Floor 200 was not what Strange had expected.

They last 60, maybe 65 floors had all been the hotel (that's a lot of guests) and, below that, they'd all been several different game rooms or bars and occasionally rooms full of torture equipment.

Floor 200 had the staircase leading up to a sort of hallway separating the main room from the stairs, maybe so people didn't fall down it. Through the small window in the door, they could see the rest of the floor was one massive room, so long Stephen couldn't see the faces of the monsters at the back of the room, furthest from them. The walls were made of fire around where the outer edge of the building was, but unlike the rest of the casino, it was mainly floor to 10ft-high ceiling windows, free of glass. Easy for someone to throw them out a window here then, Stephen noted.

As for the décor, (well, what they could see through the crowd of monsters) it was mostly full of poker tables or other card games tables. At the back of the room was a long bar that was packed with monsters. Though there seemed to be no one actually running it, unlike the one Strange and Loki had been before, but all the monsters looked too busy drinking to really notice. Hanging above the bar was a huge banner with bright pink and orange letters on a red background (which really hurt Stephen's eyes to look at) spelling "Play Crads To The Death Evnt! Midnihgt until Dorn! (Bring you're ohwn weapon.)" Clearly monsters were worse at spelling and grammar than he was. (He liked it how they could spell death and weapon correctly.)

The wall and door they were standing behind wasn't made of fire, like the exterior walls. It was more like the walls from the cells and corridors down below, made of either stone or steel or something (was it bad he couldn't tell it was metal or not?). The corridor stretched around part-way of the main room, two other doors leading into the main room, one on each side.

Scanning around the room from his position at the tiny window in the door, Strange couldn't see Mephisto or the Avengers anywhere, but he assumed, using his highly trained deductive mind, that they were probably in the most densely packed area of the room, around the central table, which (according to another pink, orange and red banner over top) was where monsters and souls could "Battel the devil at hiz ohwn game, and afterwards, suffer a voilent death!"

Stephen digested all this info within 3 seconds, and didn't dare look through the window for any longer in case he was spotted.

Luckily, no one seemed to have spotted them looking through the window. Also luckily, the combined shouting, laughing and music which sounded suspiciously like Lizzo's "Good as Hell" easily covered up their whispering voices.

"How'd you guys want to do this?" asked Strange.

"Two of us one way, two of us the other," Loki said immediately. "That'll mean they'll have to divide to fight us, which would give us an advantage because their attention will be split on either side and, since Mephisto probably won't be able to see clearly through the crowd, gives Wanda a chance to take him on before he's properly prepared."

Stephen gave him a look of approval. "Good plan. So, who with who, resident war-strategy expert?"

It was a sign of their friendship deepening as Loki didn't punch him for that. Though it could've been because Scott was between them. Instead he continued, "I think me and Scott should go this way. We can hide better than you two, what with the invisibility and the shrinking suit, so we could get in somehow and assess the situation and report back to you using Scott's communication devices. And maybe we'll find your sling ring and my other knife while we're at it."

"Oh yeah." With everything else that had been going on, Stephen had nearly forgotten about that. He had to admit, Loki may be sarcastic and slightly arrogant at times, but there was no denying he was smart. "So you two go that way. Me and Wanda will go to the other door and, what, wait until you both say it's all good to go?"

"Sounds good to me," Wanda shrugged.

Scott was staring at the door as though contemplating to knock it down. "Good as Hell. They put Good as Hell on? Really?"

"Scott," Stephen said, waving his hand in front of Scott's head. "Maybe ignore the music choice for now."

"Right. Um. Yes. I agree with the plan," Scott said, scratching his head awkwardly. "Sorry, I just absolutely hate this song."

"There's nothing wrong with Lizzo," Wanda murmured defensively, though Scott didn't seem to hear her.

"Also it's a really bad pun," Stephen added. "Hell. We're in hell. You know." He immediately wished he hadn't said anything.

"That's kinda the point, Stephen," Scott pointed out.

Loki coughed. Everyone turned their attention away from the music choice.

Loki nudged Scott. "You ready?"

Scott did some head shakes, some squats, then nodded. "Ready," he confirmed. He pressed the button on his glove and shrunk.

Loki did a subtle eye-roll and picked up Scott, putting him on his shoulder. Before he walked off around the corridor, he gestured for Wanda and Strange to move too. Then he vanished from sight.

Stephen and Wanda started to walk around the corridor, every now and then ducking as they passed a window. They expected to come across someone any minute, but strangely enough, they didn't.

Scott's voice crackled over Strange's earpiece. "Testing, testing, one two, one two, can you all hear me? Over."

"Uh, yeah, we can hear you Scott," whispered Wanda back into her earpiece. "We don't have to say over after everything, do we?"

"Yes, you certainly do. Over," Scott's voice said.

"I'll flick you onto Mephisto's table," warned Loki's voice.

"Fine. You don't have to say over after everything," Scott said, sounding grumpy. "Stephen, are you and Wanda at the door yet?"

"Um, no, not yet," Strange whispered as they walked. The corridor was much longer than he'd expected.

"Well, hurry up then," Scott said, sounding exasperated.

"Yeah, no detours you two," Loki's voice said. Through the earpiece, Strange was sure he could hear them smirking.

Wanda had gone slightly red, though it was hard to tell in the fiery light. "Haha Loki. Very funny. You two just focus on getting inside."

"Will do boss," crackled Scott's voice over the earpiece. "Over and out."

By this point, Stephen and Wanda had made their way to the door at the end of the corridor. They stood awkwardly for a moment, listening to Scott's least favourite song finishing, to be immediately followed by Highway To Hell, which was a way better song.

Strange decided to break the awkward silence, but first turned off the microphone on the earpiece temporarily. "So... any idea how you're going to take on Mephisto?"

Wanda twirled her hair thoughtfully, avoiding his eyes. "Actually, I need to talk to you about that. I think I have an idea on how to take on Mephisto." She looked directly at him then. "But I need you to promise me you won't try and help, even if I look like I need it. Focus on your own task. I'll be able to handle it."

"Wait, you don't want us to help?" asked Strange. "Are you sure?"

Wanda nodded. "I need you to trust me, Stephen. Don't worry about me."

Strange hesitated for a moment. He wanted to insist to help. But Wanda was so insistent that he not help that he couldn't help trusting her that she'd be fine. Though he didn't see how Wanda could take on Mephisto alone. Well, unless she had some super crazy, ultra powerful magic she hadn't shared with them yet. "OK. I won't help you. But if you change your mind and you do decide you need help, promise you won't hesitate to ask. OK?"

Wanda laughed. "I think we have a deal, Mr Doctor."

Stephen's earpiece crackled, and Loki's voice said, "Hey, only I'm allowed to call him Mr Doctor."

"We could hear that entire conversation guys," Scott said, and though it was hard to tell through the bad audio from the earpiece, he sounded as though he'd just been laughing. Clearly Strange hadn't a clue when it came to the controls on these devices.

Wanda turned her attention back on the earpiece. "So, guys, what's the report? Got in yet?"

"Sure have, boss," Scott said. "We got lucky that a miraculous event occurred allowing us to slip in unnoticed. Our location is the back left corner of the room from the position we started in. Awaiting further instructions. Over."

"Scott, stop with the weird military language. It doesn't make you sound smart," Loki murmured, talking to Scott more than he was to anyone else. "You're like a very annoying tiny parrot."

"This is really weird," Scott told him, all weird military language forgotten. "I feel like I'm standing on solid air."

"Can we just get a report please?" asked Strange, trying not to sound annoyed. "What miraculous event?"

"Someone opened the door from the inside," Loki said. Stephen could imagine him invisibly giving Scott the look. "It was hardly miraculous."

"Actually, the Google definition of miraculous is remarkable and bringing very welcome consequences. Opening the door had very welcome consequences," Scott argued.

"Shut up," Loki advised. "I will flick you. Anyway, Strange, no one's sensed we're here and no one's sensed you and Wanda. Mephisto's busy with his card game. And Wanda, how's the setup for your plan? Is it OK or should I kill some guys first?"

Wanda looked through the small window in the door. Stephen didn't know what he meant by setup – all he could see was a giant group of monsters, but Wanda seemed satisfied. "It's fine. Anyway, I told you; you don't have to worry about me. I got this."

"What actually is your plan?" Strange asked her.

Wanda moved away from the window and stood next to him. "You'll see," was all she said.

"And what did he mean by setup?"

"You'll see."

"Why would he need to kill some guys first?"

"You'll see."

Strange decided not to press her anymore. Instead he spoke into the earpiece. "Scott, Loki, can you try and find my sling ring anywhere? It could really come in useful."

"Roger and wilco, sir! Over and out," said Scott's voice. Stephen imagined he was doing that more purposely to annoy them now.

Stephen leant against the wall and looked out the window opposite him. From here they nearly touched the dark clouds in the sky that had appeared along with The Casino Mephisto. He'd never been particularly bothered by heights, but looking out a glass-less window at a wide expanse of tarmac and concrete flavoured death... well, that didn't make him any fonder of them.

He was a bit wary of just charging in and launching a surprise attack. He'd estimated, what, a good 5000 or so monsters in there. Most of them were like monster tourists and a lot of them were drunk, but there were plenty with weapons and there were the Avengers to think about. Captain Marvel could take out an entire warship by herself without really trying. He hated thinking what she could do to him. Under the influence of the devil. When he couldn't really attack her. Things were getting worse.

His earpiece crackled and Scott's voice spoke. "Found where it's being kept, Stephen. But Loki said it'll look suspicious if we walk around with a floating piece of wizard jewellery-"

"Which were my exact words," Loki added.

"-So we're going to have to wait until you two break in and start fighting. Awaiting further instructions. Over."

"You say over again..." Loki warned. "Honestly he does this when the microphone's off too."

So at least they hadn't destroyed his only means of escape (unless you counted Scott's shrinking van as a means of escape, which he didn't, because it wouldn't be much use on a 200th floor of a burning building). "OK, guys, that's great. Just stay unnoticed for another minute. What's our, like, strategy here?"

"Strategy?" asked Loki's voice. "What do you mean by strategy?"

"I'm sorted," Wanda said, putting her hands up.

"I have a plan," said Scott, sounding like he was plotting. Strange imagined him with an evil smirk and rubbing his hands together.

"And I'm just going to bust in and kill as many monsters as possible and hope for the best," Loki said. "That normally works."

Stephen hesitated. Great, so everyone had their own plan. But him. "Oh." He started formulating an idea in his head to go on. "OK, I've got something too."

"Great, now we all know what to do, anyone got anything against me breaking this thing open and starting a fight?" asked Loki. At least he was waiting for their approval this time.

"Ant-Man ready for action, ov- OK I won't say it."

"Scarlet Witch ready for action."

Since they seemed to be using their made-up names, Stephen decided he'd have to break the pattern. "Doctor Strange ready for action."

"Sweet, let's do this," Loki said, followed by a loud breaking sound, and that was the last thing Stephen heard before Wanda threw open the door and all hell broke loose. Literally.
