Rushing through busy yet empty halls at the same time has become a norm for me lately. Every now and then walking besides people.

Flashy neon lights and signs spread around, light coming from machines that are based all around luck or skill with knowledge about how to rig these things.

Fancy shoes tapping on the floor, slight clinking of metal, rushed yet even sounds of fabric rubbing against each other. Sometimes more clinking, sometimes more rustling, sometimes even the sound of fur against fabric.

Soft music coming from every room. And for me especially the sounds of glasses clinking, liquid splashing, quick hand movements on glass, requests for drinks and such, both with and without alcohol.

Voices, both of success and loss everywhere. Cards being shuffled and chips hitting a table, a marble in a spinning wheel of luck.

Welcome to Las Nevadas, the most successful casinos in dimensional history, built in the L'manburg Hell with its very own portal to let beings of every hell into and out of the cassino. Built by Quackity with the help of Wilbur Soot, SapNap, Karl Jacobs, Foolish, Sam, Fundy, and the representative of the L'manburg Hell, JSchlatt.

Daily up to and over 100 visitors from almost everywhere cross over into the Casino to try their luck.

Security on a few of the highest levels with SapNap, Karl Jacobs, Sam, Foolish and Fundy as well as Dream and JSchlatt when it comes to the worst of cases. On shifts that reach from check-in to inside the rooms and halls.

With a wonderful staff of Barkeepers, Gamemasters, Security, Technical masters, and people to keep track of the finances.

For those who like to live life dangerously and are ready to lose everything they have, we have the special offer to go up against our game masters and owners as well as others. Those being Quackity, Wilbur Soot, (JSchlatt on occasion) and little old me, Charlie Slimecicle.

But I'm not here to just tell you about that, I'm here to tell you a lot of stuff. For example, about the Goddess of Death and her Family.

It started like every normal day, I woke up in my room in the mansion stretching like I normally did before getting ready for the day and work.

Putting on a pair of black pants, a nice, clean, and white button-up, suspensors, the bowtie I usually had on for an hour before taking it off simply because it was slightly annoying, some accessories and of course fitting black shoes.

Quickly grabbing my identification card clipping it to a chain I had on my waist attached to my pants and my bag of stuff like deodorant, Band-Aids, liquid thickener in case I have a leak, Headphones, my phone, a charging cable, something to drink and a few other tiny things.

I love that bag, the others made it for me a while ago, it's me themed, it has a cute green slime blob on it and some slime painted onto it on the tiny side pockets and such, on the inside it is green and some of the details and seems are green. It has a Las Nevadas pin on it and a bunch of other pins as well.

Anyways I went downstairs to get breakfast and make myself lunch to pack into my bag, sure we have a café, but I'd rather spend my break somewhere outside or something instead of a stuffy room.

Downstairs I saw Foolish, Sam and Ponk starting to have breakfast.

"Hey guys! Can I join you real quick?" I asked as I put my bag down on a chair.

"Sure, hey you have bar shift like most of the time, right?" Foolish answered and I nodded as I grabbed the stuff to make my breakfast and lunch.

"Ok, I might come by during my break to get a drink." He said as he sat down.

"Lovely! Wait can we walk to work together?" I don't mind walking alone but it's always nice to walk with someone else.

"Sure" We then proceeded to have breakfast and pack lunch before heading out. We grabbed our jackets, hats, scarfs, and gloves because it was Snowed and only a few parts were slightly warm, none of those are on our way to the casino.

On our way we chatted about work and other stuff. As we arrived, we went to the staff entry and scanned our cards to unlock the door then went inside to the locker room where we put our jackets, hats, scarfs, gloves, and bags in our lockers before parting ways.

I headed straight for the bar setting up everything I needed and started the usual routine, clean if there was something to clean and make sure the cash was in place and ready if I needed to change some money or such.

This was the most relaxed time of the day since no customers were there yet but that was about to change, the first people came in and the day actually started.

I mixed drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), helped customers, and over all did my job. And as always there were a few people who flirted with me, they either were just a flirty type by nature, actually interested in me or blacked out drunk but I pay no mind to that I'm just happy we didn't have any too problematic people today.

My break came and I decided today I wanted to spend it with Quackity and Wilbur since they have the same break time as me. They usually spend it in Quackity's office so that's where I went after grabbing my bag and sure enough there they were.

"Oh, hello Charlie, do you need something?" Wilbur asked as he saw me both of them looking at me now.

"Not really I just wanted to ask if I could spend lunch with you guys!" I said smiling at them.

"Sure. Wait let me get you a chair." Quackity stood up and got another chair as I came to them, and we all sat down together eating and talking.

This continued on for a bit before we heard a knock and JSchlatt came inside.

"Hello." He said and we all said our hello.

"Is there anything you need Schlatt?" Quackity asked and Schlatt nodded then fixed his suit a bit.

"Yes, it's a bit unfortunate that Wilbur is here since it was supposed to be a surprise for them but that doesn't matter now." He said, we all, especially Wilbur looked confused.

"What do you mean by that?" Wilbur said getting slightly on edge.

"We may have a sign of where Kristin is." Schlatt said putting his hands behind his back looking at us with his sting yellow eyes.

You could practically see Wilbur's eyes grow bigger and bigger as he started standing up.

"You- You do?" He said looking at Schlatt.

"I said 'we may' but it's an 80 to 20 chance that we do so there is a very high possibility. We have to go up to the angel's government though, I already have an appointment and was about to ask Quackity if he knew if any of the people who work here would be free to come with or if he could give some people a bigger break to come with." He explained joining our little circle leaning and almost sitting on Quackity's desk.

"Can I come with? I'd do anything to come with. Please Schlatt." Wilbur basically begged.

"We have an advantage with you so sure, you know her, you're her son after all." He said closing his eyes making an almost circle like motion with his hand. "And" he continued "You're crazy enough to blow shit up if they try any funny stuff." The goatman opened is eyes slightly looking at Wilbur with a type of side-glance.

Wilbur responded with a smirk that had a type of undertone that could be taken as evil, smug, or crazy and I swear...for a second...I didn't recognize our 'Ghostbur' as who he was.

That's when I looked at Quackity, face full of thought before a smirk appeared on his lips and he looked up. He looked more confident and like he had a plan.

"I wanna come with." He said as confidently as ever. JSchlatt looked surprised.

"Quackity are you completely sure after what happened last time." He said and Quackity looked to the side before looking back at him.

"I am sure, I was a different person back then, just in case I'll brink something to defend myself with but, I am sure. Wilbur helped me so much in this short amount of time and I think it's time to pay back even if it's just coming with." He said before continuing. "I know how much Kristin means to all of them...Tubbo and Ranboo do great work here and don't even want much for it and Tommy and Phil over all do a bunch for a bunch of different people, Techno gave so many people an opportunity to bond over books or just talking in the syndicate."

Quackity truly had a feel for justice. I think-

"From what I've heard, Kristin was one of the kindest people they've ever met. I think she deserves to be back together with her family. If anyone knows how the angels function, it's me. I've overheard so much when they thought I was unconscious or dead. I know the most about background projects from being one. I can blackmail them."

Everything he said was a fact, everything he said he would do he could do. Quackity, the leader of Las Nevadas was truly something special.

"If it's what you want you can come with, but one last time, are you completely sure?" JSchlatt asked again.

"Yes, and I know that you two will have my back." He said smiling.

"Make that three." I finally spoke.

"You're also coming?" JSchlatt looked at me and I nodded.

"Angels mostly use things that attacks physical bodies, guns, bats, knifes, and physical fistfight violence. With me and Wilbur you basically have two of the best people to go with, Wilbur is a ghost and I'm a slime, if we want to, we can make our body's untouchable by those physical weapons. They can't hit us, but we can hit them ya know? Plus I've got some talking tricks up my sleeve." I explained.

"Damn that, that is actually very smart, how do you know that much?" He now asked, I just realized I blew cover.

"A slime never tells its secrets, anyways when are we going?"

"In a good 15 minutes?" He said and we all nodded.

"I'll ask Minx if she can jump in for me!" I said jumping up.

"I'm gonna call Puffy if she can manage stuff till me and Wilbur are back." Quackity said and left for the phone call while I went to get Minx.

Overall, I packed some stuff, aka a pocketknife, my phone and such cuz Schlatt said I should just in case. Then we met up in the kitchen of the mansion.

"So, here's the plan. We all go up there and we'll walk in a triangle with you, Quackity in the middle. I don't wanna risk anything." JSchlatt said and Quackity nodded understandingly. "Wilbur, you on the right behind Quackity, Charlie, you on the left and I'll be in front of him." He continued and we nodded.

"Should we dress anyway special or?" I asked and JSchlatt looked at us.

"I mean you and Quackity look pretty professional with your work clothes already but Wilbur? Maybe change into something that doesn't look like you were on a morning walk and spilled a blue drink on your sweater?" He said and Wilbur nodded and left for a bit.

After a while he came back wearing a new yellow sweater without the stain but with a white collar and the ends of sleeves peeking out from underneath so it was easy to assume he was wearing a white button up underneath, a long coat with a collar that was held open yet closed by two black straps on his chest, the sleeves were rolled up and he was wearing fingerless gloves, black slightly ripped jeans with a belt and black boots. The coat had a the L'manburg flag as an iron on patch on one shoulder.

"Better?" He asked.

"Fuck it sure, you look a little bit like a hitman which could help." JSchlatt joked and chuckled.

"Man, I haven't worn this in forever." He said as the other two already turned around to go to the portal garden.

I looked at him, there was a smirk on his face before I swear, I could hear a quiet mumble.

He said 'feels good to be back' I could be wrong though, after all it was quiet, and I was around 5 meters away from the guy... still was kinda weird n sketchy.

Anyways, we walked to the portal and JSchlatt explained that if the Angels do the tiniest sketchy thing we should be on edge. We agreed and walked through, now standing in a white hallway making our way down in the triangle formation JSchlatt had said we should do.

At the end of the hallway we walked through a big door into a room with angels and the president.

"Ah JSchlatt, you're right on time like always. It's pleasant after all the other representatives who turn up either hours early or way too late." He spoke, I hadn't been gone for all too long, so I still remembered how he seemed on TV and in the news. It was insane to now stand in front of him.

"Yeah, yeah we get it. Let's get to the point of this." JSchlatt said not bothering to sit down.

"Ah yes. It's surprising you got HIM" motioning to Quackity "with you. And who might the other people be?" The president said.

Wilbur walked in front of the line we've built, which the order of was him, Quackity, JSchlatt and then me. "Wilbur Soot, co-owner of Las Nevadas next to Quackity and one of JSchlatt's right hand men." He introduced himself bowing slightly.

"Oh, I've heard of you. Weren't you the wonder boy whose music got really popular out of nowhere and who was found badly injured when the big explosion in a west side of the city went off?" He asked Wilbur who just nodded. "Alright so I do have my facts straight, man it's great to hear from you, quite a few people morn your death."

"Let them morn I only perform privately and in Las Nevadas now." Wilbur joked smirking before stepping back giving me the spotlight.

I stepped forward "I am Slimecicle, Charly Slimecicle main bartender of Las Nevadas." I said with a tiny bow. Then got back into line.

"Anyways we are here to get the whereabouts of Kristin Minecraft." The goatman spoke.

"Right, right, well what do we get in return? Because we'd be very interested in your so called 'Quackity'." The president asked.

"You've seen last time; we won't let you have him. And if that's the only thing then how about we make the deal of you giving us Kristin's whereabouts and you won't get your ass kicked." JSchlatt said with a stern look.

"Oh, please you don't have Dream with you, and all eyes are on you. What could you do?" The presidents voice turned slightly bitter. JSchlatt looked at me. I knew it was my time to shine.

"First up Francis Newing from the middle part of heaven, city Nelingsburg, Council's mansion room 77 third floor, born to Leonora Newing-Seenly and Theodor Newing in the eastern part of heaven, small town Willownory, Williams Street 49, born 43 years, 7 months and 22 days ago, being exact 3 hours and 40 minutes ago. We know a lot more than you think." I started. The angel's eyes got big, and you could practically read off their mouths 'how does he know all that?'.

The president quickly checked the facts, everything was correct "H-Ho-" I didn't let him finish.

"For example, we know you cheated on your final's exams, not once, not twice but four times. Tried to bribe teacher's multiple times. Spread rumors about people you didn't like or past partners, poor Sabrina Ellions even had to change schools because of those. Would be a shame if word rolled out huh? We could also tell everyone about the tings you do to people here in the lab. Man, we have four people as evidence!" I continued smiling.

The anger, confusion and fear in the president's eyes grew. "Fine here." He said as one of the angels brought a letter to JSchlatt. "Just get the stalker kid out of here..."

"I'm not a child and that's just base information I have. Do you want me to go on? I have much more, for example I know you wet the bed at summer camp 'new sun' 29 years 5 months 3 days 5 hours and 2 minutes ago and blamed the camps dog who then got punished even though if you only would have admitted it no one would have gotten hurt." A slime never tells its secrets, but we love spilling others.

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT I GET IT! GET OUT!" The president was bright red. While me and the others took our leave.

"I'm impressed and terrified Charlie, good job." Wilbur said on our way to the portal.

"Why thank you!" I smiled at them all.

"I'll give you a raise and a few drinks on my tab." Quackity chuckled.

"Let's wait for that till we actually have Mrs. Minecraft." I said proud of what I've helped accomplish, many people may have waited for an epic battle where something blows up, but I like the face of people who realize the psychological horror of some nobody they've never met knowing more about them than they do, including the things they hope for no one to ever discover, major plus when you are younger than the events you state to them.

Schlatt looked at the letter pulling it out of the envelope. "I swear I've seen this guy somewhere." This attracted Quackity's attention.

"Show me." The cassino owner said looking over Schlatt's shoulder. "Yeah, me too...can't remember where though, Slime can you take a look?"

Now I looked over JSchlatt's shoulder "Yeah, he's a regular at the casino, he always talks to me when he comes by, sometimes he has some friends with him! Never plays the risky games but rather the arcade games we have and sometimes buys games in our game store asking me for advice on which one to buy. He's one of the people I'd consider a friend."

Schlatt looked at me. "That's great, he's the representative of the hell that Kristin is in at the moment! When does he regularly come in?"

I took a second to think. "Usually every week or so. He should be here later today."

"Even better!" Wilbur seemed exited. Then we went through the portal.

"I'll take care off the paperwork, call me when he's here and we can finish his part of the paperwork." Schlatt said then left to go to his office.

"Plan for now, me and Wilbur will assist you at the Bar today, you tell us when he's here so we can talk." Quackity said to me.

"Alright!" After that me, Quackity and Wilbur went back to Las Nevadas. Minx and Puffy went home after talking to us for a while, so we continued work like I usually did.

After a long while Mark walked in. "Hey Charlie!"

"Mark! Just the man I waited for!" I happily said and he looked confused.

"Why? Is there something special today?" He asked taking a seat on the bar stool he usually sat on.

"Kinda, may I introduce Quackity and Wilbur to you! These two are the owners of this place!" I said standing next to them. They all greeted each other, and I already called Schlatt.

"So, if I understand this correctly, you're saying that your mother is in my hell? Oh! Yeah! That could be! There is a woman in our hell who seems like a motherly figure to many, and she keeps talking about her family. Everything matches up, a husband and three adopted kids along with two she took in." This excited Wilbur more and more.

"How about this, first you and Schlatt finish the paperwork, we make a room free tomorrow and disguise it as a normal milestone event for the others, you invite Kristin on a day out, maybe bring some friends to not rise suspicion. And then boom family reunion!" Quackity explained his idea.

"Sounds good!" And exactly then, JSchlatt came in.

"Hello, I'm guessing you're Markiplier and the others explained everything?" Deals go down and stuff- I don't know I kinda tuned out then while cleaning some glasses. All I know is that I was invited to a family reunion.

So, the next day rolls by, my regular routine of getting ready is done but this time I enter work and prepare the room. I decorated, got a cake from Niki and all that stuff.

After a while Philza, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Technoblade came in.

"Welcome!" I said and they smiled. It was hard not to burst out in excitement knowing what I knew.

"Charlie! Lovely seeing you and congratulations to the company milestone!" Philza said patting my shoulder.

"Thank you!" Luckily, I'm great at thanking people for stuff I have no clue about ever happening. After that Quackity, JSchlatt and Wilbur walked into the room. Everyone talked and just had fun.

After a while Fundy called me to the front entrance so I excused myself for a 'work emergency'.

"Alright Charlie, you already know Jack and Ethan. Now let me introduce Kristin, Crumb and my dog Chica! I've told you about her! And Guys this is Charlie Slimecicle." Mark announced, Mark was a shadow and light type being which mixed into something that almost seemed like some 3D movie looking static around him.

Jack, also known as Seàn or Jacksepticeye was a demon with a glitch going on, not quite as Mark but similar to it as well as his weird green and blue eye. Ethan- I'm not quite sure what he is but he has a type of modernized steampunkish feel to him.

Kristin was just like the others described her to be just a tiny bit different since we all are a bit different from how we were back when we were alive. She had a big hat with some decorations hanging down from it, long black hair that curled a tiny bit, a long black dress with lase sleeves. Her eyes were completely blacked out yet had warmth to it, same with her smile. She had two pairs of black wings, one bigger and one smaller pair. I'm guessing she's a shadow type.

And Crumb- I don't think they'd be allowed to be in a normal cassino. But it was a special occasion, and she was accompanied by 4 adults, so it was fine as long as she stayed with them. They were wearing something a lot more comfy seeming than the others who were dressed up for the casino. This being a white shirt with a black and an orange sleeve as well as a tiny orange pocket with a small cartoon seeming cat, that had the same colors that the shirt, poking out along with some caramel brown shorts. Instead of a head they had a box with two cat ears, a cat face and two whiskers on each side drawn onto it. The left whiskers were orange and the right ones black, the left ear was black and the right one orange. The cat face was simply black, and the box was cardboard colored.

"PUPPER!" I bent down to pet the dog. "Also, nice to meet you Kristin and Crumb!"

"Nice to meet you too!" Both of them said.

"Alright follow me! I'll get some water, food and a cushion for Chica later." I started leading the way to the room. Fundy informed Quackity that we were coming. I opened the door to the room getting all off them inside.

"...Kristin?..." Phil said as he looked up.

"P-Phil? Wilbur? Techno? Tommy? Tubbo? Ranboo? Is it really you guys?" Kristin was tearing up before Philza jumped up and hugged her.

"Yeah! It's us! It's you!" He cried as the others joined the hug.

"All the paperwork is done so let's just say, welcome to your new home Kristin, only if you want of course." Schlatt said leaning against the wall.

"I-I do but what about Crumb. I can't just leave them there. In our hell there aren't as many people even near her age." She said torn.

"How about they move here as well, we have Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy who are nearer to her age than most people over there." At this point no one questions how I know this stuff.

"I'd be down! You guys seem nice!" Crumb smiled.

"I'll get the paperwork going. Mark, are you coming along?" Schlatt said and Mark nodded so they left to do the paperwork. We continued to party, have fun and reconnect

And that's all I'll tell you for today! You might notice I rushed a tad at the end, that's because my break is almost over and I wanted to get it done till then, I already took way too long, and the others are getting impatient!

Chapter: 11

Narrator: Charlie Slimecicle

Words: 4276
