
oh my god this is the third usuk I've wrote gezus

Alfred smiled to himself as he looked down upon the paled British-face.

"C'mon Iggy, your gonna wake up.. Maybe not on earth.. But maybe somewhere upstairs."

A tear rolls down his cheek as he starts to remember everything from their past,

"Do you remember when I got sick? And I made you get everything for me? All of those hamburgers..." He half-heartily says, "I-I honestly thought you hated me, but you never did.." The American then wipes a small tear off of his cheek. "Remember when I dated Francis for a month? Just to try to get your attention.. You sure acted mad but.. In your eyes you never were, your always there for me, Arthur."

He gives a small laugh, "d-do you remember when I took that one dare to stick my tongue on a pole? A-and even when you said I shouldn't.. I did and I had to get it off- with the Help of firemen.." He then gives a half-hearted smile, "I was expecting for you to say 'I told you so' but you never did, you actually got me ice cream.. I never got to say thank you to you on that day, did I?"

"I know you didn't do a lot of things for me.. Well you did.. And I never did anything for you.. You could of told me.. A-about your thoughts.. I-if you did.. I would of been able to save you..T-that's what heroes do, right? B-but I've failed.. Horribly. I couldn't save the one person that means.. So.. So much.. Iggy- Arthur.. I love you. I'm sorry, sorry for all the goddamned things I did to make you sad."

"So just.. Just please.. Wake up so we- so we can start over.."

The beeping green heart monitor then starts to slow down..

"Arthur.. Please.. Don't go.. Please.. I need you.. Even though it doesn't seem like it.. I do.. Just.. Don't leave..."

Alfred then leans over the Englishman and, grips onto his hands.

"I-I'm sorry.. So.. So sorry Arthur.." Alfred cries, putting his head down onto the white sheets.

The green line then halts to a stop, and slowly starts to climb up again. Alfred slowly looks up, realizing that Arthur was fighting.

"Come one Arthur! You can do it! Fight for your life!"

The green eyes of the man start to open.

"A-Alfred..?" Mumbles Arthur.
"I love- you.."
"Arthur I-"

The heart rate then stops, Arthur's pulse dies.

Alfred's eyes go wide and he grabs the Englishman's shoulders.

"Iggy?!" Alfred yelled, his eyes going wide, "y-you can't do this to me Arthur!"

A nurse then rushes in. "I'm sorry sir, but you have to leave." She said, cold-heartedly.
"No! You can still save him!! Please! Just try!!"
The nurse then grabs Alfred's wrist and she pulls him out into the quiet hallways, "I will, now just sit out here."

Alfred nods, letting the nurse go back into the small room. Hours go past and the nurse has gone in and out of the room, not telling Alfred what's happening. Francis and Matthew have come and sat along side the saddened American. In the next two days, they officially announce that, the personification of the United Kingdom, the British Island, has died. Scotland, Wales, and Ireland said that they will take over his place.

-*stop here if you don't want to be saddened anymore*

In the next week they hold a funeral. Alfred does not attend though, he sat inside his room, drinking away his tears. Matthew and other countries come by, trying to get in. But they are sadly rejected. After a month has gone by, Alfred has finally come out of his now dirty home. He has changed quite a bit though, he has ground a scruff of hair, he started to wear sunglasses, to not show his reddened eyes. He also stopped being the 'go-lucky' person, he's now always frowning and he even stopped wearing his signature jacket.
A year goes by, Alfred has made small changes, he started to talk in the world meetings, he also has started to smile, not very often, though. Soon, Matthew goes to his home, and finds beer bottles all over the place, also broken knives, and the states scared to death. Alfred is then sent to a councilor.
Three years go by, and Alfred is fully retuned to his quite 'normal' self. He has found a new micro-nation, and named the small thing, Arthur.
As Arthur grows up, Alfred starts to get heartbroken, yet again because he knows, what is going to happen to Arthur when he wants to become and independent country.
Four years come and pass, and Arthur is a fully grown adult, now standing behind a tree, with a gun in front of him, aiming at the one who has helped him grow up.
Alfred let's Arthur leave with out a fight. The new country of Panem, is officially announced, and Arthur leaves.
America starts to hang out with Panem a lot though, always making funny jokes, remembering the funny past, Panem always pushes him away, though. Saying that 'this is the new world, we don't want to linger into the past.' America doesn't mind this, though. He gladly steps away, and let's himself be surrounded by books.


100 years later, Panem stands over the grave of his older brother, he's holding out a renewed version of the United States Flag, but added onto it, it a smaller version of the United Kingdoms flag. Panem rests the flag onto the stone, then he adjusts his cap.

"Sorry, Dad. Not a long visit today, I got work to do. Uncle is telling me more stories about you and mom.. You know what he told me yesterday? He said that you once put hamburgers on his head to help a fever?! *sigh* your so crazy dad, well, bye.. See you tomorrow.."



I got this from a photo, I'll include it.
Creds to whoever edited that photo, thanks. You can also play Clanned ending or Levi's theme, or Future Lucy returns home, they all fit.
Gezus, I need a cuddle buddy and some water now ;-;.
This is what staying up all night does to me ;-;
*cries into a corner*
