Is she talking to a witch? How dare she talk to a witch although she's human she shouldn't,given that he's marrying a werewolf. Everyone know talking to a witch is a sin for werewolf. Even humans know that. suspicion crept and I carefully walk closer to them closer enough for my ears to hear their conversion.

Seriously, what is she up to?

"you want me to kill him? Is marrying him not enough? " she said making a fused like she don't really like being around him.

"The Queen said that he'll be a hindrance for our plan so it's the best for you to kill him." the witch said with a thick eerie voice.She just stand still not giving a move."Is there a problem with that?" talking off the hood of the cloak showing her face. She got a beauty I agree with that looks like an age of vampire just having a tan skintone with long straight hair.

"none.It's just that I only agree with the marriage thing I'm not a killer.".   she say with anxiety showing in her face.

"You're falling for him,aren't  you? " she step forward causing Sebastian's fiancee to wobble in her feet stepping backward.

Looking at her feet "Well,Its just that he's so kind to me and I feel bad lying about me being pregnant .And know killing him. I have conscience too! " She started to protest looking up to the witch.

He's trying to kill Sebastian? The world lying and killing just don't make sense and boil my anger making me come out behind the tree grabbing the witch in the neck and kicking the latter causing her to hit a tree and scream in pain.

"you're killing who?" I harshly pulled her by the neck and look at her with my eyes turning red I can feel it what happened in my Mom's room is happening again. I'm not normal again my body's moving without thinking.

"wh-who are you? What are you?!" she screamed nervously . Struggling to be set free I raised my brow at her action showing my fangs and biting her neck sipping her blood not leaving a single drop.
I can hear the baboon screaming and crying in fear but I just don't care it's my first time drinking blood and I never though it's this refreshing having a sweet and bitter taste making me crave for more.

I released the lifeless body of the witch wiping the blood from the side of my mouth and turning my gaze at the latter.

"pl-please !!! Don't do this to me. I'll do anything!!.. Please .someone help me !! I don't want to die!!" she cried and showing her complete fear. In her lightless depth I can see myself red eyes,sharp fangs and long nails. I felt scared for a moment but I can't stop as soon as I start to walk at her she started to stagger backward against the tree. I squat for our eyes meet.

"please!! Don't drink my blood .I'll do anything you want .My..my husband is an Alpha you-...'ll be dead if you kill me". She stutter avoiding my gaze.

How there she use Sebastian to save her butt.

I gently touch her cheek with my nails leaving a slit and bloods to show up.

"don't worry I won't bite you " I said admiring my work at her face. She bit her lips to prevent from screaming. " cause even your blood discuss me " smirking I look at her innocently "I'll just kill you " laughing wickedly  I squeeze her neck till it break and leaving their body in the forest. Humming my favorite song I started to went back home.

Love lots .

I'm trying to finish this story ASAP.
