but it was my mom's decision which occurred through a misunderstanding which I will mention further into the story.That was 30 k down the drain and little did I know I would never hear the end of it.

