
"Woobin-hyung!" Wonjin called out for the older. No response.

"Minhee-ah! Where are you?" He called out again.

"Seongmin-ah! Come to hyung!" He called once more. Nothing again. As he walked through a hallway, he saw a poster on a wall, a particular saying on it.

"When you call my name, I feel your presence..."


Everything faded to black. He couldn't see anything. He wanted to cry so bad...


Wonjin shot up in his bed, drenched in his sweat and tears.

"Ah... stupid nightmare..."

Wonjin sat up in his bed, wiping his face and sighing. This was the third times this week that he had a nightmare. He was so tired of it.


Woobin walked down the street. As he did so, he saw a cute butterfly pin. Being the type to love to collect small items like this, he picked it up, happily pinning it onto the lapel his jean jacket. He walked his way to an elevator, ready to go up to his apartment on where he had been living for a while. But... something odd happened. He started breathing heavily, almost turning into hyperventilating. He hadn't done this before. He ran away from the elevator, taking the stairs all the way up to the 10th floor. He was frustrated. This hadn't happened before. Why is it happening now?


Minhee was organizing his final set of books, setting them all together in groups. It seemed to be the same as his water bottles, paper towels and practically everything else. All his clothes were color-coded, as well as his books and plushies. He walked around, looking in-between the books on all the shelves. He saw a single, lone piece of dust, removing it with his fingers.

"Finally, time to relax," he sighed, laying down on his bed, closing his eyes. About a minute later, his alarm clock went off. Not even a second later, his phone alarm went off. Minhee picked up his phone, seeing almost 10 reminders on his phone. He groaned as he rolled out of bed and stood

"Nevermind the relaxing. Lots to do today. Lots to do."
