Final Four; Episode 17

(A/N: art by me, assets from one. Wow, another chapter within 24 hours of the one previously published?! No way! Also, this chapter is kind of all over the place and also has a lot of gore and things... uh... so play attention to the warnings, hope you enjoy the story, and hope you have an amazing day/night! And again, no authors note at the end, sorry!)

Episode 17; Bryce's pov:

"WHAT THE HECK LIAM?! THIS ISNT MY MEDICINE?!" I scream, shaking all over. Upon hearing no response, I open my eyes.

A freaking grassy field lies before me, an artificial sun above, triangular blades of grass all over the field... and... people I haven't seen in a long time and that I never thought I would see again... and that I never wanted to see again...

I'm.. I'm on the-

"SODA BOTTLE?!" Someone screams. Whoever did runs to me and hugs me. I fall to the floor. They stand up a minute later, allowing me to sit back up. "Do you... remember me?" They ask. "It's me! Scenty!"

"Scen..ty...?" I shakily say, memories flooding through my brain. "W- WHY THE HECK AM I HERE AGAIN?!" I scream.

"Ah! I'm so glad you're back!" Scenty squeels. "I thought you died and-"


"Liam?" Tray asks.

I sigh. "Backpack."

"Wait. Both of you were dead... how were you going to save us?" Scenty asks. "I mean, we're down to the final three- no- four now- and-"

"Hold a second, you were at the final three before I got here?!" I gasp. I look around. And only now, I notice the smell of decomposing corpses. "What the..."

"They were hungry." Atom says, moving a blade of grass. I look at scenty and tray in disgust.

"What? Scenty was hungry!" Tray exclaims. "Whippy creamy had to go, so subway seat killed himself."

"Free food!" Scenty screams.

"The heck..." I whisper shakily. I look around and I notice an open can of whipped cream with limbs as well as a subway seat with pieces of the fabric ripped off. I look back to scenty. I stand and begin to back away. "You guys are sick..." My voice cracks.

"No we're not!" Scenty exclaims, misunderstanding what I said. "We're perfectly healthy-*cough*" Scenty says before coughing. She goes into a violent fit of coughs as she falls to her knees. Blood flies out of her mouth and all over the ground in front of her. "Ha... haha..." she laughs softly.

She's insane. They're all insane.

I begin to feel dizzy. The sight of all of that blood making my head spin. I shakily walk backward, my breathing ragged. I don't want to be stuck here with these cannibalistic psychopaths. I was never like this. They were never like this. Liam was never like this. The thought of him making me feel guilty. I didn't mean to hurt him, I didn't... I just... didn't know that he-

"Umm... soda bottle?" Tray asks to which I stop backing up. I realize that... they're going to be just like an animal. They'll see me backing away and assume we're playing chase. They'll keep going after me. They want answers. So they'll never let me go. "Soda bottle? How were you and backpack going to find us...?" Tray asks me, taking a step forward.

"There is a place..." I say, my breathing ragged, walking back toward them. "That you go when you're dead.. before you go to the afterlife...? At least that's what Liam told me." I stop a few feet from the three of them. "We... we went there and used some things to.. to help us be alive again... it's hard to explain..." I attempt to try and quickly finish my little speech, my world starting to spin, my head starting to throb.

"Oh! I think I get it! I was there for a second when airy could respawn people!" Scenty says excitedly. "I-"

"Um... soda bottle? Are you alright?" Tray asks me.

"Tray?! YOU INTERRUPTED ME!" Scenty yells.

"S- scenty." Tray's voice cracks. "Soda bottle is-"

"I- I'm freaking fine." I say, my breathing ragged, my head pounding, my world spinning, my stomach aching. Fine, I admit. I'm not fine. I'm never fine. But it's always lying that gets you far... isn't it?

"You're not fine..." Tray says, voice full of concern that was never previously shown. "You should go lie down so-"

"So what?! So you cAN EAT ME?!" My desperate words turn into full on screams. This only makes my head throb more, my world spin more. I can hardly keep my balance. I think I have a migraine.

"N- no. We wouldn't do that." Tray says for scenty.

"Yeah, we've got enough food here for the whole rest of the competition if nothing goes wrong and airy leaves for a while again." Scenty smiles.

I can't hold my legs anymore. I notice a log near me so I grasp onto the side of it. I lift myself atop it, my feet just touching the ground. I hold my head in my hands. I don't know what to do...

"Soda bottle?" Tray begins to ask. "Can you-"

The rest of tray's question becomes inaudible as I feel my body hit the floor.

I blink, my mouth wet, my joints hurting. Where am I? Who are these people? Why am I on the ground?

I sit up and look around, confused as to where I am.

I'm sooo tired...
I'm so tired that I don't realize how hungry I am.

Where am I-

Eh, I'll sleep it off. I lay back down and yawn, rolling over.

I close my eyes as I begin to remember something.

Wait a second... I'm-

I drift off to sleep....

I yawn and stretch.

My eyes are closed and I smell toast... I must have fallen asleep at work. I open my eyes and I wave to my friend Kylie. She waved back, a distant look in her eyes, a smile plastered on her face. She picks up grilled cheese and walks out of the kitchen. I realize I should do the fries, so I take them and put them in the oil.

After a few seconds, someone comes up to me.

"I'll take your place... you seem tired." They say to which I nod. I'm not tired. My eyes are wide open.

I go the cash register. The first person that comes up is a blue candle.

"Hey, can I have the burger?" She asks to which I nod. "I would like the special. Do you have those?" I nod again. "Wait... do I know you from somewhere?" She asks to which I shake my head. "Soda bottle?" I shake my head again. "NO! NO I SWEAR I KNOW YOU!" She starts yelling. I cover my ears. "NO! PLEASE NO!" She screams as monsters drag her out of the door. I uncover my ears.

After a few seconds, someone comes up to me.

"I'll take your place... you seem tired." They say to which I nod. I'm not tired. My eyes are wide open.

I go to the next register. Up comes a green backpack.

"Bryce! It's me, liam!" The backpack says. I stare at him, confused. "N- nevermind. I'll take the regular burger. I hate the special burger recipe." I record down the regular burger. He walks away.

Up comes a salmon colored tray. "I'd like the special burger." I record down special burger. She walks away.

Up comes a bottle with a blue wrapper. She doesn't say anything so someone else takes her order.

Up comes a piece of bread. "Hey... soda bottle?" She says. "Uh... I want to warn you about that room. Uh. Ever since scenty ate me I-" she disappears. Maybe I imagined her.

Up comes a container of airline food.

"Oh my goodness! Soda bottle! It's so exciting to see you again! I haven't seen you since you enjoyed a little snack with me..." He says. "Oh! I'll take a special burger. You know, I've been wondering what those taste like! I've heard the taste is so lively... if that makes sense-" A car horn honks. "Ah! Sorry! That was my pal Moldy. You saw her here before me.. oh yeah! Gotta jet! Pun intended! See ya! And make that two special burgers to deliver!" He yells as he runs out the door. I record two special burgers.

The bottle with the blue wrapper walks back to me. She motions for me to follow her, her eyes unfocused, a smile plastered on her face. I call for my boss and he talks with her.

After a few seconds, someone comes up to me.

"I'll take your place... you seem tired." They say to which I nod. I'm not tired. My eyes are wide open.

I go back to the kitchen. I begin to make the burgers.

After a few seconds, someone comes up to me.

"I'll take your place... you seem tired." They say to which I nod. I'm not tired. My eyes are wide open.

I go to the boxing area to box the burgers to deliver, which are most of them. I take gloves and begin to package each small box. I package a few normal burgers. Then come the special burgers.

The first special burger waves to me. I put it in the box to which it squirms around. I'm supposed to make them not squirm, right? I go to the burger's eye. I pinch it.

*SQUEELCCCH* It bursts and ketchup flies everywhere. It twitches before the squirming stops. I cringe as I fold the box closed. That one reminds me of someone, but I don't remember why.

The next special burger punches me. I groan, blood splattering out of my mouth and onto the burger. It isn't safe to package anymore. I take the burger and put it in the trash bin. I let it keep squirming.

The next special burger grabs a knife and cuts itself open, ketchup oozing out. I take it and put it in the trash bin. I let it keep squirming. It reminds me of someone, but I don't remember why.

The next special burger strangles itself. But it still meets the standards. I put it in the box. I sigh, as the burger somehow reminds me of me. But I don't remember why.

The next special burger wasn't made correctly. But it looks good. I take a bite of it. Ketchup oozing out. It tastes good. It reminds me of someone, but I don't remember why.

I finish eating what I want of it. I throw it in the trash. I let it squirm.

The next special burger stabs itself. But this one is different. This one stabs itself multiple times.

This burger stabs, cuts itself in half, bursts it's eye... I throw it in the trash bin. I let it keep squirming.

With all of that squirming, the bin falls over, killing the burgers inside. I tilt the bin back up and look inside.

Eyeballs rolling.

Brain guts oozing down the inner walls of the can.

Blood staining almost every corner of the bin.

Organs falling out of the burgers at look more like people than food.

I begin to shake. A vomit taste coming into my mouth. I cough, I choke on my vomit.


I vomit into the bin, covering the gore in more gore.

My vomit a mixed mess of eyeballs, blood, pills, and food.

I shakily stand again. Kylie walks in and asks me to clean it. I grab a mop and water. I clean the floor where the blood, guts, ketchup, and vomit fell. When I get back to the water it spills. My breathing goes heavy. I begin to panic. My breathing so fast that I can't breathe at all. I clutch my chest as I fall.

Someone tells me to get up. I do, my breathing returning to normal. They tell me to do the normal burgers.

I begin to do the regular burgers. A few seconds later, a rainbow shines through the window. A candle slides down it.

On the opposite side of the room, a door opens up. White light flooding out of it, the bottle girl comes out and waves to me. Her eyes unfocused, a smile plastered on her face.

In front of me, a backpack appears. He takes my hand and drags me toward the rainbow. I struggle to let go. The rainbow path smells like vomit.

I let go. I walk to the bottle girl. Here, it smells like nothing. It looks relaxing. It makes me feel... also nothing.

I walk back to the backpack, the candle gone. Here, it smells like vomit. It looks horrifying. It makes me feel... weak.

This path feels more real to me. It feels more unfair. But life is sometimes unfair. And so this path may lead to life. And I take a step onto that rainbow possibly letting me live... but also guiding me to possible death...

The backpack hugs me and then pushes me onto the rainbow.

I laugh.

I feel like I'm floating.

Oh no

Not again

I feel like I'm floating.

We grow wings. We fly. We try to go through the clouds. We go through a grey one. We get hit by lightning. We fall.

But still...

I feel like I'm floating.





"SODA BOTTLE?!" Tray yells.

Memories flooding back in, I open my eyes. "H- huh...?" I almost freaking died in that dream... things from that room with the radio escaping into it and-

"You just missed it!" Scenty excitedly says. "You freaked out then fell asleep and then you missed it!"

"M- missed what..?" I say weakly, I'm still super tired. My mind is still a little foggy from that fall-

"You missed it, Soda bottle!" Scenty is screaming now, her voice full of happiness, her voice sounding truely insane. "We heard it over the speaker-"

"HEARD WHAT?!" I gasp, sitting up, my body still in pain.

"Well!" Scenty says, still the same insane and happy voice as earlier. "It was really cool..."

