order : 07

You opened your eyes, only to close them again when the bright light pierced your eye like a needle. Then you slowly opened them again. You tilted your head to take in your surroundings. You were alone in a brightly lit room. You brought your hand to your neck, rubbing on were he had pinched the nerve.

You got up and walked to a closet when you spotted it. After opening it, you found a coat in there and threw it over your shoulders. Wearing it. You walked to the door and slowly opened it. It was suspiciously too quiet as you walked through the place. It wasn't long when you arrived at a flight of stairs that headed upwards. Music could be heard coming from the top of the stairs, where flashing lights were also evident.

You slowly walked up each step until you entered the club. The place was packed, followed by loud music and cheering of drunk men and women. You made your way through the crowd and slumped down on a stool, trying to drown yourself in the music so that no one would notice you. The bartender was nearby, serving a few people. When he saw you, his eyes widened for a bit. He excused himself from the people and got out a glass.

He poured some beverage into it and slid it to you. You looked down at it, then moved your eyes up at the bartender. Now standing before you. You looked back down at the glass. You stopped yourself from scoffing at his apparent thought of you being stupid enough to not notice the fizzy bubbles at the bottom of the glass. Which, also offended you.

You pushed the glass back at him. A smirk formed on his lips. Then he nodded. He looked behind you and raised his hand, then flicked his finger for someone to come to him. You turned your head, a scowl appearing on your face as the familiar man sat beside you. The bartender brought out two more glasses.

He poured the same liquid inside them, showing you that he wouldn't drug yours. You eyed the drink with a bitter look on your face. Alcohol wasn't what you needed at the moment. What you needed was blood. You were thirsty for it. And you trying so hard to not jump on one of the people partying and drink their blood. But you didn't. It was much too risky.

But if you did, perhaps you would turn him into a ghoul to get more for you. You were too distracted with your desires and were filled with temptation, that you didn't notice until the man beside you had took ahold of your arm in his. He took the glass with his other hand and began to pull you along. You quickly took your glass before it was out of reach. Then pulled your arm from his grip.

"Don't be acting all tough, bitch..." You growled when he said that," I can still defeat you." You huffed in shame and followed him down the stairs. He was completely right. But you weren't fazed by his threat.
"Who are you?... And why have you brought me here?" Was the first thing you said when you were alone in a hallway. He took a sip, then threw the glass at the wall. It shattered into pieces as he stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"This drink doesn't taste as good as blood..." He turned his head to you.
"I know you want some." You threw the glass at him. He easily dodged it, ignoring the sound of more shattering glass behind him.
"Stop avoiding my questions!" You jerked your head up when a hand rested on your shoulder.

"Now. Now. You shouldn't be working the lady up so much, Jan... The least you could do is answer her questions after you knocked her out." You calmed down at the man's gentle, and soothing voice. Well, you were pleased that there was a gentleman around. His hand moved to hold yours, turning the back of it towards his lips. Then planted them on it.

He moved away and pointed at the other man.
"Forgive my brother Jan. He is just like that." You pulled your hand away.
"And you are?"
"Ah. Yes, of course. My name is Luke. Luke Valentine." Strangely, you had heard that name before. And you didn't like them. You had no time to be dealing with 'fake' vampires. He walked past you. Both you and Jan followed behind him.

"That answers the first question... Now for the second one..." He opened a door to a different room, then held it open for you to walk through. You smoothly walked in, and plopped down on a chair, feeling a slight headache come along. Luke saw you grimace, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"I'll make this quick... We have a proposition for you..." You shifted uncomfortably when the other brother moved closer to you. To you, it felt like he was invading your privacy. And you weren't at all comfortable with that. You scoffed and looked him dead in the eye.

"I hope you aren't proposing for me to join your side... I do need to tell you that I despise abominations like you..." Before you finished, he raised his hand up in a strict manner. You kept quiet to hear his side of the conversation.
"We aren't so different from you... You who call yourselves 'true' vampires...

"Besides, I doubt that fact would matter to you after what I say next..." He reached his hand out to you. You stared at it, curious to what he was talking about.
"Help us... In the taking down of the Hellsing Organization..."

To be continued.
