Part 23


(POV - Marcus).

"Devour,” she echoed, a coy smile on her soft lips.

Marcus hummed, losing himself in her scent quickly. "Can't you tell? My rut is so close I can taste it."

"So, that's why you were at The Blue Angel," she guessed, arousal making her scent heady, intoxicating. With a nod, he tried to remain focused so that he could lay down the ground rules, to make sure she wasn't confused about why he brought her back to his packhouse.

"And this," he said, gesturing between the two of them. "This is just sex. I don't want you to get the wrong idea, so if you were looking for more than that, you can leave. No strings attached."

"No strings attached," she agreed readily, taking a step towards him. "I'm fine with that."

"Good," he growled, closing the distance in two long strides. "Come here."

He pressed his lips to hers, the contact shooting straight to his dick and making him dizzy.

Aria tasted like nothing he'd ever had on his tongue before. The alcohol from earlier clung to her lips, sugary sweet, and he drank her up like he'd never drink again. Her hands dragged up his chest, catching in the fabric and curling around the back of his neck. He practically whined for her, holding onto her slim waist like she was his lifeline, and if he let go, he'd disappear for good.

Marcus ran the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips, begging for entrance, quickly losing his ability to see straight. She was everywhere. Her scent filled his nostrils until it was the only thing in his lungs, and he allowed himself to get lost in the softness of her body.

And when she let him in, when she parted her lips with a smile, his tongue dipped into the sweetness of her mouth. He was gone.

He growled into her, his hands greedily hiking her dress up over her hips and gripping around the back of her thighs, easily lifting her into his hold. She molded her body to his, legs wrapping tight around his hips with a barely subdued whine.

"You taste," he murmured between kisses, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip, fingers flexing in the flesh of her thighs. She jolted in response. "So fucking good. I might actually end up eating you."

"I wouldn't mind," she said breathlessly, ducking down to deepen the kiss. "You wouldn't even have to ask."

"Oh, but I would," he said, sucking on the tip of her tongue and drawing a long, satisfied sigh from her throat. "I want to hear you say it, want you to beg me to do it. You probably sound so sexy begging to be eaten."

Her chest shuddered, and he felt her neck and face flush. This close, he smelled the way her scent swelled, heavy with desire.

His cock twitched, already hard in the restraints of his jeans, and he ached to free it, to bury himself inside her and chase that high that he had not succumbed to in five years. He was delirious with it. And he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer, despite getting easily lost in the soft sweetness of Aria's mouth.

He walked them both to the nearest wall and pinned her against it. She gasped into his mouth as the cool concrete hit her feverish skin, and he used a free hand. to impatiently undo his jeans. Her hips rolled into him, and he scented the slick pooling between her thighs.

Freeing his aching cock, he turned his attention to the flimsy lace that was already dripping with her arousal, not even bothering to tear it away. Instead, he yanked it aside and sighed as the head of his cock brushed her wet folds.

"Please," she gasped, grinding down hard and needy. Her fingernails caught in the material of his T-shirt and she exposed her neck, waiting for him to take her.

In one motion, he latched his lips over her pulse, less than an inch from her scent gland, and angled his hips, teasing along her soaking pussy until she squirmed in his arms.

"I knew you'd sound so fucking sexy begging," he rasped, voice thick with lust. He needed to fuck her hard and fast to take the edge off, even if he wanted to take his time and take her apart. "You're so responsive, so sensitive, baby. Bet you'd make the prettiest noises when you fall apart on my cock."

His tongue lapped over the purple blooming on her throat, unable to tease her anymore before he lost his own mind to it. With a slight adjustment, he guided his cock until it caught on her entrance, dipping in with a teasing, shallow thrust that had her bucking in impatience.

"Fuck, Marcus, please," she whined, her nails leaving red crescents in the skin of his shoulders. "Please, I- I need it."

"You need what, little one?" he asked, unable to help himself. She looked so wrecked, and he hadn't even fucked her yet. He wanted to see just how far he could push her before she snapped. "Use your words."

She whimpered, her eyes slipping shut. Her cheeks were pink, her lips red and swollen. He'd barely touched her, both of them still fully clothed in their haste to be as close as possible, and yet she looked about four orgasms into a great night.

"I need you inside me," she pouted, shy and a little hesitant. He wondered if the heat of their bodies had burned away the confidence of the alcohol. "I need you to fuck me. Please."

"Mm, good girl," he growled, his cock catching on her entrance again and this time, he slid into her heat slowly, her slick coating his hard length. She gasped, her lips popping open in a silent cry, eyes squeezed shut as he pushed every inch inside her.

He settled inside her, relishing in the way her walls pulsed around him, her thighs already shaking at his hips. She smelled so sweet, heady and addictive, and a part of him wanted to stay that way for a few more moments. Just to lose himself in the safety of her arms.

But his wolf growled, and he repositioned himself, bracing his hands against the wall beneath her and pressing his forehead to hers. It was too intimate; he knew that, but he wanted to see every emotion crash over her beautiful face. He wanted to watch the ecstasy steal her coherence and turn her words into moans.

He pulled out as far as he could. The head of his cock nestled at her entrance again before snapping his hips forward. She gasped again, tensing up and fisting her hands in his shirt.

"Relax for me," he coaxed, his voice low and soothing, even if it was a bit shaky from the weight of his need. "You feel so good, baby, taking me so well."

She opened her eyes and looked right at

him, nodding once before leaning her

head back against the wall. He felt her

loosen up, her hands softening on his

chest and her pussy pulling him back in.

"That's it," he praised, dipping down to kiss along the column of her neck. "I won't let you fall, little one. I've got you. You can let go."

He knew it was his wolf talking, knew it was that natural Alpha instinct to protect and care for, but it felt right, and he knew that what he said was the truth. Her body turned soft with every word, each of his thrusts coming smoother and smoother until he set a steady pace, letting her get used to the feel of his cock inside her.

He had no idea how he managed to calm

his wolf enough to allow him to take care

of her, but he was glad he hadn't hurt

her. His biggest fear during his ruts was

hurting someone who had only been

trying to help him.

He rolled his hips back and forth, the drag of his cock sending bolts of electricity shooting all the way down to his toes.

That familiar liquid heat had pooled in his lower abdomen, the warmth spreading to his chest. He fucked into her again and again, swallowing each of her breathless whines, watching as the tension slipped from her face.

He'd been right about her. She sounded every bit as beautiful as he thought she would. It drove his hips forward a little harder, hearing her cry out from the pleasure, choking on the bliss he gave her.

She keened and threw her head back, lips parting as she moaned, "Please, Alpha."

And Marcus was fucked. He felt his cock swell inside her, blindsided by his rut and moving his hips harder and faster, drawing those sweet cries from her.

He could feel his orgasm approaching fast, so much faster because of his rut, his eyes rolling back with the force of it all. He quickly adjusted her, pulling each of her thighs up so her legs rested on his shoulders, his cock so much deeper that way it made him see fucking stars.

He might have blacked out, he might have roared loud enough to shake the nearby mountain range, his wolf so violently happy that Marcus thought he might shift by accident.

He came like that, teeth aching to sink into her throat as she tipped over the edge, the spasms of her pussy milking him dry. He gave himself over to his instincts, unable to fight them in the face of his rut. He lazily fucked his cum inside her, bruising her thighs where his fingers sank into her flesh, a long groan vibrating through his chest.

Sweat beaded across her forehead, her cheeks flushed a dark red and her eyes sleepy, and even through his drunken daze, he thought she looked so good like that. She was flushed and fucked out. The thought had him thrusting into her again, his cock as hard as ever thanks to the influx of hormones during his rut. He started chasing yet another high as his wolf howled in satisfaction.

They spent the next three days like that, his cock buried deep inside her, only pausing long enough to eat the food that was carefully slipped through a slot in the door and use the restroom.

After every round, he helped her drink water before taking her again, the overpowering need to fuck driving his every move.

And when his rut petered out, allowing them to rest finally, he let his eyes close and held her to his chest, possessive in a way he wasn't sure was allowed given their 'no strings attached' rule.

But he figured he could deal with that some other time. He wanted nothing more than to breathe her in, her scent deliciously mixed with his, as he drifted off to sleep.
