"What matters most
Is how well
You walk through
The fire"

"So, if I add the add 300 ml of the solution C, it should work?" Theodore asked, swirling the solution, which I generally think should not be done. 

"Yes, it will according to my research. Now, please, stop swirling the solution," I said, looking at him pleadingly as I continued to record the experiment. I really don't want my dad paying for school damage. I adjusted my safety goggles as he put stopped mixing the solution.

"Fine," he said and slowly started pouring the solution with the mixed solution of A and B as the color changed from deep blue to a blue-black mixture. I stopped recording, wrote the findings then we carefully started cleaning the lad experiment.

"We are done Sir," I said as put the last beaker into the cupboard. 

Sir smiled and then replied saying, "Good Job Ariana! Now just write about the solutions and you can present them next week." I simply nodded at him then went to the garbage bin and threw away the gloves.

I went back to my seat and started working on my writing. Not even five minutes after I started the work, I felt a poke on the shoulder. Closing my eyes and sighing slightly, I turned around to the idiotic person beside me, knowing exactly what is going to happen.

"What do you want Theodore?" I asked, slumping my shoulders in defeat. 

"I want to annoy you," he bluntly replied making me suppress a groan that I really badly wanted to let out. 

"You are successful now please do not annoy me as I am working on our project where you are also supposed to help but unfortunately are not. Now please do a favor and shut the fudge up before I make you," I sharply stated as he raised his eyebrow and snickered. 

"A threat little baby?" He asked, mocking me. 

"I don't do threats," I said as he continued to snicker mumbling 'I knew it.' Instead of punching him, like I really wanted to at the moment, I grabbed his ear making him wince slightly. I smirked tauntingly before whispering in his ear, "I only do promises," before letting go and packing up my stuff, heading to lunch as the bell rang, wanting to laugh at how Mr. Davis was so oblivious to the situation.


I continued to snicker at Theodore's glare while eating the salty, hot French fry from the tray that currently had my lunch in it. Burger and fries. Unhealthy? Yes. Do I give a crap? No.

 "Now why is he looking like that?" Em asked as she leaned in and tried to steal my fry but was unsuccessful. Scowling at her, I replayed the entire thing that happen during chemistry class. Em laughed as Jane started to approach that table.

"Where is Xav?" I asked, munching on my burger. The girls gave a weird look to each other before Jane cleared her throat, replying, "Well he had some... business to attend to." I nodded, not believing a word that she said but didn't say anything. 

"So..." James started, clearing his throat, getting all our attention towards him. "There is going to performance for Halloween in October. Do you want to prepare for it?" he finished as I stared at him in confusion.

 "But it is still August," I said, looking at him.

"No shit," he said while I glared at his remark. "Aren't Samuel's and yours's birthdays like in five days?" Jane asked, munching on her ice cream. My eyes widen in surprise as I just realise that in five days, I will be seventeen.

"Holy Moly," I stated in surprise as Theodore just snorted before going back to being on his phone and typing something furiously.

Wait a minute...

Isn't the ball in five days as well?

As I was about to say something, the warning bell rang, indicating that lunch was over, and we had to get to classes. Luckily, I got my English books before lunch and shoved them in my bag or else it would have been hell. I went through the buzzing hallways of the class as people were shoving other people, including me, to get to class. Some students were also going out to the school gates either having free period or bunking their classes. And for some reason, I feel like most of them are bunking classes because right after lunch, there are not that many free periods. At least on what I have seen as observations.

After 3 minutes, I finally made it to the English room I saw Samuel waiting at the entrance of the door for me. He looked up from his phone and upon seeing me, he smiled and shoved his phone in his pocket before coming over to me. 

"Hey, Aria! I have waiting for you. Just to let you know, Troy has been transferred to our class and apparently, his seat is going to be beside you as you are in the middle of the table," he said, giving me a heads-up, before heading into the classroom. I sighed at the drama before reluctantly going in as well.

As I approached my seat, much to my distaste, I saw Troy's seat near the window. Great, I can't even daydream now. I sighed tiredly as I sat beside him and took out my English book and the reading book that we are studying from Jane Austen called Emma.

"Why are you here?" he hissed as he noticed and finally noticed me seating beside him

. "As much as I hate to sit beside you as well Troy, this is the seating arrangement that Miss Campbell has given us from the beginning of the year so go her the question, not me," I replied as the teacher came in the classroom looking as cheery as normal.

"So, before we continue our lesson, we have a new student that had just transferred here. Welcome Troy to our class guys!" She said as there were choruses of hellos and sups. I simply rolled my eyes as the teacher continued speaking. "So, continue pages 43 to 63 then like always answer the same questions as well as write the summary. You can use sticky notes for taking well... notes and Ariana, darling, since you are the best English student in class, why not help Troy?" she asked as I reluctantly agreed.

 Samuel started snickering. 'I am so gonna get you!' I mouthed to Samuel as he still tried to contain the laughter that was dying to erupt from his annoying mouth. I sighed as I started at Troy who was absentmindedly looking out the window mumbling, "I wish to be anywhere here."

For the first time, we are on the same page buddy.

I finished reading all twenty pages and taking down notes which I thought were important before turning to my royal blue-coloured English book and writing down all the answers to the questions I wrote. When the bell rang, I packed my things and headed out of my AP English class and towards my AP history class.

Just 2 more periods Ari. You can do this.

Word Count: 1191words EDITED
Publish Date: 14.11.22

A/N: Hey guys!

We are now 31 chapters in for this book! I am so happy with how is turning out and I hope that one day we will get 1 million reads! To let you know, the next chapter will be posted in two days. by the way, I will stop putting songs on top of the chapter unless I put it inside as Ariana is singing since the other songs are for something else... if you are smart then you guys know (You will be smart either way).

Anyways, Happy birthday to anyone's birthday is today or the day that you are reading the book.

Have a lovely day and happy reading.

