Shattered Finale; Episode 18

(A/N: Art be me, assets from one. Pay attention to the warnings, and I hope you enjoy this final chapter! I also wrote this chapter the same day as the last chapter I posted which meant that I got a lot of writing done that day!)

Episode 18; Liam's pov:

"Uh... Hi.....? I thought you... died..."

I spin around, surprised at what I see.

A lantern.

"Uhhh... did you use that.... Radio..?" The lantern asks in a monotone voice. It sound just like-

"AIRY?!" I scream.

"Uhhhhh.... Y- yeah....?" He says.

Oh my god... THAT'S airy...

I shove him. He falls into the grass.


"Wait..." He says slowly. "You... need to eat...?"

"Uh, YES! Duh!" I yell at him.

"Oh... I thought... the plane took... care of that." He says slowly, standing up and walking toward the cave.

He doesn't seem to understand some simple things and... when I talk fast... he doesn't seem to catch all of it... I have to get him to send everyone home. I have to get him to tell me where Bryce is. I have to get him to understand that I need his answers. So I'll have to go down closer to his level.

"Where is Bryce?" I demand of him, following him into the cave.

"Uhhh.... No." Airy sits down at a chair in front of a computer. I'm so focused on getting answers, that I don't notice the thing next to the desk.

"What do you mean by no?!" I say angrily. "You're such an apathetic psychopa-"

"What food do I... give them? What kind of things are... food..." He asks me to which I just stare at him, astonished at how he doesn't know what food is. "I... didn't eat in a long time... I don't think I... need to... anymore..."

I stare at him, my mouth handing open. "W- what..." I try to process. He- he doesn't have to-

"Here...." Airy hands something to me. I look at it before taking it. A pill.

"What is this...?" I ask him shakily.

"What I used to... to not need to... eat... anymore..." Airy says slowly. "You'll be here a while... so you should... probably have it..."

Okay, so he cares for me or am I just reading too much into this?

I snatch the pill from him. "Where'd you get it?"

"I... dunno..." He shrugs. "Here's... water..." he hands me a cup. This would have been convenient for Bryce's medicine.

But besides that... should I-

I put the pill in my mouth and I wash it down with water. "Here." I shove the cup back into Airy's hands. Almost immediately, I start to feel my hunger subsiding...

And something else forming...
Which is when I notice the thing next to the desk. "Is that... the- the-" I try to form my words.

"That's the... plane..." Airy says slowly, looking away from me.

"I... I..." I don't know what to do. I need to get airy to send everyone home. And fast. I rush to the plane. I overhear, and see, what's happening below.

I see scenty smiling at a weak looking Bryce. "Yeah, we've got enough food here for the whole rest of the competition if nothing goes wrong and airy leaves for a while again."

I also see Tray and a moving blade of grass that I'm guessing is Atom. I look to the side and see the decomposing corpses of- I force my vomit back in- Whippy Creamy and subway seat. I look back to Bryce who is shakily sitting down onto a log, holding his head in his hands. "Bryce? Can you hear me?" I say. No response, I guess I'm too far away.

"Soda bottle?" Tray asks Bryce. "Can you stand?"

I gasp. Right before she says stand, Bryce's hands shakily move from his face. His eyes go wide, his mouth slightly open. He begins to shake as he falls to the ground of the plane. "BRYCE?!" I yell, even though I know they can't hear me. "No no no!" I begin to feel tears come to my eyes. "I- I should have been more careful.. I should have given him the medicine in time!" At this point I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. I immediately stop when hands are placed on my shoulders.

"Let's get food for them... if there is any." Airy says. I just stand there, feeling the warmth of the fire inside the lantern, my breathing calms. I... I don't know what's going on. It's like when I was relaxed in that sparkly room... it's a... a relaxed feeling but at the same time is... a- an odd feeling. Like when you're watching an awful event happening on the news and you can't do anything about it. Helpless. Yeah... that's what it is... Helpless and disconnected, yet relaxed. Maybe my brain still has effects from that place.. maybe it was amplified by that pill...?

But thinking on it is no use.

I shake free of Airy's grasp and I walk outside the cave. Dark. Airy walks up next to me, illuminating the path ahead. "There isn't any food here. It's no use." He says plainly, walking back into the cave. I follow him mindlessly, not wanting to be in the dark. I watch the fire inside his glass head. It grows, licking at the edges of the cracks cutting out his eye. It begins to grow to be outside the glass, which immediately snaps me back into focus.

"Airy!" I gasp. "T- the fire is-"

"Is what...?" He asks. "Uh... uh oh..." Airy then reaches to the knob on the front of him and turns it. The flame extinguishes. But, Airy's globe is still illuminated. "I- this- this hasn't ever... happened before..." Airy's voice shakes. He then quickly stands and walks quickly outside.

"Wait! What's going on?!" I yell, following him.

Airy rushes to the lake at the bottom of the waterfall. He splashed water onto him, trying to cool it down. It doesn't cool, he rushes past me and into the cave. He tries to type something on the computer. "BACKPACK!" Airy gasps. "I- I- I THINK I'M GONNA DI-"

He doesn't get to finish typing it.

Or saying it.

Glass and blood explode onto all sides of the cave, glass and blood splatter onto my shocked face.
I can barely breathe. I look ahead of me in horror.

The dead corpse of a show host lies there. The lid of the lantern on top of the table, it's body hanging under it by the handles on the lantern's side. The glass globe of the lantern entirely missing from it's structure. The glass all over the ground.

I feel like I'm going to faint. I rush outside and into the lake. I rinse the blood off of me. Still stunned, I go back into the cave. I go to Airy's dead corpse and pick it up. I drag it outside and into some bushes. I want to forget about it. I don't want to see it again. I go back into the cave and clean up the blood and glass. I throw it into the lake. I want to forget about it. I don't want to see it again.

I sit at the chair. I take out texty. I take out the stone. I sit them in front of me. Trying to process what happened. I open texty.

"Hi liam!" Texty types using text to speech. "Where are we? Where's soda bottle?"

"One..." I say slowly, texty helping me come to terms with what was going on. "Bryce is in one..."

"Oh my search engine! And where are we?"

"We're... where Airy used to live... where he hosted one..." I say in between deep breaths. "He was a lantern."

"Wait. Airy is an object? No- why'd you say was-"

"He died." The words, even though out of my own mouth, punching me in the stomach. I hate the guy. But now no one can go home. "So... so no one can go home." I begin to cry silent tears.

"Dang. That's rough. Hey! Why don't we try and figure it out! And we have stone with us! We can probably do it!" Texty's excitement even shows through the robotic voice of text to speech.

I smile weakly, maybe they're right.

Maybe we can save everyone. Together.

Maybe eventually I'll accidentally send everyone back.

Maybe eventually I'll purposely send everyone back...

Maybe stone will come to life...

Maybe we'll figure this all out...!


Maybe me and Bryce will be able to do things together in the future...

Maybe we'll get together...

But none of this will ever happen if I don't try.

So, with that, I smile as I put my hands on the keyboard and begin the long journey of whats to come.

And definitely, with the spirit I'll have of doing this, I'll never, ever, become like airy....


(A/N: And that would make this the end!!! :) Thank you all so much for reading this story! It means so much to me! And the only thing left to do is... a Q and A chapter! Please put your questions for characters in this chapter or any other chapter of this au! I'm so glad you all read these! And if you have any questions for me about this au, I can answer those as well in a Q and A chapter!
The question format can be like this if it's for a character:
Also if no one really has questions I'll probably make up some... anyway, I'll start making the chapter soon, so if you have a question, let me know as soon as you can! :) I'm excited to see the questions! Thank you all for reading, and have an AMAZING day/night! Bye!)
