order : 09

Jan growled at you. Then stood up, brushing himself up. You could tell that he wanted to kill you at the moment. And you admitted that you weren't his biggest fan too. Even if he tried, he couldn't. But you could. But you wouldn't. Not at the moment at least. You needed to be prepared if they did try to betray you. And you needed their help too.

It was time for revenge. If not on Alucard, due to his immortality, then on the organization. After spitting out some more blood that had welled up in his mouth, he walked to the door.
"Follow me..." You were barely paying attention. Which caused you to almost bump into him when he suddenly stopped at the door.

He sent you a side glare, which you returned. Then continued to move. He walked down the hallway, turning at a few corners until he reached another door. He opened it, then stepped aside for you to enter. You walked in, taking note of the bed as well as wardrobe in the room.
"You'll be staying here in the meantime."

You didn't bother to return a response at him. But did flinch when he shut the door, walking away. From the corner of your eye, you saw a glimmer of light. You looked at the wine glass with some red liquid inside. A bottle of wine close to it. You walked up to it and picked it up with your fingers.

You brought it under your nose to sniff out any drugs. That made you sigh in content when what you smelt wasn't wine. But blood. You also wondered if the bottle had some blood in it too. But it was still unopened. The bottle labeled as a wine bottle.

You sighed and drank the blood, frowning when you finished it all without leaving a single drop. You threw it to the side, it breaking when it made contact with the floor. You impatiently opened the bottle then brought it to your lips, gulping down the liquid.

Some seconds later you had finished the whole bottle. You were thirsty for more and were angry at them for giving you so little blood. You sat down on the bed. Then fell backwards onto your back. As you stared at the ceiling, an image began to morph on its surface. After some time, as you caught on to the face, and who it was, you turned to lay on your stomach.

You didn't feel like getting all too emotional at the moment. It could happen that one of the brothers would walk in on you in your pathetic state. They would surely laugh at you. You sighed and let your thirst for blood die down before falling into a soothing and deep, peaceful sleep.

You hadn't had to wake up like that in years. Since your bedroom at home and the basement never had any windows. But your current one did, giving you the misfortune of being woken up by the "sweet rays of the sun", is what other people called them. They annoyed you to no end.

You got up and stumbled to the window, almost falling in your path due to drowsiness. You grabbed the fabrics that were the curtains in both of your hands and spread them apart, the only chance of them reuniting being at night time. You didn't know where the club was situated and just gazed at the unfamiliar street.

People would pass by each other, passing out greetings others would usually do on festive seasons. The street was very lively and cheerful. Oh, how you hated that. You swiftly turned your head around when your bedroom door opened. The man from last night stepped in, then threw a small box at you.

You caught and examined it as he walked closer.
"Put these on... It's for your disguise for the time being." He called out in a bored tone. You scoffed and opened the small box, whilst saying,
"Good morning to you too..." You ignored his next rude remark as you pulled out black contact lenses from the box.

Well, at least the color would cover up your red eyes. You sat them on the desk and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door and leaving Jan to roam around your "new" bedroom. You filled the tub with some water on after brushing your teeth with a spare toothbrush you had found in there.

As you relaxed in the tub, you heard jiggling of the doorknob. You smirked to yourself, having been smart enough to lock it when you entered the bathroom.
"Tch..." You heard the man say, then he continued afterward,
"You better hurry up. Luke wants to have a word with you..."

To be continued
