WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE || The Birthday Shenanigans (part thirteen)

Ollie's POV

My eyes flit between Macy and the guy with bleach blonde hair. His expression being one of smugness and something else I can't quite describe. When my confused eyes land on Macy, the apprehension and anxiety she's giving off tells me exactly who this guy is.

I assess him once more, taking in his age and before I can stop myself, I'm talking.

"Hi, I'm Oliver. I'm guessing you're Jay?" I assume, standing up to put ny hand out.

Instead of shaking it, he just laughs, "I bet I'm all she ever talks about."

Lowering my hand, I offer it to Macy who has yet to say a word. I smile at her, hoping to get accross that I'm here for her. Her ocean eyes glisten slightly as she takes my hand and stands up, linking her fingers with mine.


"Actually I've only talked about you once when I told him you were the biggest mistake I ever made." She smiles sweetly at him, but I can tell from her eyes that she's nervous. My hand squeezes hers as I chuckle.

Jay glares at me, "Oops, did I laugh out loud?"

"Yes." Jay bites out.

Macy smiles at me, I can't help but feel happy that I caused it as I notice how her petite, smooth hand is warm and fits perfectly with mine.

A few months ago when I first started talking to her, it was instantly comfortable. Seeking advice isn't something I usually do but I was hurt from Bianca that I needed someone.

Izzy is too young, Mum is too drunk, and my dad... Well, he's gone. My non-immediate family and I aren't all that close. I have some friends, like Theo who I brought with me tonight, but it's hard to talk to them.

I know for sure that they care, especially Theo, but I don't want to burden them. That's why I called Heartache Hotline. What I wasn't expecting was to meet one of the most genuine people I've ever encountered. It's just amazing how she wants to help others, even after her own heartbreak.

Macy stiffening beside me shakes me from my thoughts. Or maybe it's the fact that she lets go of my hand.

My eyes refocus before they narrow. Jay's standing close to Macy, his hand on her cheek as he whispers in her ear.

A deep blush floods her cheeks as her eyes widen.

What the fuck did I miss?

I reach inbetween them, placing my hand on the assshole's chest before pushing him away from Macy. Flustered, Macy looks away.

Annoyance and confusion hits me. Why is she still so affected by him?

"Dude, back off." I grit, pushing him back when tries to step forward again.  "What did you say to her?"

Then he smirks, "She still likes me, Man, I'd be worried if I was you."

Is that why she's flustered? I think to myself. But I shouldn't care because-

"We're not dating." Macy speaks up, "We're just friends." My mouth twists at her words.

Before I can say anything though, someone's calling Jay's name and walks over to us in a blur of blonde and pink.

My eyes widen and I take a step back when she greets Jay with a kiss, not noticing us.



AN: Sorry this is kind of late! The last time I updated was 4 days ago and I was supposed to update 2 days ago oops 😅 life for reaaaaally stressful 😥

But hyello!

Were you guys expecting that little twist at the end of the chapter? 😏

Also, did you like that I surprised you guys with Ollie's POV? 🙈

And, did anyone notice the Billie Eilish reference? 😍

- Chloe

P.S. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 2K READS AHH I don't deserve it 😭❤
