denmark X depressed!reader

This was requested by; @MOTHA_RUSSIA thank you for requesting~

You wake up shaking. Sweat beading down your head at you take shaky breaths. "{y/n}... Ca-calm down... Please {y/n}..." You beg to yourself. Feeling As if you were disappearing right at that moment. It was that time again- you were having a panic attack. You were used to it, though... You just wished you could make it stop somehow.

You wished you could stop the dreams, too. I wouldn't call them dreams.. More like nightmares. You had nightmares about your old family.. The family that hurt you and the so-called friends turning away from you. You were living alone, now, and your going to collage.. Online. You haven't been outside to socialize much. You were scared. Scared about people judging you and using you.

You only had one friend, who was Denmark.. You first thought it was.. Weird to be named after a country, but you got used to it.

You wrap your arms around your shaking body.. Mentally debating about calling Denmark or not. You stuff your face into your honey knees. "No.. I-I'm o-okay being alone..." Your then absent-middle grabbed your phone.. "I-" you start to think. "It- it's never been t-this- bad." You mumble. Your eyes water as you think about your bullying.. "M-maybe..." You whisper, touching your wrist. You walk over to your drawer to grab a knife... Soon your {e/c} orbs grow big. "W-what am I doing?" You think. "T-this isn't right! I-I need to stop!!" You yell. You then drop the knife and you run to your phone.

You quickly type Denmark's number and you press the call button.. You wait for the ringer to go off once, then a normal husky voice awnsered. "H-eloh? Dude..? {y/n}..? Why'd ya call me at.... 2:35am?" Your eyes water as you remember that Denmark doesn't about your panic attacks.. Or really your past at all. "D-Denmark.. I-I.." You squeak out. "{y/n}...? You okay????" "P-please he-help me.. I'm having a r-relapse..." You cry.. "A relapse of what?! {y/n}?! A.. Shit.. Okay.. I'll be over in a second." The phone then goes dead.

You collapse to the floor, watering falling out of your eyes. You keep mumbling "I should just die.. No one likes me.." You then wrap your arms around your knees, slowly rocking back and forth..

. . .

Soon the apartment door opens and Denmark runs in and runs towards your silhouetted figure sitting on the floor he wraps his long arms around you and puts your head into his chest. "{y-y/n} d-don't scare me like t-that.." You then continue to cry into his black t-shirt. "I-I'll be here for you.. O-okay..?" He slowly asks. You nod you head in response, wrapping your arms around his torso.

This is short BC I didn't know what to write, sorry. *A* I've been tired and Shit- also I don't know much about Denmark- sorry again. Mehhhh
