
It was a little later in the day, and all of the group was dispersed and doing their own things. Wonjin was looking at the photos Hyeongjun took. He questioned why they were all of Taeyoung, but he didn't have much time to think about it.

"Wonjin-hyung!" Taeyoung exclaimed, Wonjin quickly shoving the photos into the couch cushion.

"Taeyoung-ah! Why were you so late today? You're always the earliest," he asked, chuckling a bit. Taeyoung rolled his eyes.

"I was hanging out with Hyeongjun. I was teaching him a little bit about basketball," he responded, the two continue to talk. A little bit away, Hyeongjun and Seongmin were at a small work bench in Wonjin's living room.

"And... done!" Seongmin exclaimed, finishing screwing a part of the camera back on. Hyeongjun smiled.

"Thanks, Seongie! Um... could you possibly fix this, too?" Hyeongjun put a toaster on the worktable, Seongmin's eyes widening before he smiled.

"Of course!" He exclaimed. Right by them, Jungmo, Minhee, and Serim played with Wonjin's dog.

"He's so fluffy!" Minhee exclaimed, Serim laughing and patting the younger's head.

"He really is," Serim said. Jungmo nodded. And finally, there's Allen and Woobin, talking more seriously.

"What do you plan on doing once school ends?" Woobin asked the older. Allen shrugged.

"I honestly have no idea. Do you?" Allen asked.


"Hyung!" Seongmin went over to Woobin, a fresh cut on his hand. Woobin took his hand and examined.

"Hyeongjun, what happened?" Allen asked the younger.

"I asked him to fix my toaster, but he accidentally cut himself," Hyeongjun exclaimed, the youngest nodding. Woobin chuckled, pulling out a Digimon band aid, bandaging him.


It was late at night, and the boys were playing Monopoly. Hyeongjun and Taeyoung secretly cheat at the game because they both suck at the game. The boys had a lot of fun, laughing, making jokes, and getting to know each other. A second later, one of the lamps went out, only being noticed by Allen. As more lights go out, more people start noticing, until there was one light left. Suddenly, it went completely dark. Everyone panicked, Wonjin taking a head count to make sure everyone was okay still, not counting Allen, which made him panic.

"Allen!" Woobin called out. Allen, who had hidden his face in his knees, looked around, seeing the groups dark figures. Seeing Woobin, the older ran to him, Woobin pulling him into a hug

"It's okay, you're always safe in our hideout," he told him.

