👋: Beezlebub x Hellhound!Reader x Loona

I love Bee and the fact she was voiced by Ke$ha, favorite quote from her is def "I think I went a little too hard on the confetti this time though, there's like a rainbow in my vagina right now" the line delivery was perfect, and it proves Charlie wasn't lying when she said 'in every demon is a rainbow' lmfao, sorry I'm hungover asf rn :)

Onto the story!!

It was one of Bee's smaller party's, she was just checking on everyone when she accidentally flew into someone, she quickly stood up and looked at the person she ran into, who's ears flatten against their head as they turn around covered in their cup of beelzejuice. "What the fuck ma- oh shit.. hey Bee" they groaned staring at the hyper sin, who pet them happily before swiping the beelzejuice off of their fur, not doing much to dry them. "Heyyyyy Bitch, sorry for bumping into you." Beezlebub snickered as she swatted the empty cup from the hounds hands, shoving a full cup into their hands as a replacement. "Your cool Bee, your cool. Thought it was some lightweight" they chuckled, smiling up at the hypergenic sin, who shook her head wrapping her arm around the Hellhound. "Nahhh.. how you liking the party so far, honeycomb?" Y/N cocked a brow at the woman, snickering softly "Honeycomb?" They asked, Beezlebub nodded "yeah, remember I can taste peoples vibes? Yours tastes like honeycomb" she smiled, the Hellhound nodded in response, chugging back the cup of Beelzejuice. Bee stared at the hound as they dropped and crushed the cup, glancing up at the Sin, they smiled. "It's a great party Bee."

But Y/N didn't receive a response from the sin, just a blank stare, the hound stepped back a bit, looking around the room. "Ya' got something on your lips honeycomb" Bee finally spoke, but before the hellhound in front of her could even move, she stepped closer and kissed them. Leaving them with a shocked look on their face. "Got it.." Bee mumbled into the kiss. After a few minutes the two parted. "So am I cool to call you my girlfriend?" Y/n softly asked, ignoring the stares they were getting, their tail wagging when Bee nodded in response.

That was nine months ago, Y/n and Bee's relationship is quite known by most people now. Y/n was just enjoying one of Bee's parties, talking to their brother, Vortex, and Bee over some Beelzejuice, when suddenly.

Buzz Buzz

"Oh shit! My boss is calling, see ya soon Bee! Love ya' Bitch!" Y/n sprinted out, holding the phone to their ear, while Bee just watched them run away with a smile on her face.

"Hey Verosika, what's up?" Y/n leaned against the outer wall of the building.

"I'm on my way to pick you up, I got a gig to lead a team for spring break."

"Alright, I'm waiting outside, see ya' boss" Y/n leaned her head back, letting it gently smack against the wall

"Uh huh, see you soon"

The call abruptly ended, and the hellhound roughly shoved her phone back into their pocket as she stood straight up. A few moments later the familiar pink car, and it's driver pulled up. "Alright, let's move skank!" Verosika shouts, causing the hellhound to chuckle, shaking their head as they hopped into the car. It was a long ride spent mostly talking to Verosika as the drove along the pride ring, just as a grey van was approaching Verosika made a swift turn into the parking spot they were obviously after...


"You better move that pussy wagon right now or I'll!—" the imp was cut off by an agitated growl from behind him, he froze in fear while Verosika carried a smirk on her face. "Or you'll what?" The taller H/c hound growled out, the imp -known as Blitzø or as Verosika calls him 'Blitzo'- turned to face the Hellhound with a fear filled look on his face. "Or.. uh- I'll uhm... Call HR!" He shouts jokingly, point at the much taller hellhound who couldn't help but laugh at the man.


Later that day, Y/n was out in the human world watching over Verosika's performance, they personally didn't care about this bet, they were ready to leave back to their girlfriends party and be around the people they cared about. Y/n had also met another hound named Loona, who was extremely awkward, but it wasn't that the taller hound minded, they thought it was funny. "Yeah my girlfriend throws wild parties, you should come to one of em sometime" They smiled down at Loona, who now showed a clear frown on her face. "Yeah.. can't wait for my first one" she giggled awkwardly, now feeling guilty for having a crush on someone who was already taken. Y/n chuckled "Let's get you some friends girl!"


It had been a few months later and Bee was throwing another small party, and Loona was showing up, this was her seventh party of Bee's so she had gotten used to it all. While Loona awkwardly wandered the party looking for her favorite couple. "Bee! N/n! There you guys are, been looking all over!" Loona shouts catching the couples attention, the two pulled away from each other and looked at the light grey hellhound, waving at her. "Hey bitch! Great to see you again!" "Is your crazy ass dad here again?" Two different responses from the Sin and the Hound, both shared a glance before staring at Loona again. "Great to see you guys too?- and yeah my dad's here but he's with M n' M so we should be good."

"Good, Good" Y/n chuckled as Bee cuddled into their chest. "God you are so fluffy" Bee groaned, as Loona walked up to the two, taking a small sip out of her cup. There was a small hum on response as the H/c hounds ears flattened against their head. "Shit, N/n.. you good?" Loona asked, setting her drink aside, as Bee looked up at her partner. "Yeah my big bad bitch is just overstimulated, to the room you go! Let's go Loon's" Bee chuckled, pulling Y/n up the stairs and into an empty room, setting the overstimulated hound on the empty bed. Leaving them to awkwardly stare at the ground as the Sin walked away, winking at Loona. "Hey, N/N" Loona chuckled, sitting next to the Hound who looked over at her. "Where's Bee?" They quickly asked as they curtly leaned against Loona, their ears still flat against their head. "Went to go grab you some water" Loona sighs, thinking back to the call she had earlier with Bee, she quickly laid down, pulling Y/N with her. Smiling when they didn't make a move to pull away, which was a good sign for what she needed. "I love you, N/n" the light grey hellhound blurted out. "And your girlfriend knows, she said if you were ok with it, we could be a three person thing.." Loona quietly muttering, glancing up at the hellhound under her whoes ears were now perked up as she stared at Loona. "Holy Satan! You do?" They shouted.

Long story short, the two made out until Bee got back. They made some rules and boundaries for the relationship, before telling the slightly tipsy Blitzø about it, who choked on his beelzejuice as the three ran off from him.

A/N; when I started this I was hungover, when I finished this I was drunk, so lazy ending, sorry guys.
