*~Chapter 2- Not that Coldhearted~*

First up. Hello, I am JSchlatt representative of the Hell that got named L'manburg cause of Wilbur. Second up. Shush, I owed Wilbur one because I was supposed to go first but didn't want to, he tricked me into going second. I read through what he wrote and thought about what I should write that only I can really write, first thing that popped into my mind was how I died but that would be to basic, so I decided to write the story of how I saved 4L3X or rather met Quackity since I'm pretty sure he won't tell and no one else but me and maybe dream know (Dream is a smart bastard and somehow is able to got to heaven, don't know how but he is).

Let's get this shit over with so I can drink myself to sleep before I have a bit of work tomorrow.

It was pretty long ago but I remember it like it was yesterday (where I wasn't drunk for ones). The Angels called in a meeting of a bunch of hell representatives, one of them being me. So, a bunch of creatures sat all in a room together, me included. In the middle oof the room a big table at one end sat the president of heaven and a few scientists of heaven, on the other end me and the other representatives. We didn't know anything but that it was something about a science project of heaven.

"Hello lady's, gentlemen and others from the nonbinary spectrum" the president stared, "I have called you all today in the case of the project '4L3X'. The project was supposed to test a few chemicals on an orphan boy, but it failed miserably. He is in a lot of pain but won't die and we don't know what to do. Would any of you be so kind and take him in?" he finished.

I thought a few people would at least have the balls to take the poor boy in but instead the representatives chimed in "keep him we don't need a traumatized thing" or "our hell is too full and he won't fit in ", "keep testing on him we don't care" and such. I couldn't believe it.

I stood up and slammed my hands on the table so hard that it echoed in the big room. Everyone stared at me surprised maybe a bit scarred even the president looked at me in shock. "You are all sick, I may be a bit heartless but THIS?!... Fuck it I'M taking the boy in. You all go back to your hells and go scratch your balls or something." They all stared, most of them with fear in their eyes. "GO" Most of them flinched and fled through the door, I'm pretty sure I've gained a lot of respect that day, even from the president, he struggled to make a sentence then told the scientists to bring me to the boy.

They obeyed his order and brought me to the laboratory, then to a room titled 'project 4L3X', Quiet chocked crying for help, coughs and other painful sounding noises came from inside. I told the scientists to go and that I would handle this basically telling them my plan. They opened the door for me, and I walked inside then they closed it and left.

Inside I saw one off the most fucked up things I have ever seen, an around 20-year-old boy laying on the ground next to a bunch of blood, fins growing on his forearms, sideish back of his lower legs, between his fingers and the most terrible spot, on his head seeming to rip through his skin and skull. Blood running from his mouth a bit with slight fangs. And the look in his eyes, red from crying, fear clear in them and on his back were remains of wings.

I looked down at him and he barely looked up at me.

"Hello, I am JSchlatt. You must be in a lot of pain huh?..." I said to the boy in front of me. He just nodded, I assume he couldn't talk from screaming and crying for help...poor thing...

"Ok I'll explain the situation and how this is going to go, when someone dies, they either get reborn here or sent into one of the many hells, I am the representative of one of them, it's called L'manburg. The other dickheads didn't want to take you in, bunch of cowards...but I will, I will have to kill you, the pain will be over soon, and you'll find yourself in my hell, the people there are nice, you'll feel better there than you ever did here, the pain will be gone. I'll let you give yourself you a new name since I expect that you don't want to keep the name 4L3X. Seeing how you'll look I'll give you stuff to cover up stuff that reminds you of the past. You'll be save. Do you want to take this path? You don't really have a choice to be honest, but I'd like to hear if you understood everything through the pain." I explained. He nodded again; he just wanted the pain to be gone.

As I later found out he had dreamed of stuff like being free but never imagined it to go like that.

"Now one last question, Gun or Needle?..." He looked obviously scared at the word needle, I guess that's a bit of the trauma from the tests, it made me feel even worse for him, that it was so bad that he'd rather take a gun than a needle. "Gun it is...this'll go quick." I opened the door with the remote the angels gave me and got a gun that I had in a bag then went back inside the room closing the door.

"I'll count to five." I said

"one" I felt a bit bad for what I was about to do.

"two" but it had to be done and I think it'll be better than the other methods, less fear n stuff, it's a dirty little trick.

"three- "I shot before coming to five. The boy fell limb with eyes open. went up to him and closed his eyes. "See you in a bit."

I went back to our hell, to the point where everyone appears to be more specific. He wasn't there yet so I went and got the book that BadBoyHalo wrote for people who wanted to change their name after past trauma since he wanted to help a bit ant this was the best way, comes in handy to be honest. When I went back to the spot he was laying there still passed out, he had fins and basically looked like how he looked before just less blood and prettier fins. He looked quite peaceful; I think this was thee first time in a bit that he was actually at peace even in the slightest.

He woke up and looked at me, carefully getting up. He breathed hard for a bit as if it was the first time in ages.

"T-Thank you...thank you "he repeated that for quite a bit.

"It fine anyways here" I gave him the book "choose a name or make yourself one, you can sit over there" I pointed at a couch. "also try to make the fins disappear, just to see if you can or if we need something to cover them up since I'm sure you don't like them."

"I really don't..." he looked a bit stressed then the fins disappeared, except for the ones on his head. "oh..."

"figured, I guess those hold the most emotional and physical trauma "I said, and he nodded. "I'll get something, you choose your name while I'm gone" I went and searched for a few hats I could give him and of course found some cause for some reason Bad really enjoys making hats and stuff, again to help out a bit. When I returned, I heard him repeat the name "Quackity."

"So, you chose a name huh? How did you go to that one?" I said and he looked at me.

"there was the name 'ity' for nonbinary people and next to it was a duck that said 'Quack' so I combined them and really like the name to be honest." He said smiling, it made me a bit happy to see him smile. I gave him the hats and he put one on seeming pretty happy still.

"Well, welcome to the hell named L'manburg, Quackity" I said as I took the book from him and put it back where it belonged. "Now to some other stuff, I'm gonna introduce you to the others, then you can choose a room, try to take one that's next to the person you get along with the most." He nodded and we went outside the room and into the living room where everyone was already waiting after the had heard me come back and go to the 'spawn room' that's how we call it at least. Quackity was close behind me. I looked at the other person that came in before I left.

"Guys this is Quackity, the reason why the angels reached out to us" I introduced him, and all of the others introduced themselves. After a while I noticed he was getting along with Karl, the new person, and SapNap. They showed him around and he chose a room that was next to Karl's room which was connected to SapNaps through a door, so he basically had his room next to both of them.

He talked to everyone to be honest, Wilbur, Karl, SapNap, Skeppy, BadBoyHalo and even Dream. He had gotten a few soft 'Language's from bad but nothing hard since bad could since that it was his first time speaking his mind and even speaking in a long time. Or at least that's what I think.

Overall I think the day was successful, everyone had their fun and a new friend.

As for me, I had made myself a name in heaven, JSchlatt, the goat man, representative of the L'manburg hell and as I found out later from Ramboo, I was also called "the person that made the President feel like an underdog".

If I wanted, I could rule heaven right now.

But I don't.

I like my little hell named L'manburg.

Heaven can go fuck itself. Just a bunch of cowards and dumbasses.

Sorry this isn't as long as the shit Wilbur wrote but I think what is written here is the most important thing, not how long it is, and from how important this information is it basically has the same worth as what Wilbur wrote.

Chapter: 2

Narrator: JSchlatt

Words: 1790
