If the lobby was crowded, the rest of the casino was practically rammed. Stephen soon worked out that there were so many people with fiery skulls as heads because those were the mortals who'd had their souls taken. The monsters he assumed were a load of monsters from hell that he'd accidentally summoned along with Mephisto (assuming he was here).

So basically, he couldn't count on backup here, unless the Avengers were imprisoned rather than flaming skull guys. No one had shown any particular interest in killing either of them yet, which was always a good thing. Other than that, the place was just great.

At some point, after only about 6 what-would've-been accidental deaths, Loki had to sense to suggest they find somewhere relatively (for nowhere was) quiet and formulate a plan. Or even somewhere so loud they had no chance of being overheard.

"Yeah, the last one, I think," Strange agreed. "Because I have no clue what the hell we're going to do now." He realised the pun he'd made and smacked his forehead. "Did I just say that?"

Loki sighed. "I was just going to ignore that." He looked around the room (they were back in the lobby) at all the labelled doors. Stephen saw, over at the entrance doors, the receptionist was waving at them still, joined by some security monsters. They made a simple and sinister message: no one leaves.

Loki turned to see what Strange was looking at."Hm... what was she saying about a bar?"
